Tuesday 8 October 2013

Something spotted yesterday..(Mixed Language Post)

Good morning once more.
I spotted an interesting post yesterday while i was googling around a title of "Anime Influence To Malaysia".
I did this due to being lodged in boredom and curiosity strikes me at the same time.
Of course such a result didn't brought upon much positivity,as many rather claimed that anime brought nothing but only bad influence which could altered the young generation's mind..i would do everything in my power if i can to denied such a fact but since most anime that were transported to Malaysia are mostly bootleg a.k.a unoriginal CD and were commonly assured to be an 18+ series for adult,it rendered me speechless as these illegal anime shippers only wanted to bring the bad one here for the sake of gaining more profit..well,i do have to say this to them though - Go die in hell fire,tyrant..
They brought nothing but shameless name to anime,as there are as many matured and perverted scene free anime out there with better themes and storyline that could taken down the entire Malaysian's television show down which mostly consisted of love story,relationship affair and love polygon - easily said it to be,the entirety,if not 99% of Malaysian's show are about love,including it's movies,which brought it to be outward disgusting and repetitive..

Well,before i dwell any further,i would like to post a link to the post i was talking about..here it is..
It's a religious site for Muslim,so whoever out there that doesn't understand Malay or isn't a Muslim would be better off not accessing it..


The post in this page is quite old,certainly aged around 2 years for now and what they do are discussing about how anime brought dangerous influence that would willingly destroyed a Muslim's faith so easily.
(well,that's probably the original purpose of such topic anyway...if not,please forgive me..)

Certainly not all post in such a place appeared to be negative,as some were to believe that anime has it's positive side and not necessarily could endangered everyone..of course this would be approved but there are one post there that's certainly catches my drift..

pengaruhnya anime pd beberapa pelajar Uitm :

1- Rambut mcm kartun : ada pacak2-kaler lain-
2- pakaian pelik : nak kata koyak,tak koyak
3- muamalah : tak matang-crying babies-
4- CTU101 : failed

Let me simplify it..

1- Is there something wrong with people having other colour for their hair?..Muslim allowed for the change of colour in hair,though it have to be specified and the act of hair colouring isn't caused by anime...those spiky hair are what you would called mohawk,and certainly not originally from anime in the first place as they have existed even in the 80s and brought up to level infamous by the Americans..

2 - Dude,those are fashions created yet by the Americans..it's rare to see character in anime wearing a torn up shirt unless they engaged in combat previously..

3 - Holy..you are mad for people not being matured?..then,how would you like it if everyone is serious and never have the urge to make a laugh?...personally i love crying,since it make my stress go away..do you expected to be able in living up in such expressionless world?..i could struggled up with this one all day..

4 - Don't know what is this actually,but whenever if that someone failed a subject doesn't necessarily meant it was caused by anime and instead it was caused by their own laziness..don't blame anime on everything..

Please forgive me if there are any American out there that are feeling insulted by the fact that i am saying the American created Mohawk and the torn up clothing fashion..actually,isn't that a true story?..

Anyway,i don't really mind if you are a specifically religious person,but if there are any other post like this that make off with an attempt to make a blatant statement without solid proves,then i am sorry to say - you are simply immature.

They also discussed how manga affected the mind of child in bad ways..i cannot justified sufficiently,as there are quite numbers of bad manga as well as good one but as far as i know,most manga that were translated into Malay are all heavily censored (cigarette being erased,kiss scenes deleted e.t.c) and there aren't many that contained numerous pornography..unless they were to obtained it in the internet of course then that's a different story because most manga that were uploaded in manga site are certainly more matured than the one being sell at the local supermarket but they were mostly in English and everyone knew how younger Malaysian mostly can't speak nor read english...learning english is undoubtedly hard as i aforementioned before in other post that i took at least during the age of 14 to obtained a better english skill..i trusted the fact that older ones like the teenager can certainly read these english manga but it's fully depended on them whether to brought upon that so called evil influenced upon themselves as they are old enough to learn about the bad nor the truth..damn,if i were to saw a young child that could be interested enough to read an english manga that has an improper scenes then i would have killed off a creature because younger ones are attracted when they could at least understand it,not by picture's scrambling alone,unless they are at the age of 4 to 6,whom could't possibly be affected by 18+ scenes in the first.

