Tuesday 11 April 2017

Something is wrong with my right eye.

Maybe I had been staring at the laptop's screen too much these days, it's kinda...what..itchy? (had to google for that because I forgot what it translated to in English). Thankfully, it isn't that bad, and I have no need for an eye surgery or some sort. That would be too tough and cost as much as it could.

Disregarding the random opening, I'm going to talk about something random next too. I'm wondering whether I should continue posting the same stuff that I had used to in the past, removing past the bits of immaturity that is, since I'd had grown now and hence, may be a bit more mature. Who knew..

My grammar is probably just as bad as it used to be, so I just kept typing without any awareness of such things. Okay, so..let's begin with something random. Hmmmm....

Now, I had finished for 5 years, my birthday is today, my education is currently going pretty smooth (I fucking hope so), I have no idea how to improve the appearances of my blog, and I think I'm going to karaoke again today.

That's it for now!!


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