Friday 28 April 2017

No idea once again.

Wow, I was making quite a bit of progress already on this post here when I was about to get into it, the whole things that were already typed gone, into thin air. Guess that's a bit of a problem with the android version there, quite an annoyance indeed, or its just me being a first timer in using the app version. I'm forced to used a phone to make this post here because I'm in a car right now. I supposed its back to the starting line again.

Its Friday night on 28th April. Being in this car already for half an hour is making me nauseous, probably due to all the bumps on the fucking road. On the way heading to the village right now, as there's a feast that's gonna be held there tomorrow due to a relative's marriage. Wasn't particularly interested in interacting with most of them since many just kept doing their own things whenever everyone would gathered, me included. All that could garner my interest tomorrow is dwelling with free food and all you can eat buffet. As a bit of a late reminder, this post is gonna be even more simplified because of the lack of conveniences that's available on the app version of blogger here, enhanced by the small screen of my android too.

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Another day.

Wednesday, 26/04/1997 ---- wait, 2017, clocked at 15:06 pm.

It's another day for me, nothing special had occurred. Haven't went to discord for at least 2 days because my line has been totally trashed by the service provider, and due to overwhelming amount of works all of a sudden. Guess it would have been more useful and easy for me to do these shit since back then but alas, I'm so lazy and predictable. Enough with the self mockery that has been accumulating since past posts for now which make me seems not assured and had weak faith of myself, I'm all out of cash, wondering where I did wrong. The money was inserted yesterday but for some reason, its totally out of bound just after a day, perhaps due to unnecessary expenses and the increased wages of daily items, that I had noticed been increasing lately, again and again. I'm not even sure why our country here is still running, but I ain't going that far into such section and talk about it here of course, because that would make this blog of mine as a target, no matter how anonymous it is right now.

Guess I'm gonna talk about anime or something here that would fill the rest of the paragraph here. I was thinking of making up a post with a better topic for the future, and of course, it shan't be operate at this very moment as its gonna be a material for future endeavor, rest assured. The anime that I had been following this season has been doing plenty splendid, just like it has always been, truthfully. I'm not abandoning any title right now, and don't feel like doing it too, which is good for my soul in one way or another. Just finished Rokudenashi and the episode felt a bit hasty, guess that they're skipping stuff there and here but it still feel great overall. Sisti and Rumia are very adorable characters. Jumping onto another boat, I'm also enjoying Frame Arms Girl very much, thanks to its full dosage of female characters and funny interaction between the girls of the show. It has been such a blast, definitely taking a liking to it mainly because the main protagonist that was focused on is a girl instead of another dude, that's usually served as the usual formula for such show. The rating for the anime was ridiculously low however, being at 6.06 on Myanimelist and 2.04 something on Anidb. At the end, it doesn't matter anyway, because personal enjoyment is all that matters for yourself, from my perspective, that is. To talk about some other things aren't really legible right now, as I really have no idea what's else to talk about and discuss. I had watched a lot of shows so far but talking about it hasn't always been one my strong suite. Got so works that needing to take care of too, should really get into it. Will let this post finish up here for now, and dwell into a better topic by the next session. 

Tuesday 25 April 2017

No idea for a title.


I don't have much free time to visit Discord right now but I do have enough to make another blog post, for whatever reason. Was thinking of making one yesterday but I think laziness got the best of me entirely, again. I'm just hoping that I wouldn't end up abandoning this blog again like I did back then, though then again, I don't have any ability to commence confirmation for that. People can get bored very easily, more so someone that's doing this just for the sake of it.