Manga that were published in Malaysia are unlike the anime ones,as there are rarely any bootleg version available and i could certainly proved that by my own experience.
I been buying a lot of manga since 2008 and never once i spotted a hentai manga being arranged among the bookcase..if there were to existed anyway,i wouldn't have known it and it's their own fault for buying such a thing when they cannot even comprehended it.
Any other matured manga that focused onto supernatural theme or other matured topic could sometimes be seen though,but they are not on the level of ecchi nor hentai and instead were fully published by a legal manga shipping companies like Gempak Star..please don't tell me that proper inspection isn't done toward a well certified companies because that's just plain one-sided..

Another post among other's in the link previously stated this..

Kebanyakan anime diselitkan unsur lucah walaupun anime tersebut dituju pada kanak2....

This is quite true and we can definitely saw this in anime like Shin Chan when he kept doing something perverted to others or himself plus there are also scenes in Doraemon where Shizuka were frequently seen taking shower every time Nobita wanted to come to her house through that door that could bring anyone anywhere..actually,these kind of scenes are meant to be a lesson to children,where once every time Shin Chan were caught red handed in a perverted scenes (which mostly by his mom) he most likely would be slapped on the cheek or otherwise..if he doesn't received any physical injuries then,everyone would ended up screaming at his foolishness...
This undoubtedly tell that one cannot certified committed such an offensive action..Shin Chan were seen a lot of time messing around with his mother,but that's just for laughing gag and served as scenes to connected the bond between the family more deeply..whether you noticed it or not,Shin Chan's mother,Mikasa or Misaki or something would garnered a lot of attention for his son whenever he's in trouble and that of what you would called a motherly love..pertaining the Shizuka's shower scenes,that's in fact as to more to served as a fanservice scene,though i believed that the original manga writer,Fujio F Fujiko would probably wanted to let children discovered the anatomy structures of a girl..whether these anime or other anime has 18+ scene or not even though it's labeled as a child's show,one thing certainly matter - those anime has better lessons in them that could fix upon a rapture heart..don't just look at it on the bad side,look at it through the brighter one instead and you would discovered a golden fairies..
That word "kebanyakkan" or "mostly" though,isn't true,because there's a lot of anime that doesn't have perverted scenes like Tamayura,Hyouka,K-on and blablabla ippai dakara!...it be better for that person to investigated first before making off a lying statement.

Among all the post in that first page only topic,one truly stands out in front of my eyes..

Assalamualaikum. Sebelum saya teruskan perbicaraan saya, saya ingin memohon maaf terlebih dahulu jika apa yang saya katakan ini adalah salah dan tolong perbetulkan jika pendapat saya salah.

Saya tak nafikan, anime dan manga amat digilai oleh para remaja dan juga saya sendiri. Saya juga menggilainya, jujur saya katakan. Sebenarnya, baik buruk dalam suatu perkara ini bagi saya adalah bergantung kepada penilaian dan tindak-tanduk dari diri masing-masing. 

Anime mempunyai kelas genrenya tersendiri iaitu:-

U - tontonan umum
PG13 - kanak-kanak bawah 13 tahun perlu mendapat bimbingan dari ibu bapa
18SX / 18PL - tontonan 18 tahun dan ke atas sahaja

Saya dapati anime agak berbeza dari kartun, kerana dalam setiap penceritaan anime, mereka menonjolkan nilai-nilai moral; persahabatan, kekeluargaan, kasih sayang dan sebagainya secara mendalam dan jangan lupa, anime turut mendedahkan sisi gelap manusia. Plot seperti mendapat kuasa ajaib dan sebagainya itu hanyalah sebagai cara untuk menaikkan lagi mood cerita dan menekankan lagi nilai-nilai moral yang ada dalam anime tersebut.

Contoh, anda mendapat kuasa ghaib. Apa yang akan anda perlu lakukan dengan kelebihan itu? Pastinya anda perlu menggunakan kuasa itu untuk melindungi orang yang anda hargai. Itulah sebenarnya yang cuba ditekankan dalam cerita tersebut.

Jujur saya katakan, saya menonton anime sebagai medium pelajaran sampingan saya selain sekolah (dulu, kini sedang menunggu tawaran universiti) dan ibu bapa. Saya menonton anime kerana saya ingin mencari nilai-nilai moral yang perlu saya praktikkan dan apa yang saya perlu pelajari tentang manusia dan erti kemanusiaan dan sebagainya. Jadi, saya rasa tidak salahlah untuk kita menonton anime, asalkan kita tidak terpesong. Kerana menurut saya, anime adalah medium utama bagi orang Jepun untuk mem'promote'kan budaya mereka kerana orang Jepun sangat bangga dengan budaya mereka. Bukanlah saya ingin mengagungkan budaya mereka, tapi saya rasa itulah yang patut kita contohi, bangga dengan budaya sendiri. 

