Friday 28 February 2014

I like copy pasting my post from Facebook..I don't know why...

I'm not trying to revoke a war but I am here to provide a better definition on what does otaku really meant nowadays...It's true that in the past, being an otaku is considered a bad act in Japan, because those from such position always kept themselves hidden at home, and didn't do anything sociable and good for the country..well, I don't mind that they prefer doing such thing because I believe all of them have their own reasons but I will try to stay within topic..Nowadays, anime has become a lore of generating greater economic values in Japan, and such an evidence is that people are getting a lot more new anime each season, not like how it's used to be in the past..therefore,there's something that you may noticed from such position..most of anime nowadays existed because of the group of otaku back in Japan, as those people purchased them and allowed more spaces for anime to fact, I believe that without the existence of otaku in Japan, we as outsider wouldn't even get any anime in the first place since Japanese otaku or anyone that purchased anime in Japan are the only group of people that supported the anime industry. All right, I just talked to my Japanese friend, and the definition of otaku are still the same just like how in the past in Japan, but I believe that it is not fair to judged these people just because they tend to become a shut in..These people actually generate a better economic values for Japan by purchasing anime merchandise and so on..anime industry is one of the best form of business around and one certainly can noticed that this fact is true because anime industry is, getting bigger..otaku also meant someone that is obsessed with something, be it in anime,games,book or really meant somehow like nerd back in America...but you can't blamed these people for being a social outcast...they aren't economy destroyer for sure, because otaku would always purchased something that they are obsessed with in high amount..these people become like that probably because they are ignored,hated upon,never received any form of attention or whatsoever, therefore they tend to focused on something else that make them being hated because they don't want to returned to the society that ignored them..I taken pity with some of these people, because most of them aren't being treated fair enough and they hide in fear of being step upon again...seriously, you can't simply judged a whole bunch of bad diagrams to somebody just because they are being called with something that other people are disgusted must investigated of their past as well because everyone has a reason for turning down into being somebody's also important to noticed that even though not all otaku were nice, most referring themselves as otaku never involved in something that bad society would offered, like smoking,doing drugs,or anything that common teenagers would indulged in..Please noticed that I mentioned of "Not all otaku were like that". I wouldn't want anyone to misunderstood..For me, being able to become an anime fan is really great, because I can enjoyed a form of entertainment that is capable of letting me learned a lot of lessons, and I don't have to resorted into doing something that would make me involved in negativity..Anime is also something that can make me flow a river, and make me feel tremendously happy as well..I'm a man of few emotion in the past, but since I'd discovered anime, I have changed a lot, and I like making weird jokes in reality and all doing all sort of thing that I wouldn't possibly be doing if I weren't to noticed anime in the first place..some people become better once they become an otaku, and I'm glad to belonged in the department of severe interest and I thanked God everyday for allowing me to become like this..Being an anime fan or an otaku if you might call it is a great thing for me, but it's all depending on you in the end..

Saturday 22 February 2014

The very very quick and straightforward definition of Malaysia's otaku according to my own opinion. (Cursing Letter Is Everywhere.)

Yeah, this is just my idiotic opinion and I don't care of you want to be mad at me just because I wrote and post this here out in the freaking desert. Don't read it if you don't want to be angry and especially don't read it if you were one of them character that I am trying to speak off. This post is the more relentless version of my definition toward Malaysian's otaku. There's a nicer one designed already but it is unfinished and were to remained in the draft until further notice. Well now, feast your eyes on my more negative preposition instead.
(Please be noted that I am not judging the entirety of Malaysian's otaku while typing this paragraph so, don't need to profusely accustomed me with the title of a person that only preferred to look with a "single eye", because you do not know how I look like nor do you know where I live nor how my real characteristic turned out to be.) me a bitch or whatever, I'm just being honest.