Inventing another randomness into the fray, I was thinking of rebooting my novel --- again, just because I think that I had a much better grasp in English these days rather than my days before. However, I did noticed I'm more akin to make use of a lot more vocabulary in my past, and I don't know why I'm losing the possession of more fancy words. Guess I had been consuming too much ants again. There's some kind of belief that stated if you were to drank ants, you would soon grow easy to forget things, which seemed doubtful, to be honest. Now, perhaps I should have been taking care of myself better as well, an action that I had been ignoring in some aspect like joining the force of exercise prevention and disregarding a quite mid amount of assignments. Seeing that I'm not really that ill-bodied nor am I'm an obese or easy to catch fever, would of course driven me to do nothing that could be called as an act of exercising and maintaining my body. I'll have been walking a lot throughout my life, like any normal human that is that relied on their feet everyday but, I'm thinking that could had been a form of exercise as well, and I'm relying on doing that solely for now just to keep my feet going, at the very least. My sister have been telling me to lift weights but ain't nobody got time for that. Concerning of my assignments, I'm not really interested at all with the course that I had been taking for these past 2 years and hence, it's natural for me to not feeling the obligation to do shit that I don't like, but at the same time, it is also natural to say that I'm a fucking idiot and a lazy dumb ass. I will still try to garner whatever strength I had and obtain the conviction to make changes to myself, albeit that's probably gonna take a while to happen. I must be hasty of course, as I'm not getting any younger and should've have a job by now but certain circumstances arrived sometimes. The best I can do is to make sure that I will be able to finish this Multimedia course of mine that's gonna be over by December this year.

Back at September 2014, my mother was sick due to a mild stroke that paralyzed half of her body. This happened days after I wrote my last post here, at least I think so, anyway. She was bedridden for months, and I took care of her along the way, with each passing days. I'd received the offer to take the course aforementioned before at a college that was located just 20 kilometers something away from me, and it was quite a blessing, truthfully. Being home bound isn't exactly good, and my mother was slowly recovering at the time. She's pretty much better now at this moment, but she still can't walk properly. It wasn't much of a hassle for this kind of event to transpire, in fact it might've developed me into being a better person, which is a fact that's false or true, who knew. I'm still wondering whether I would be able to become involve in any field that focused on English again, because I do like speaking this language very much and would be happy to get into a job that's in relation to it. After 10 minutes of staring, I'm gonna have to end this post here. There's some more works that need to be done.

Friday 21 April 2017

Another things to speak off.

Good morning. It's now at 10:12 am on Saturday, April 22th currently as I'm working on this. Just finished Hinako Note 3rd episode not a while ago and it is as heartwarming and moe as always. It was however honestly annoying for me to see how Nakajima Yuu kept acting toward the titular character, though luckily, she didn't continued with the overall negative attitude and Hinako displayed her affection to the new cast member. Guess it should had been expected for the route to go down that way because people wouldn't normally wanted to watch someone that kept being bossy and antagonistic in a slice of life shows, at least for me anyway. My sister also forced me to have a look at Re;Creators yesterday and oh boy, how glad I am that she make me did so. It was a brilliantly done show so far with interesting theme, characters and perhaps, a glaringly pathetic looking spectacle boy as the so called narrator but, at least he's pretty okay so far so I'm fine with that. Secretly however, I'm hoping that the show wouldn't be a harem, which might not seems to be possible due to the introduction of another "creator", plus the anime is very gender balanced. I'm guessing that the "creators" are meant to looked like actual normal humans for the sake of being realistic and following the theme that the show is carrying, Onward to another topic..

Putting up with a junction between paragraph here and there to make things readable, I was meaning to jump toward making a discussion about this 2 months old topic down here. I didn't realized of it until yesterday, when someone sent a link at Discord stating that GSC, a major film distributor around here had decided not to release Koe no Katachi (A Silent Voice) on their cinema. I'm guessing that I had been slow in noticing about these things because I haven't bother to surf the internet more often for information.

It concerned of the fact that back when Sword Art Online Ordinal Scale was airing on the local cinema here at Malaysia, someone/numbers of people deliberately was able to recorded at least 8 to 10 minutes worth of contents of the aforementioned movies using whatever sort of methods and subsequently uploaded the material online, which had also become the reason why GSC wouldn't want to play Koe no Katachi (A Silent Voice). This had as well resulted in the companies that's responsible for distributing the movie here to become outraged and had threatened to blacklisted Malaysia and Singapore from their next area of distribution. Disregarding the notion that I have no idea why Singapore is being considered as a participate in the crime which I believed to be held responsible by the idiots around this very country, some fans of course, aren't satisfied with the decision from Japan and had some backlash of their own.

