Saturday 8 February 2014

Making another peculiar paragraph fixing..

Before :

what did Yasukuni problem come from? we must consider about it more. I think Yasukuni problem was made by China and Korea because they couldn't process their domestic problems. and I believe that Japan was too weak in diplomacy. there is no reason that this problem should be blamed by foreigner or foreign governments. it's natural to enshrine young people who devoted their lives to their country. I had engaged in President of Taiwan for 12 years. I visited 忠烈祠 (National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine) every spring and autumn. who are enshrined there almost have nothing to do with Taiwan. they didn't die for Taiwan. it's important to enshrine based on love for humanity. Japan should be independent nation. you may think I'm on the side of prime minister Abe. he went to China and at the very beginning and he said to China "let's make strategic trust together. I think it's good arrangement of stones at the beginning of a game of go(碁). many Japanese criticise Abe. but next move can't be without it. it's very correct way to make relationship with other countries. Japanese get scared if Chinese say something. Japanese news paper pick up it. you must not believe such a thing. I visited Yasukuni for repose of the soul of my brother. as a matter of fact, the top-ranking government officials didn't say so strongly as long as I know. lower officials are making fuss. we can't get along with other country without such a knowledge. it's not good that news papers pick up lower officials' say.

After :

Where did Yasakuni problem came from? must be reconsidered further by ourselves and other's as well.
I am thinking that the Yasakuni problem are caused by China and Korea because they couldn't process their domestic problems and I believe that Japan is too weak in diplomacy. There is no reason that this problem should be blamed to the foreigner or the foreign government. It's natural to enshrined and honoured young people who devoted their very love into protecting of their beloved country. I have engaged in becoming a President of Taiwan for 12 years. I visited 忠烈祠 (National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine) every spring and autumn. Those that has become enshrined there has nothing to do with Taiwan and they didn't even die for Taiwan. It's important to enshrined based on love for humanity. Japan should become an independent nation. You might perhaps think that I am siding with the Prime Minister Abe. He went to China at the very beginning and he mentioned to China a statement such as " Let's make strategic trust together". I think that it is a very good arrangement of stones at the beginning of a game of go (碁). However, many Japanese criticise Abe but the next move couldn't possibly be without it. It is a very trustworthy way to make relationship and form reconciliation with other countries.

Japanese can get scared if the Chinese mentioned anything. The Japanese newspaper would pick it up and spread of it's word about the material that the Chinese spouted. You must not believe such a thing. I visited Yasukuni for repose of the soul of my brother. As a matter of fact, the top ranking government officials didn't say quite as strong as far as I know. Lower officials kept making a huge fuss. We can't get along with other country without such a knowledge. It is not very good because the newspaper always tend to pick up information from the lower official.


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