I really am sad, very sad indeed. Most of the time, I'd like posting something with many sentences, because it is something that people with at least a pinch of knowledge always prefer in doing. I'll also like to read them or any body else's long post, because it may helped me to developed a more throughout thinking method or getting a larger grasping in the field of wisdom. Unfortunately however, a lot of people never seemed to like reading long post, even though I'd posted it with a much shorter length than this one. It was a really simple question, something that I wanted to do just for fun, and yet nobody seemed to know who she is and from which anime is she from, even though that anime was made in 2012. I don't really mind if people didn't answer it but come on, even the most shittiest of post that were available in that group has I noticed that it is breaming with comment! I asked of thee something good, having no ecchi relation or anything of negativity, and yet I have not a single fan and those ecchi post that everybody else kept posting was very well received. Where in the world is the sense of conduct of Malaysia's otaku? Not only that I have instilled hatred against this land because of the government, now I had to hate it much more for the reason of the bratty Malaysia's otaku always acted like a bunch of assholes! Most of those idiots never like to read anything longer than a sentences, and just put up a "Like" or something without commenting anything! What, do you think that "Like" of yours is going to cured up cancer? Creating a comment wouldn't healed cancer either but at least, I know that there is someone that cared for a reading! A post that has only a few words that inscribed of nothing properties always managed to become a hit, along together with ecchi related post, displaying gore or such images containing bragging relation. I don't know what is wrong with the head of this nation's otaku, but I am really hoping for a better change of pace other that this bullshit I am having..These people failed me though, and now I just need to remembered in mind that western otaku are still greater than this nation's otaku even though they also acted like a bitch sometimes.. Still, they aren't bad at minor sight and rarely would they typed weeaboo, the most fucked up letter in the world for me. It's completely the opposite with Malaysian's otaku though, as they kept smearing everybody else with the knowledge of "weeaboo is more shit than otaku" when in actuality, otaku were also described as weeaboo. Well, fuck the creator of that word and fuck these Malaysian's bitch ass so-called otaku. I'm not even sure why I would have the gut to relaxed out with these idiots in the first place. It's fun though getting to know the better people among these pack of wild cards, and those that I am fond of is still by my side. I think that it is very hard for me to find a diamond in the rough vicinity, obviously. I am capable of locating a few diamond despite of all these hardship, and I don't want to give in now because I'm still trying to locate the emerald and I wouldn't be done until I felt of extreme tiredness.

My point still stand still however. Malaysian's otaku are mostly stand apart of mind boggling teenagers that has more interested with ecchi anime more than anything, couldn't be bothered to check upon a more matured anime, always like to considered themselves better than the so called weeaboo, has small percentages of idiots that like being selfish and name-calling other people without having a care in the world, like to brag and asked the most stupidest questions, and like acting like a foolish damnation. No, I'm judging them not because I am mad that they haven't been replying to my post because that would be the most absolutely thee most disgusting thing I had ever would have done. I am giving them names due to my experience recently. I have numerous evidence concerning my claims but I can't provide them, unless you have Facebook yourself and joined a lot of otaku group belonging to Malaysia. I am not really willing to exposed myself into succumbing even more pain to instilled within my heart but I will still tried to locate for an emerald. Call me an idiot or a fool or whatever you may like, like I give a fuck about it anyway.

Posting something that I want to post somewhere but it was ultimately rejected because that bitch is being a bitch but whatever dude because I'm the man of the world, babeh....

Why, hello there and nice meeting thyself, fellow competitors. I believe that today's discussion might be a bit wearisome in some part especially concerning the fact that it has none a single connection to anime or whatsoever but as the task were received, it's only natural that it is better to perform your obligation with the mightiest determination. However, as I am rather busy at the very moment this post are implicated in the comment section, I will not respond to any point given by the other competitor sadly, and I'm hoping that it doesn't meant a disqualification. Believe me, I am more than ready to become a pretentious fighter that tried as hard as he can to defended his point but since I am caught in something tonight like aforementioned before, I couldn't do anything else to fend off the opposition. I am quite really joyed enough to be posting it where there's at least a few people that would be willing enough to read the entirety of my post.

The topic were apparently about "We allowing parent to take control in the usage of mobile phone and gadget belonging to their sons and daughters".
In my stead, I gladly allowed for such a thing to happened, because of several fact that could brought numerous beneficial sceneries toward the family rather than inviting in a paragraph scribbles with miseries.
As to begin intervened in the line of posting up fact that I conducted, mobile phone is a gadget that allowed people to performed a lot of thing especially in this modern age, like messaging and calling other mobile phone, used it to listened to music, may be used as a map for navigation purpose and so on. It has numerous advantages, and disadvantages as well. For once, using mobile phone continuously may distract anybody, especially the children. They would spent too much time with phone that they might abandoned their homework, daily needs and everything essential. It's a parent's duty to avoid this kind of problem, and therefore it is profusely important to accomplished the mission of taking control over their belonging, more it is to ever pay more focus if that material is some kind of gadget or technology that could be distraction, like a Playstation for example of the next.