Most people were infuriated and reprimand severely of the consideration for the blacklist, with some claiming that it is stupid to reduce the amounts of potential customers and they've (Japanese anime executives that's involved) also should had more of a backbone. Of course, as usual as it is with many Reddit threads out there, comments that spoke of the honest, brutal truth were down voted and ignored, whilst the speakers that shared the same, common thought with the other packs are carried onward on board a mat made out of gold silk. As anyone could see, I am not in agreement with most of the people there, and if I were to be blunt, they've just didn't realize of the bigger pictures.

Anime, as most knowledgeable fans would knew, are a niche entertainment, even in its home country. Most anime series that's aimed for teenage and adults only aired very late at night at Japan, and many considered anime otaku to be creepy, perverted, basement dwelling person that failed in life and communication. These stereotypes had been enforced since back then and remained until today, caused mainly by a person called Tsutomu Miyazaki that had killed kids during the 1990s, and also an alleged anime and horror fans as well. His crimes had stirred a national outrage, and affected others as well that had the same interest as him. Fortunately enough , now in the modern age, anime fans aren't looked down as being the devil incarnate as before, and perhaps that's why I thought that Akihabara, anime maid cafe, and other things in relevance could existed. Just last year, an anime movie had managed to become a worldwide known phenomenon, called Kimi no na wa or widely known as "Your Name", in English. Its dominance is perplexing and magnificent, garnered numerous awards and amazing achievements as well, being able to be the first anime movie to beat most Ghibli films in term of profits and were very close toward taking down Spirited Away in being the most highest grossing animation movies of all time in Japan. In accordance to the ranking, Titanic and Frozen were almost taken out as well. Meanwhile, "Your Name" had turned out to be the most profitable anime movies of all time upon counting its overall box office performance throughout the world, and that had to count for a truly legendary feat. Also, the success of the movie could count for a positive outlook for anime fans altogether as well, as not all things related to anime are child porn and disgusting, nasty drawing. Upon accessing my own personal view, I believe that anime fans nowadays, especially at Japan aren't being showered by much of the older assumptions anymore, which is good to hear for some relief or two. People still comes in droves to every Comiket and anime festivals, a truly good sign. If I was wrong about my outlook however due to insufficient investigations, I don't really care either way because staying negative isn't good.

Going back to the reddit comments, I was aghast (not really) seeing there's a lot of assumptions and unaware beings at play. Like I had said before, anime is a niche medium, and its movies doesn't exactly capable of earning much profits unlike, let's say, most real life drama that received movie adaptation, and heck, even a random new property could beat most earning that usually had been collected by anime movies thus far, like Get Out for example, a new horror entry that focused on racism. It's a far cry to make a profit comparison against the likes of major Hollywood franchises and Disney's creation, highlighting just how much of a bad stroke it would get if something like Ordinal Scale were to happened to any within its categories. It is not about wanting to reduce the scope of available and willing viewers and being judgemental, its more leaning to recouping the cost for the production of an anime movie that they, the creators sincerely deserved in trying to make back if its good and satisfying. There's nobody in this world that would be happy in knowing that they couldn't make their investment back, and its hypocritical to stand there speaking for yourself without taking in light of the opinions of those that's directly involved in a certain project. If you were to be put into the shoes of a person that's suffering from the failure or the leaking of your own hard work, then I imagine everyone would act just like those so called goddamn, ignorant, stupid Japanese executives. I think that the action done by the uploader of things concerned in this very post are very dumb, selfish and they should've think before they acted. It's good that those guys are supporting the things they've loved and all but don't ruin it for others as well if you are looking to make an earning/name for yourself by being the person responsible in the production of an illegal clip. I wouldn't say I'm gonna be sad though if this action continues and Malaysia were to be put into a blacklist, because we're totally deserved it for all the countless bootlegged anime that's still being on sale everywhere around this country.

A picture gallery.

