Thursday 10 October 2013


Good morning..such a cold morning today..the air is breezing with the flow of wind and the coldness was aggravated by a continuously spinning fan on the ceiling..i did mentioned it was cold,and anyone with logical mind couldn't possibly turned on the fan at this current time but i ain't exactly surrendered myself to the chilling atmosphere yet so i decided to think, "Let it just be opened anyway"..

The title of the post today is "freund",which is a German word for "friend"..
I wanted to talk about relationship..many people these days doesn't actually considered the word "friendship" to be of much of a striking value..betrayal among the so called friend can be seen everywhere and everyday,for example when he told that somebody to keep a secret,the other would immediately spread out that secret that would be acknowledged by everybody else like wildfire..of course,it's depended whether the secret given are bad or simply one thing he just wanted to shared with a close friend..if it belonged to a classification of reversal good that could get either of your friend or yourselves into trouble,then it be better to informed that to a police or someone dependable in the family..though not many would be brave enough to do so once they listened to a scary truth like that..however if the secret are something he or she has been keeping long for just themselves and decided to passed it on to a trusted entity,then it would be highly suggested to not simply tell the other about it if he/she is a loyal friend..either way,be it bad or a private topic,telling another person of it would always be what you called as betrayal - but it's an another story if the person that first decided to shared the story approved of the information sharing..i supposed betrayal is allowed if a factor like trouble could get into either opposition existed,plus we couldn't possibly endangered ourselves and just pray and hope for that friend to turned on a new leaf if that secret is leak...not all classified information can be kept to oneself,especially if trouble would aroused for as long as we the only one that is informed of it..

Some people in this world really prefer to be late whenever he/she decided to meet with the others..i have experienced this a whole bunch of time and the probability of having this problem is even bigger if you befriended a male..i never doubted for almost the entire person on Earth suffered the same them that frequently like to arrived before everybody else,being late is a simple matter but you can never determined how the feeling of the person whom waited long for them are like..some people just dislikes waiting and it could turned into a feud if that person like being late,acting like a selfish being..i don't really mind waiting as it have been my favourite activity even since i become an otaku..(downloading takes a lot of patience and it would be more challenging if the internet connection are slow)..
Though,i don't know why i would classified waiting as an least it build a lot of patiences and having patiences is really noteworthy..but it doesn't usually brought off a good result..(waiting that is)..
If you have a friend that like stalling themselves to everywhere they are headed to,it would be most likely for you to be in trouble with themselves like being angry by the teacher,lecturer,manager e.t.c because you are late just like your friend are despite it's not being your fault..they whom like to messed around with time would probably turned out to be your best or good friend or sister or whatever but it be truly wise for you to go on ahead rather than standing by and get punished after ward just because of the other's's life must only be lead by the person themselves and by involving one-self with certain predicament due to selfishness of others isn't a wise thing to do..those whom stalled for fun are certainly not a friend that carried around a good example and it would be much better to advised them to not being late all the time or mayhem could ensues..i have done this before to a friend,and thankfully he changed bits by bits..if you however has done what i did and not a single change could be detected,it is advisable for you to leave them behind because putting up yourselves with that much trouble isn't going to be worth it..let them received consequences for their improper action..people that doesn't have a shred of patience is a different thing,and would probably left you behind even though you are only a few minutes late..i bear a lot of grudges for people like this and it would be really,really wise for you to abandoned someone like this..these impatience type are commonly bad tempered,prefer to have everything his/her own way and always acted like a spoiled brat..they hate advises and what come in from the left ear usually come out from the right,meaning they are prone to ignored what you said and like to considered everyone wanting to be like them..i am tired of facing this type of person and i swear,the likelihood of them would never have peace are unmeasurable..-_-
Of course this doesn't applied to every impatience being out there as it is just my personal expression...i'm not meant to offended anyone and i would never do that so,i hope for your forgiveness if you were to think badly of me..impatience people may have their share of problems too,and that's why they acted such way in the term of negativity...i believe that by helping them would be a better solution..

I would like to focused on the last paragraph..even in this day and time,people whom valued friends over everything still existed,lurking somewhere coursing through the world..these kind may acted rather extreme - like for example they could turned out to be overprotective,frequently messaging nor calling your number or kept giving you messages either on Facebook,Twitter or any other social sites..whenever you met face to face with them,they would likely hugged or crying over you stating how much they missed seeing you around...these kind of phenomenon applied to both boys and girls,and i would considered it to be a very good ways on developing toward a better relationship..although there are certain side effect that the public only wanted to see whenever those kind of event happened..they would quickly assumed that those people look a lot more like couple than mere friend and sullied them by saying the boys as gays and the girls as lesbian..there's nothing more i hate than the gratuitous negativity toward what it's meet the eye..
If it was still the time of at least 50 years ago,we can see a lot of those really loyal friend that would like to do everything that i have stated previously but thanks to the bad concept that were developed in this modern day,everyone whom like to do so remained low and their number are may come into a true revelation,or had occurred already a fact that friend whom like to keep a bond in such way might turned out to taken a liking in each other and become "you know what"...but those type of people isn't that high in number and they can still be cured by psychiatrist..there is no need to assumed that everyone whom stayed together too close would become a couple and it doesn't matter if their gender are similar..if the gender however are different,then i guess it's not a fault if they turned out to marry each other in the future..
What matter is that,giving a close friend of the same gender either a nickname of gay or lesbian or gave a nickname of couple to close friend with different gender isn't a polite thing to do and quite immature indeed..
The result in such an action would undeniably split apart a whole group,and it can even affected an entire civilization and it's all caused by humanity having bad discretion..teenagers of Malaysia mostly loved to give the nickname of couple to every boy and girl that like staying together and various result may be born from that fatal mistake..they may stayed apart from another due to being feared of public's childish thinking and eventually they grew far wide and forgotten one people whom responsible not feel sin at all,seeing that such event has taken a progress just because they stated a horrible insinuation? 
Not all people can easily be accustomed to extremely loyal friend and among boys especially it can be predicted that a very loyal friend couldn't possibly have any friend at all because a lot of boys can't accepted such way..many man didn't like getting bothered or smothered by one of the same gender,so they may ignored a loyal friend and didn't talked with them at all afterward..the same event may occurred among the girls too...
I can however understand that some people need privacy but i bet that very loyal friend didn't have that much interaction with those around him/her when they are young - possibly because they moved around a lot or been living somewhere quiet before moving in to the city..hence,they acted such way..we should at least give them a space in our life,because that sort of person required attention that he/she didn't get before and who knew,if we collaborate,a reward would come up our way someday..all that were required now is to tell that person on how we ourselves need spaces as well and i can foresaw them understanding your suggestion.
Building a lot of friend is a good way to developed through the world and believe me that it may helped during the afterlife as well..

That's wrapped this post up...since i have a two week holiday,i will tried my best to post in this blog everyday...perhaps i should informed this sooner,as there is only one week left...maybe i typed it already but i don't know..


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