Playstation is a game console, and like any other port for gaming like X Box,Wii and PC, it has an importance of serving people whom has the need to released out their stresses by playing video game. As it is most definitely has a purpose of becoming a brilliant form of entertainment, it also been scientifically proven that by playing games, children may developed in a certain sort of way. For example, their skill with mathematics and solving puzzle will increased if they are exposed to a game that involved of what determined the skill to elevated in the first place. However, it also come up with more side effect rather than conjuring up positivity. Playing games too much will forced yourself to suffered from drowsiness, which could altered your movement and inflicted sore eyes, that could rendered you blind due to staring at the television nor the computer screen way too often. These kind of problem could forced you to ended up in death-defying situation, and certainly no good parent would want to see their children getting injured. Children that were obsessed with gaming will also delivered themselves a whole another set of problem, like another example is such one could't possibly communicated with other's very well, since they are too wrapped up in their world. Some might not attended school, making them a failure in the future. It's fully vital for parents to prevented their children from playing too much games, and doing too much in everything else would forced much more newer problem breathing down the neck.

As a conclusion, it is very wise for parent to taken fully control of the gadgets that is around the everyday life of their children, and many benefit could be raised just by simply doing such thing alone. Everything in this world has their own positivity, but negativity would also come along with it, no matter how simple or useful is that form were made to be.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Posting Plot~

I'll decided to make a few alteration to the storyline of my doujin novel, Helferis. I'd noticed that the first work was a bit tight on the haste level and it's basically too fast pace but no worries because I will redo it.
Well, who are there to be worried except for me , right?..huhu..*forever alone in my blog*
I will post the bit's of plot in Arc 1 thus far. I will divided the whole section of the story into Arc, just like how they do it in the long running anime like One Piece, Bleach, Naruto e.t.c. This below are what is completed as of now. I will update this post as soon as it is complete.