Don't have much of an idea for the post dated here right now in errr, 23:42 am (pm?) on Friday so, I'm gonna upload some pictures that I had captured earlier in the morning. Visited a zoo, but its small so there isn't much species around. The entrance is free however, and it was still developing. There's a few interesting animals like the ostrich which seems like its trying hard to attack me with its beak, and there's also a monkey that's swinging in its appropriate area. It's not exactly a normal monkey however and I don't know the actual name of it. Actually, I had a lot more to say about this post right here but I kept spending too much talking to friends over at discord that I forget to work on this one instead. Hell, there's no reader anyway probably so, I'm just gonna post whatever I could, whenever I could. Tomorrow, I'm planning on constructing a lengthy post however about an interesting topic that I've just found, discovered at first by my close discord friend and he gave the idea to me. Gonna had to get started on it tomorrow. So, down here below are some pictures from the mini zoo and the surrounding coastal areas. Good night.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Something in mind.


Guess I wouldn't be re-using the pink font. I didn't make any post yesterday because it was a particularly busy day, as usual as it seems for this semester that would be ending by next month as I got two class at the same Tuesday unlike the other days. I'm about to finish this 3 years course, that would ended in December. The route traveled through to reach this far isn't particularly lengthy or bothersome fortunately, and my memory is pretty shit that I had forgotten half about the things I'd experienced last year or so anyway. I'm thinking of posting some of my thought in this post that I had been experiencing lately in a discord server, but I'm incapable of structuring a coherent piece that would focused on things after things in an orderly fashion so this rumbling of mine will be truly random and all over the place. Anyway, it's a place where I have been hanging out lately for the past 2 months, I think. It's a great server, filled with good people and a few that I managed to make friends with. I had mentioned this before but those friends there are primarily the reason for the resurrection of my blog, and perhaps, would drive me to return back to working on my novel as well as it has been abandoned for son long. I had always wanted to continue on it but alas, I'm simply too lazy to do it, or I may have no will as nobody is really reading it and I'll remained unmotivated, at least until a few weeks back.

So it is to say, loneliness is a negatively dramatic expression that would impacted just about anybody. It is a sad thing, conjured by the nothingness in life, created by the attention of no one and lingering depression from further emptiness. Well, to say that it isn't that bad like I've described it is inevitable but to believe that there isn't any level to it is wrong, even if there's nobody really saying that. Some out there may felt a tiny speck of quiet, and some would be driven to the edge of insanity due to the feeling alone. For most people, it is part of the basic needs to make for communication, because as proven throughout the history of mankind, talking to others would helped anyone in various ways, and there's no denying that communicating will assist in quelling that feel of loneliness. Certain people might not care if they wouldn't be able to speak with anyone at all, but that's rare alone I believed, due to the fact that everyone out there are given with feeling, though many might disregarded the ability of being able to "feel" for their own self motivation and thinking.

Speaking of myself, I'm a very emotional man, that suffered from loneliness myself in the past, due to past events of abandonment, bullying and severe beating, delivered by someone that I'm still living with in the same household. Fortunate enough, he isn't what he's used to be, but he still make dumb decision there and then which greatly angered me but there's not much for me to do, because they are reaching their 50s and at the very least, it isn't a decision that would make the family fall apart. Going deeper into my personal history shall I not, perhaps at a later date. Being lonely I'm still am, though it may have stemmed from me being purposely immature and needing attention given to me from time to time, even though that I'm a matured adult by now that has reached an age of 23. Not hoping to being seen as an individual that liked to brag, I had come across many obstacles, and undergoes throughout a lot of trials. Honestly however, it wasn't never something that would killed or ruined the heart of even the most bravest men, not worthy of considering suicide for but I knew a lot, read there and that, am familiar with numerous circumstances of self discovery but here I am, still being affected by mere loneliness and lack of attentions. To be honest, I don't actually think that I really knew what loneliness really does meant, because I had never spent that too long of a time without talking or seeing somebody and I'm always surrounded by people these days, and have quite an amount of real life companions. So, its sufficient enough to say that I might be just too goddamn selfish and should probably get shot in the head.

