Saturday 22 February 2014

Posting something that I want to post somewhere but it was ultimately rejected because that bitch is being a bitch but whatever dude because I'm the man of the world, babeh....

Why, hello there and nice meeting thyself, fellow competitors. I believe that today's discussion might be a bit wearisome in some part especially concerning the fact that it has none a single connection to anime or whatsoever but as the task were received, it's only natural that it is better to perform your obligation with the mightiest determination. However, as I am rather busy at the very moment this post are implicated in the comment section, I will not respond to any point given by the other competitor sadly, and I'm hoping that it doesn't meant a disqualification. Believe me, I am more than ready to become a pretentious fighter that tried as hard as he can to defended his point but since I am caught in something tonight like aforementioned before, I couldn't do anything else to fend off the opposition. I am quite really joyed enough to be posting it where there's at least a few people that would be willing enough to read the entirety of my post.

The topic were apparently about "We allowing parent to take control in the usage of mobile phone and gadget belonging to their sons and daughters".
In my stead, I gladly allowed for such a thing to happened, because of several fact that could brought numerous beneficial sceneries toward the family rather than inviting in a paragraph scribbles with miseries.
As to begin intervened in the line of posting up fact that I conducted, mobile phone is a gadget that allowed people to performed a lot of thing especially in this modern age, like messaging and calling other mobile phone, used it to listened to music, may be used as a map for navigation purpose and so on. It has numerous advantages, and disadvantages as well. For once, using mobile phone continuously may distract anybody, especially the children. They would spent too much time with phone that they might abandoned their homework, daily needs and everything essential. It's a parent's duty to avoid this kind of problem, and therefore it is profusely important to accomplished the mission of taking control over their belonging, more it is to ever pay more focus if that material is some kind of gadget or technology that could be distraction, like a Playstation for example of the next.

Playstation is a game console, and like any other port for gaming like X Box,Wii and PC, it has an importance of serving people whom has the need to released out their stresses by playing video game. As it is most definitely has a purpose of becoming a brilliant form of entertainment, it also been scientifically proven that by playing games, children may developed in a certain sort of way. For example, their skill with mathematics and solving puzzle will increased if they are exposed to a game that involved of what determined the skill to elevated in the first place. However, it also come up with more side effect rather than conjuring up positivity. Playing games too much will forced yourself to suffered from drowsiness, which could altered your movement and inflicted sore eyes, that could rendered you blind due to staring at the television nor the computer screen way too often. These kind of problem could forced you to ended up in death-defying situation, and certainly no good parent would want to see their children getting injured. Children that were obsessed with gaming will also delivered themselves a whole another set of problem, like another example is such one could't possibly communicated with other's very well, since they are too wrapped up in their world. Some might not attended school, making them a failure in the future. It's fully vital for parents to prevented their children from playing too much games, and doing too much in everything else would forced much more newer problem breathing down the neck.

As a conclusion, it is very wise for parent to taken fully control of the gadgets that is around the everyday life of their children, and many benefit could be raised just by simply doing such thing alone. Everything in this world has their own positivity, but negativity would also come along with it, no matter how simple or useful is that form were made to be.


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