Plot Point Of Arc 1
-Hero coming into town, killing bunch of looter with extreme bloody result
-The town is overridden with immense evil at night. Oblivious to this fact, she kept staying there until the next morning, plunder has arrived in the shape of a man wielding a katana.
-Battle goes on, with neither were determined to incapable of killing one another : same power level. He leave the scene and acknowledging himself as Ka de Leonard before waving goodbye. Hero also stated her name and move onward back home after crashing almost every possible shop asking for information regarding her father. It was to no avail, and she returned to her staying place. In the next morning, she decided to ventured deeper into the town, and saved bunch of children from thieves in a dark corner. Those children are important, as they are enslaved by the leader of the corrupted gang within the area. Abuse and morality, and other real life issues are to become an effective theme starting onward.
-She managed to find a place to stay somehow, and wandered the night before encountering another person being mugged and this time, it was a girl known as Quell Tyia Hyme. She is unarmed and suggested herself to be lost, and wanted to stay together with the hero.
It was an unavoidable request, and Quell stayed at the hero’s temporary home.
-The next morning, Quell has gone missing and the hero stumbled back upon the children that she rescued earlier. Those children mentioned that they are earning money, in order to be sufficient for them to escape out of the city. Through acute observation, the hero has confirmed that the city is abundant with abandoned children that has no place to make a settlement. The two moves ahead right after the hero gave them the location of her staying place and told that they need to go there if they wanted to. They knocked as usual, and the hero advanced deeper into this thick black city that has not much of a wealthy home apart from the earlier stage of the city and the matter of prostitution and slaves are enlarged and sickening to the eyes. The hero saw a slave being hit and she rescued him and punched the owner with a deranged look. A lot of people are frightened and the boy that were saved ran away.
- Tyia Hyme appeared out of the blue thereafter, making up a excuses of she has gone beforehand to booked them a place to eat at a better side of the dark city. From there, they talked about many thing, and Tyia explained of a bad guys that ruled the territory, that were said to be very powerful and terrifying, and in control of one of the biggest human trafficking module throughout the whole continental, and speak of that her life might be in danger due to the fact that she has punched a man before. The hero spoke of no fear thought. A topic concerning an army association named S.O.L.A has been covered but that will be discussed in the storyline. The hero has crazy motive of wanting to asked the most powerful man in the city regarding of her father’s location, but it really served as a joke because she does not have the obligation to fight against him just for the city.
-They leave the premise but under attack by an assailant with huge retractable hammer as a weapon. His name is Mark Lancer. She fought him but was left opened at some part and Tyia inevitably get in the way and suffered from heavy injuries. The hero was mad and fight off against the guy, rendering him overwhelming damages as well before he decided to make a run for it.  Tyia and the hero make off to the hospital. Due to her new friend’s hospitalization, she drowned in grief and sorrow and vengeance, wanting to exact revenge but she still kept a cool head and went home because Tyia awakened suddenly and told her that she should forget it and go home. Her friend is still immobilized however and the hero make the trip back onward because she wanted to obeyed and have not such a stubborn characteristic.
- Back home, the children are there but they are crying because they are mugged once again. Once thing calmed down, they told the hero everything, concerning their ambition and a bit of fact about the main rival in the city that kidnapped most of the adult in the area and sold them to a faraway land, including their parent whom situation are undetermined. Teenager were also seized. The hero developed a lot more feeling of wanting to steer clear the land off the invading parade but most of the time, she was still unsure due to fear of taking risk.
-Mark Lancer that fought off the hero are showed kneeling before a man.
He was apologizing but the man refused to speak up and kicked him so strong that the person before him literally crashed into a wall that crumbled completely. This anonymous entity’s face was revealed later, with him looking as a young man with thin moustache and wearing a business suit. Mark Lancer recovered really quick and apologized, before stating that he will try to kill the hero once again. The business suit wearing man speak up and denied his request, stating that he would wanting to come after the target himself.
-On another day, the hero is standing beside Tyia’s bed, looking at the sleeping body.
Soon after, a guy came in inside the room and he acknowledge himself as Sir Richard Mortensen and told the hero that he is the man she was looking for. The hero was furious and they have a big fight outside of the building. It was quite a battle of feat, before Sir Richard has taken out the main hero by a fist to the cheek. He is a hand to hand combatant but he also armed with a knight’s sword, thought he never used it. He obtained  quite a damage however, but his expression was rarely changed from being standard during the course of battle. He threatened to do something that would put the hero is horror, and immediately moved to Tyia’s room.
The hero was furious and ran off after him, shocked to see the man is pointing a gun at the unconscious party. It was not a single alarm before he released the trigger. The girl was shot and the hero was devastated and fall down to her knee. Richard shot the hero as well in the head, and her awareness erased.
-The hero arise in a hospital room, at the same place where she has been at before. The two children that she knew, Eria and Phil, are crying beside the bed and are happy than it is to be seeing that the hero has put up resistance against death. The doctor are amazed of her resurrection as she was likely to be dead than alive, and yet managed to surpassed it and most of her wound are heal with a speed like no other. Once her mind is stabilized, she asked of the doctor about Tyia Hyme, and they told her that her death is imminent and her body was already carried off. The hero is furious, but the doctor told her that she should just leave town.
The doctor also spilled the beans regarding of the hospital stuff are under Mortensen’s control, and that they are ordered to throw the hero’s body into the dump but he (the doctor) didn’t do so since he is sick of following a madman. The hero thanked him, and she was send off to her home, along with Eria and Phil. From there, the hero thought up a discussion of her own, involving on her ambition to find Mortensen and punished him, not only for the death of her friend but due to liberating everybody else either way. The children didn’t disobeyed much, and the hero told them to stay put as she is readying her mentality and weaponry.
-Following the next day, she destroyed a lot of home belonging to the prostitution and slaving business, and there’s an abundant of offence but she fend them all off and succeed in making result of huge riot throughout the area all by herself. The battle between her and the other opposition resulted in a bloody mayhem as she is intended on taking down the entire district.
As time has passed, the hero has managed to gained intelligence concerning Richard’s hideout and thrashed it. As expected, the target was there. They talked a lot, before he called somebody. To the hero surprise, the person that comes was Quell Tyia Hyme.
-That person isn’t dead as the hero’s thought she did, and she speak of becoming another henchman for Richard. She gave explanation regarding herself being undercover in order to entrapped the hero, but failed to do so since the hero is hard to be pulled away. Thereafter, they wouldn’t talked anymore and Tyia began attacking. Their fight goes hard, and the hero learned a lot regarding of Tyia’s power. By the end of the chaos, the hero has won, but were inflicted with severe damages. Her enemy has fallen, remained immobilized for a moment.
(There’s a lot of hidden conversation between these characters during battle but it shall be mentioned in the actual storyline.)
-The hero wanting to take Richard down, but she is rendered almost useless due to injuries. Before she was almost killed by the main enemy, Tyia came forward, and managed to land a hit on her ex-boss. Pretty soon, a duo was formed, and they fight Richard together.
(It’s  a bit haste because I don’t want to go into too much detail here.)
At the end of the day, the enemy was defeated, and the hero has fainted, and Tyia’s glimpse was slowly missing from her vision.
-After a few days of recover, the hero has awakened, and Tyia were by her side along with the other two children. They were happy to see her awakened. Tyia explained about how the town has change abruptly ever since the hero has gone into rampage, changing it into a better town to live in and all the entire bad opposition lead by Richard has been pinned down. Speaking of the devil, she asked regarding of his location, and it seemed that the person has been missing ever since he has lose.