I am not saying that those that liked being noticed of by others are weak of course, as the entire things I'm typing here is of my opinion alone, and shouldn't be taken seriously as it is no word of a wise man, uttered by someone that is unknown from the internet. I think that we, as human beings, should always be with someone, or get into contact into anyone that we cared for, if we could. It isn't so much as that feeling of being alone would help shape you into a more determined being capable of withstanding countless challenges or at the very least, offered you the ability to survive without communication, it is that from talking to others alone that will to transform your life into better things. We learned from our experiences, and it comes in any shape of forms, even in language. I don't think anybody could learn how to passed well in school without the guidance of a teacher, unless they were born as geniuses, that is. Sure, exception remains, and many has been able to go on and on with zero interruption or feedback from anybody, but I doubted that the person would be normal. I'm not asking for anyone to warped themselves into society, if they shan't, as nobody should push a person toward following their own ideology. Honestly, I think that communicating will always be fruitful, be it in either good or bad consequences. For those that had anguished from the fact that interacting with another has caused them miseries in any sort of ways, at the end of the day, they still needed assistance, be it from the doctors of their families. It isn't possible to go on peacefully without communicating alone, and that's perhaps why I'm always sad and bothered that no one would answer me sometimes. Who knew, maybe it is the best way to toughened yourself and be ready for a quiet moment or two. Not much is really set into stone in this world.

Monday 17 April 2017

It was such a hot weekend last week.


Didn't do any update for 2 days due to the overwhelming heat back on Saturday and Sunday. Stayed home all day, there's an air conditioner but it's in my parent's bedroom so tough luck. Even with a fan that I put up during the night, it was still burning and so, I had to take shower once after two hours. It's not exactly that hot, as in 30'o C or more but since I'm pretty large in build, that doesn't help at all. I'm always wondering how does those people in the Middle East managed to lived in such hot lands since like, ages ago. I guess it's due to the familiarity and all, as you will tend to get accustomed to new things very well if you were to stay in an unknown environment for some time. I'll might been wishing to be able to stay in the Artic right now but surely, I would died and froze if I didn't have the proper equipment, and minimal adjustment to the severe cold. Hell, I'm actually at college, inside a room with a decent air conditioner right now and the cold's getting to me. If I can't stand this, then going to Artic would be impossible, not like I actually got a good reason to do that because traveling there for the purpose of staying cold isn't exactly a sufficient objective.

Speaking of more randomness, I didn't actually read SnK manga itself but I did read the wiki on hours end on the scorching weekend. I had garnered too much info concerning it unexpectedly, and I ended up reading everything there is about its secret up until the latest exposition. I wouldn't want to talk about that here of course because that would served as an immense spoilers. I have no actual fear of being spoiled myself because I liked it better to feel, or watch the material rather than reading bits and info about it on some heavily condensed piece on an internet page. I'll ended up reading a few pages of the latest chapter but I just didn't feel it so, guess I'm gonna wait until there's an anime adaptation that would reach the current point of the manga. I do however have few things to say about the current development, as we finally become exposed of the truth of the world. The revelation was amazing and brimming with awesome details, but it's carrying the whole series into a whole different perspective. Since large portion of the mysteries has been absolved, needless to say things has become much more open than before and the entire world has been broadened. It's probably hard to keep that suspense elements anymore, since there's a hint of something big to come and it's sure as hell ain't nothing small in scale. It's the similar expression that I had encountered while watching the entire season of that famous TV series, "Lost". You come to be acknowledged with the bigger pictures and its just ain't so fun afterward. I'm guessing that's what gonna happen when you took something that has been invented with the same theme for years and then layered it with unfamiliar substances.  


Friday 14 April 2017

Short Version Of My Impressions.


Yesterday, I told myself to make future post that concerned with the topic of my first impression against anything that I had just recently saw these past few days/months/weeks. To make it much lesser of being a completely and utterly painful experience for the sake of dear lazy me, I'm just gonna do a quick first impressions (I guess most first impressions are always seems hasty since it's like a short insight into things and doesn't meant to be constructed in great length) against the anime that I had saw in this new season, plus I'm in the mood for movie watching tonight. The film is called Unknown, released in 2011 and starring Liam Neeson as he starred as a man that apparently had lost his identity, which were stolen by someone else and not even his wife believes in his allegation. And so on, Liam Neeson's character must work with this one woman in order to get back into his own life. It's a really intriguing synopsis I must say, and I'm hoping to enjoy the movie as well.

I had watched quite a handful of titles this season, such as Tsuki ga Kirei, Shingeki no Kyojin S2 (of course), Rokudenashi no bastard teacher, Re;Zero Kara Hajimeru, Sakura Quest, Hinako Note and..I guess that's about it. It ain't that much still, but I'm planning on catching up with other title as well. As for now, I'm just gonna write a little thing or two about these aforementioned title down below.

