Tuesday 25 April 2017

No idea for a title.


I don't have much free time to visit Discord right now but I do have enough to make another blog post, for whatever reason. Was thinking of making one yesterday but I think laziness got the best of me entirely, again. I'm just hoping that I wouldn't end up abandoning this blog again like I did back then, though then again, I don't have any ability to commence confirmation for that. People can get bored very easily, more so someone that's doing this just for the sake of it.

Inventing another randomness into the fray, I was thinking of rebooting my novel --- again, just because I think that I had a much better grasp in English these days rather than my days before. However, I did noticed I'm more akin to make use of a lot more vocabulary in my past, and I don't know why I'm losing the possession of more fancy words. Guess I had been consuming too much ants again. There's some kind of belief that stated if you were to drank ants, you would soon grow easy to forget things, which seemed doubtful, to be honest. Now, perhaps I should have been taking care of myself better as well, an action that I had been ignoring in some aspect like joining the force of exercise prevention and disregarding a quite mid amount of assignments. Seeing that I'm not really that ill-bodied nor am I'm an obese or easy to catch fever, would of course driven me to do nothing that could be called as an act of exercising and maintaining my body. I'll have been walking a lot throughout my life, like any normal human that is that relied on their feet everyday but, I'm thinking that could had been a form of exercise as well, and I'm relying on doing that solely for now just to keep my feet going, at the very least. My sister have been telling me to lift weights but ain't nobody got time for that. Concerning of my assignments, I'm not really interested at all with the course that I had been taking for these past 2 years and hence, it's natural for me to not feeling the obligation to do shit that I don't like, but at the same time, it is also natural to say that I'm a fucking idiot and a lazy dumb ass. I will still try to garner whatever strength I had and obtain the conviction to make changes to myself, albeit that's probably gonna take a while to happen. I must be hasty of course, as I'm not getting any younger and should've have a job by now but certain circumstances arrived sometimes. The best I can do is to make sure that I will be able to finish this Multimedia course of mine that's gonna be over by December this year.

Back at September 2014, my mother was sick due to a mild stroke that paralyzed half of her body. This happened days after I wrote my last post here, at least I think so, anyway. She was bedridden for months, and I took care of her along the way, with each passing days. I'd received the offer to take the course aforementioned before at a college that was located just 20 kilometers something away from me, and it was quite a blessing, truthfully. Being home bound isn't exactly good, and my mother was slowly recovering at the time. She's pretty much better now at this moment, but she still can't walk properly. It wasn't much of a hassle for this kind of event to transpire, in fact it might've developed me into being a better person, which is a fact that's false or true, who knew. I'm still wondering whether I would be able to become involve in any field that focused on English again, because I do like speaking this language very much and would be happy to get into a job that's in relation to it. After 10 minutes of staring, I'm gonna have to end this post here. There's some more works that need to be done.


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