Friday 28 February 2014

I like copy pasting my post from Facebook..I don't know why...

I'm not trying to revoke a war but I am here to provide a better definition on what does otaku really meant nowadays...It's true that in the past, being an otaku is considered a bad act in Japan, because those from such position always kept themselves hidden at home, and didn't do anything sociable and good for the country..well, I don't mind that they prefer doing such thing because I believe all of them have their own reasons but I will try to stay within topic..Nowadays, anime has become a lore of generating greater economic values in Japan, and such an evidence is that people are getting a lot more new anime each season, not like how it's used to be in the past..therefore,there's something that you may noticed from such position..most of anime nowadays existed because of the group of otaku back in Japan, as those people purchased them and allowed more spaces for anime to fact, I believe that without the existence of otaku in Japan, we as outsider wouldn't even get any anime in the first place since Japanese otaku or anyone that purchased anime in Japan are the only group of people that supported the anime industry. All right, I just talked to my Japanese friend, and the definition of otaku are still the same just like how in the past in Japan, but I believe that it is not fair to judged these people just because they tend to become a shut in..These people actually generate a better economic values for Japan by purchasing anime merchandise and so on..anime industry is one of the best form of business around and one certainly can noticed that this fact is true because anime industry is, getting bigger..otaku also meant someone that is obsessed with something, be it in anime,games,book or really meant somehow like nerd back in America...but you can't blamed these people for being a social outcast...they aren't economy destroyer for sure, because otaku would always purchased something that they are obsessed with in high amount..these people become like that probably because they are ignored,hated upon,never received any form of attention or whatsoever, therefore they tend to focused on something else that make them being hated because they don't want to returned to the society that ignored them..I taken pity with some of these people, because most of them aren't being treated fair enough and they hide in fear of being step upon again...seriously, you can't simply judged a whole bunch of bad diagrams to somebody just because they are being called with something that other people are disgusted must investigated of their past as well because everyone has a reason for turning down into being somebody's also important to noticed that even though not all otaku were nice, most referring themselves as otaku never involved in something that bad society would offered, like smoking,doing drugs,or anything that common teenagers would indulged in..Please noticed that I mentioned of "Not all otaku were like that". I wouldn't want anyone to misunderstood..For me, being able to become an anime fan is really great, because I can enjoyed a form of entertainment that is capable of letting me learned a lot of lessons, and I don't have to resorted into doing something that would make me involved in negativity..Anime is also something that can make me flow a river, and make me feel tremendously happy as well..I'm a man of few emotion in the past, but since I'd discovered anime, I have changed a lot, and I like making weird jokes in reality and all doing all sort of thing that I wouldn't possibly be doing if I weren't to noticed anime in the first place..some people become better once they become an otaku, and I'm glad to belonged in the department of severe interest and I thanked God everyday for allowing me to become like this..Being an anime fan or an otaku if you might call it is a great thing for me, but it's all depending on you in the end..


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