 (Spoiler warning, of course.)
Tsuki ga Kirei is apparently about the tale of a classic romance route, in which where a boy meet a girl in middle school and started developing infatuation between one another. It's not exactly something like Ore Monogatari where the couple would confessed their fondness in approximately 3 episodes, which I would guess that this new anime isn't going to be following that path if it's currently progressing through a very slow motion like it is now, hence why I brought up the classic route thingy. Even though that this title doesn't seems to be designed to bring in something new to the romance plate, the pace it is going at the moment is proven to be an excellent choice, since middle school students aren't likely to be falling in love simply with an embarrassed look here and there whenever they've stared into someone else, as it's the usual age where kids would begin experiencing puberty and puberty itself can be some tough time to go through. The show is really solid, with a catchy opening but an even more amazing ending song, which has netted me as fan. Needless to say, the realistic depiction of pretty much everything in it is outstanding and I'm looking forward to watch more of what the show could offer.

Shingeki no Kyojin season 2 started off right away at the ending point of the first season that was made way back then in 2013. The long awaited sequel however is only gonna be produced with 12 episodes at this time, and I'm suspecting that Wit Studio is spending their resources to work on the Kabaneri films and sequel, alongside the 24 episodes planned Mahou Tsukai no Yome tv series. I'm not particularly disappointed with the choice to lessened the episode count to be honest, as it gave the studio more chance to work on other titles and I'm positively believe that the 3rd season of SnK would arrive much sooner than expected due to the studio's action. There's not much to be said about Attack on Titan, as it has always been an amazing manga and an brilliant adaptation.

Rokudenashi no bastard teacher, or whatever the original title is that I couldn't be bother to really give a shit about, is an anime about this young teacher that had been forced to teach students in an academy that taught its residents to master the usage of magic. It's a work that spawned from the collection of the most hated anime genre of all time, harem battle academy romance comedy or blablabla. Personally, I have mild interest with these kind of shows as well because I'm not a fan of a boy getting all the girls that hungered for his dick or romance kind of thing in general but I don't hate it unlike most members of the anime communities out there. I'd decided to take a look at Rokudenashi because of the change in the original formula, being that it's about a teacher this time, instead of being about some random guy that were forced to learn in an all girl school or some shit. I am pleasantly surprised by how great the show has been doing for me, and I'm a great fan of this dumbass teacher already, albeit I'm still hoping that this show wouldn't fall into a harem category. The world from which this show belonged to is gritty, with wars and deaths implied to be occurring on a few occasions there and then. The second episode had an attempted rape scene against one of the two main female cast, generated quite a bit of disturbing moment for me but the scene was also played as a comedy when its about to get even darker, due to the sudden arrival of someone. I don't have nothing against trying to lightened up the chaotic mood with a dumbass joke but I could see some people out there that would probably felt offended by how they are downplaying a rape scene. You can't pleased everyone.

Zero Kara Hajimeru is a fantasy set inside a turmoil filled world of magic and witchcraft. It has similarity with White Fox's ultra famous 2016 show in term of title, Re;Zero Kara Hajimeru no (whatever) and that's why I was making reference to it by the second part of this blog post. So, some dude is a white tiger like creature with a human built body, and hated witches that were usually captured, killed, crucified and burned by the church's people in that anime. He's also were hunted by them witches that he hated due to reasons that I had forgotten about. I liked the anime since its not your usual looking protagonist and the main heroine also have an outstanding capability in her magical prowess, sporting a delightful personality as well. There's not much that I could say about the show but I'm a strong fan of it for now.

Sakura Quest is an anime from P.A Works, and needless to say I'm enjoying it plenty, like most of the studio's works. It's like a parody of the standard old dungeon and dragon games or the zelda games, except with a single creature called chupacabra that's only a costume and had a king that is not of the royal bloodlines. It's an anime that took on the theme of tourism, with the materials in question are concerning the act of rising an old town to its once splendid environment with ye olden video game theme. I can see this anime being boring for so many people out there since it is realistically depicted, but that's how Shirabako started like and look where it is now.