And cutting it to become really short, the children didn’t come with Tyia and the hero on their adventures, presumably because they are still too young and decided to stay on the city instead. The hero has an ambition of finding her father, and Tyia were also wanting to do the same.

Saturday 8 February 2014

Making another peculiar paragraph fixing..

Before :

what did Yasukuni problem come from? we must consider about it more. I think Yasukuni problem was made by China and Korea because they couldn't process their domestic problems. and I believe that Japan was too weak in diplomacy. there is no reason that this problem should be blamed by foreigner or foreign governments. it's natural to enshrine young people who devoted their lives to their country. I had engaged in President of Taiwan for 12 years. I visited 忠烈祠 (National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine) every spring and autumn. who are enshrined there almost have nothing to do with Taiwan. they didn't die for Taiwan. it's important to enshrine based on love for humanity. Japan should be independent nation. you may think I'm on the side of prime minister Abe. he went to China and at the very beginning and he said to China "let's make strategic trust together. I think it's good arrangement of stones at the beginning of a game of go(碁). many Japanese criticise Abe. but next move can't be without it. it's very correct way to make relationship with other countries. Japanese get scared if Chinese say something. Japanese news paper pick up it. you must not believe such a thing. I visited Yasukuni for repose of the soul of my brother. as a matter of fact, the top-ranking government officials didn't say so strongly as long as I know. lower officials are making fuss. we can't get along with other country without such a knowledge. it's not good that news papers pick up lower officials' say.

After :

Where did Yasakuni problem came from? must be reconsidered further by ourselves and other's as well.
I am thinking that the Yasakuni problem are caused by China and Korea because they couldn't process their domestic problems and I believe that Japan is too weak in diplomacy. There is no reason that this problem should be blamed to the foreigner or the foreign government. It's natural to enshrined and honoured young people who devoted their very love into protecting of their beloved country. I have engaged in becoming a President of Taiwan for 12 years. I visited 忠烈祠 (National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine) every spring and autumn. Those that has become enshrined there has nothing to do with Taiwan and they didn't even die for Taiwan. It's important to enshrined based on love for humanity. Japan should become an independent nation. You might perhaps think that I am siding with the Prime Minister Abe. He went to China at the very beginning and he mentioned to China a statement such as " Let's make strategic trust together". I think that it is a very good arrangement of stones at the beginning of a game of go (碁). However, many Japanese criticise Abe but the next move couldn't possibly be without it. It is a very trustworthy way to make relationship and form reconciliation with other countries.

Japanese can get scared if the Chinese mentioned anything. The Japanese newspaper would pick it up and spread of it's word about the material that the Chinese spouted. You must not believe such a thing. I visited Yasukuni for repose of the soul of my brother. As a matter of fact, the top ranking government officials didn't say quite as strong as far as I know. Lower officials kept making a huge fuss. We can't get along with other country without such a knowledge. It is not very good because the newspaper always tend to pick up information from the lower official.

Working diligently on making a newer paragraph based on a wrecked translation..

The defense attorney were preparing a supplemental motion created by the American council without altering in the defense truncation of council Kiyose by the day before.

George A. Furness claimed that a truly fair trial should be done by the representative of a neutral country completely unrelated to the war. The trial of determining winner by using those that were involved in such thing in the first place can never be fair. Afterward, the council Ben Bruce Blakeney took the witness and mentioned and insisted that war isn't a crime. Why is such a statement were concocted by the entity?
He said that international law have never regarded wars for the pursuit of national interest.
By looking back into history, the trial consisted of war planning and execution has never been considered as a crime. We know that such an aspiration from the prosecution would try to make a new law in this trial but an attempt in itself would cripple the new realization of law based of high order, therefore the causes of action named crimes against peace has to be rejected by this court of law.

Blakeney also stated that it is false and illegal to judged individual for the act of the state. International laws is intended to be adapted for a nation and not for an individual. It is false that this court would judged a new crimes of war by the fault of a single individual. His discussion went on shortly after.

This clauses wasn't printed in as no interpreter were available by that time but these days, it were displayed as a stenographic records that were published in Japan recently.
Reasoning of Blakeney wasn't necessarily intended to attack the inhumanity of the new weapon or the atomic bomb from the front. However, in those day of May 1946, under occupation, it must have aroused the court of law formed into the UN today to refer to the atomic bomb.