Kerana anime, saya belajar banyak perkara; hormat ibu bapa, hargai persahabatan dan jaga hubungannya; lakukan apa sahaja demi orang kita sayangi. 

Kerana anime, akhirnya saya jumpa siapa diri saya sebenarnya sebab selama ini saya langsung tak kenal dengan diri saya, malahan saya terlalu membenci diri saya kerana tak mampu lakukan apa-apa. 

Walaupun saya minat anime, saya masih ingat tanggungjawab saya sebagai pelajar dan hamba Allah. Alhamdulillah, mujurlah baru-baru ini, saya mendapat keputusan yang baik dalam SPM. Kini, saya mula bersolat dan cuba mencari banyak ilmu tentang agama walaupun tak seberapa. Mungkin anime adalah salah satu cara dari Allah untuk mengubah sikap saya yang teruk dahulu untuk menjadi lebih baik pada masa sekarang.

Kerana itu, saya sangat suka menonton anime kerana saya boleh faham tentang dunia ini. Kalau ikutkan buruk, saya rasa Barat punya filem lagi teruk, seks dan sebagainya.

Saya tak nafikan ramai orang kata saya tak matang sebab masih lagi tengok anime, tapi kalau saya tak tengok pun, apa bezanya? Adakah saya akan jadi lebih matang? Dan apakah 'matang' yang dimaksudkan mereka itu? Adakah kena ada 'makwe' ke apa-apa yang saya rasa tak ada kaitan langsung tu?

Sekali lagi, saya minta untuk diperbetulkan jika ada kesalahan dalam pendapat saya ini, dan maafkan saya jika pendapat saya ada mengguris hati saudara semua.

This post above will forever stayed in my mind as one of the most dignified post i have ever seen.
To put it into a shorter summary,basically he's an anime loving religious person (much like a close friend of mine) and supported anime for having a lot of lessons that is even more better than any other entertainment..he mentioned how he's still remembered God and frequently becoming more intensified in searching for knowledge everyday because he has stumbled upon anime that has changed his life entirely from scratches,much like how anime also changed my life from being a wandering person that has no goal toward becoming a persona that has his own ultimate dream..
He and myself are undeniably the same and how would it turned out to be really if we are to meet against one another..he think of anime as a subject that fully given to him by God so that he can revived a new breath within his heart and that's how i pictured my own self as well..back when i didn't even realized of the existence of anime even though i been reading manga for quite a time,my heart always in constant miseries due to loneliness,scared of having strayed into a bad path because i have no ambition and the songs i been listening to are mostly cursing ones that has no literal meaning..

Now that i am forever awakened,i have my own dream of becoming a teacher nor a lecturer and performed my studies and teaching at the future in Japan..my heart is stabilized and i shuddered more tears of happiness and for the purpose of cleansing the soul than i ever realized plus i even managed to meet up with my best friend ever,all due to being acquainted with anime..my songs all has meaning now and many sounded just like heaven especially if it were sang by Ceui nor Akiko Shikata or Hatsune Miku,though some song in my captivation may be metal but the lyrics are perfect and only once in a while i would listened to these metal songs..

Nowadays i have a life,a real life unlike many other people that doesn't realized of any dream..for these reasons alone i am forever in debt and thankful to God,for creating something so unique in this world like Japan,anime,manga and e.t.c...

I shall continued to walked upon this earth everyday,in the hope that my dream someday would be fulfilled and at the same time i would still remembered HIM out there that has given me a new hope and direction.


EDIT: I forgotten to mentioned something...if you look back at the page that is accessible through the link way above,you may noticed that long and positive post that i like has none a single response to it at all..
This just goes to show that those people around that rather religious site has no mean to taken a realistic opinion into action...they simply ignored it and some just wanted to quote back at a negative post instead...how ignorant may this world may be toward an anime lover i wonder..all they wanted is to believe the darker side and put a blind eye to a better institution..if that of what you would rather do,would that make you qualified to become a God loving person?


Yumie said...

To those people Anime may seems tkelok dn tkmndtgkn faedah sebab mereka tkprnh tgk pun cme tgk scene-2 yg trtentu je.. hmmhmm Pengaruh rmbut pacak dtg drpd anime eh..? Habes tu.. stail rmbut wrne-warni Korea, org Malaysia follow tkde pulak nk bising.. lagi pelik-2 stail..

p/s: gomen ne.. I kinda lose the mood to post long comment again.. -_-" but i try my best ><

Arisa Lucifiria said...

Good luck...=3

Yumie said...

Oh well...everything have good and bad sides ne.... tkboleh nk slhkn meka gk..

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