Hinako's Note is a funny slice of life that I'm a huge fan of, since I'm a sucker for slice of life things. To be honest, I don't really have much opinion on this, though I'm really enjoying it.

I'm kinda getting sleepy now and I'm still haven't eat so there's bound to be lesser words as this post kept progressing. I might be able to work out a lot more longer stuff in the future but this is it for today. Good night to myself and any anonymous reader out there. Should really watch that damn movie now.       

Thursday 13 April 2017


It's now at 15:59 pm, dating to the date of 13/04/2017. I got a friend from Discord that said that I should consider posting less often and started making at least a new post once a week/twice a week or so in order to eradicate the possibilities that I might ran out of content to post, or it is better to do so since I will have more time to come up with a productive post. I have no idea whether I should agree to his advice or not, since I'm not really that fleshed out kind of guy and probably would much preferred to continue babbling about random shit in my blog just to keep the day going. I do however felt that I should input more structural focus into making sure that my post seems well structured, since even if there's nobody really around to read this blog, I'm myself might ended up feeling bored with myself and my blog since all I ended up might doing is generating posts with little values and insight, consisting nothing but weird rambling that just kept going on and on and recycled.

But, then again... It's easier to come up with a random post once or thrice so I felt compel to just kept doing what I had been always doing in this blog (minus the senseless bullshit that make me seems immature), creating stuff of marginal (or perhaps worth nothing at all) values one after another because I'm kinda good at that, maybe. 😂
I might create some very useful post from time to time, that is if I had an idea for it but for now, I'm thinking of typing the usual things like a song review, anime review, first impression of something, movie review or anything else that I could make a topic off. I'm not the kind of person to just blurt out baseless assumptions and crude, terrible things about a thing that someone else in this world might loved and fondle so, my opinion may be constructed in a kind wording without doing as much damage to a reviewed subject in order to avoid sounding like a dick. I hated people that just come out and spurted out as much of his/her negative opinions to people without making consideration myself and therefore, an effort to not being in one with the bullshit I despised of becoming shall be commenced in the future post. I'll also been checking some old posts from back then, and while I'm cringing at the same time, I noticed that I had been using pink colored font. Think I should stick to that color again, or maybe not.  

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Something is wrong with my right eye.

Maybe I had been staring at the laptop's screen too much these days, it's kinda...what..itchy? (had to google for that because I forgot what it translated to in English). Thankfully, it isn't that bad, and I have no need for an eye surgery or some sort. That would be too tough and cost as much as it could.

Disregarding the random opening, I'm going to talk about something random next too. I'm wondering whether I should continue posting the same stuff that I had used to in the past, removing past the bits of immaturity that is, since I'd had grown now and hence, may be a bit more mature. Who knew..

My grammar is probably just as bad as it used to be, so I just kept typing without any awareness of such things. Okay, so..let's begin with something random. Hmmmm....

Now, I had finished for 5 years, my birthday is today, my education is currently going pretty smooth (I fucking hope so), I have no idea how to improve the appearances of my blog, and I think I'm going to karaoke again today.

That's it for now!!

Monday 10 April 2017

2 years or so later.


It's been 2 years or something since I've last posted anything. I'm still breathing, life is going as usual as it has always been, challenges are plentiful but I don't give a shit and will keep going as far as I can. Like almost every other person out there, I quit blogging for a while because I've partially realized that some of my post are so angsty and immature (but do I really care about the general perception of the internet? Hmmm, maybe yes..) and due to one of human being most obvious weaknesses, easily being bored. I got tired in posting up weird and random things or the piece of unknown in my head, and just stopped right there that day, on the day of my last post Perhaps I had instigated upon myself to focus on the next new things in life, though I always kept wandering whether I should had just continue working on this blog down. Who knew? Maybe I should, because at least it gave me something to live for, existing aside the other things that mattered in my life and driving me though time and space. I'll also got a bunch of friends from a discord community that I hang around in since late January, and thanks to them as well, it let me have the pleasure to continue as their support and motivation is priceless. It doesn't matter if you can't see them, can't hold them either but at the end of the day, they are still someone that is willing to communicate with you and are your friends. I really appreciate them with the entirety of my heart.