Sunday 3 November 2013

Insinuate Another...

It's a double or i have the need to insinuate another,but it may come in short sentences like the last one below..i ain't really doing anything productive with this blog,as i always churned out random things and spoke about weird topic and such but hey,this is my second home..i have the privileges to do anything to it no matter what it is and what time it is..Home Sweet Home..

I wanted to say something about this world,who wouldn't know Facebook,the world most used social site?..unless he's been living under a rock or simply still a baby then that's no surprise..without a doubt,when my internet is bugging..i meant when something as popular as Facebook is being used in the wrong term,it would brought down an incomprehensible consequences..Facebook served as an essential medium to spread information or to gained information across worldwide and it's also served as a stage for people to get to know each other..not only that it can be a platform for free and fast easy messaging,it can even provided people the chances to get some extra money by posting up advertisement all over the desired place,letting people to know of the product they are offering to sale..undoubtedly,Facebook offered a lot of benefits,but even the most flawless thing has flaws,therefore not making it as flawless as it's seemed..forgot to mentioned that it is very beneficial for Mark Zurkerberg as well..people are donating him tons of money everyday..he should at the very least tried preventing poverty with that Everest-sized money of his,but he did not..

Throughout the world,Facebook are used by gangsters,drug dealer,crime lord family and many other kind of assailant as a form of communication with the respective client,though the police force around the world keep a heavy tab on the Malaysia,teenagers frequently used it to spied on girl's account,stalking like the assholes they are..(sometimes i've to cursed if i am angry..if you don't enjoyed it then i would be more careful next time..)
Not only that they stalked,the more braver one would messaged them and started flirting..the most obviously idiotic fact is that the girls which are being stalked willingly upload their real photo for everyone to see,and got angry when someone delivered them a love letter!..some would even replied to the messages given and offered up her dignity when they in contact with each other in real life..the boy whom have passed with flying colour would then leaved the girl whom is probably pregnant as he just doing it for the fun..either side is seriously at fault here but the girls is the flying crusade that has inflicted mega damages to herself for being so submissive..the boys may be the devil but the girls are the fallen angel..the consequences of these free sex are wide spread as it was the cause of why numerous infant could be seen on the side walk almost everyday during the darker days of Malaysia in January 2012..while Facebook can be partly blamed for spreading free sex,the user are actually the one at fault as they doesn't realized of the sins that awaited's a common occurrence for non Muslim to performed sex before married in multiple countries because they aren't bound by their religion's law but it even happened here,in the land where Muslim endeavour and once's heart wrenching to see teenagers these days let it loose as easy as they can be,and once you tried to advised them,they would either replied by saying "damn you" or "why would you care?..this is my life"..well,**** you..

What i'm trying to say is that most Malaysian's teenager can be extremely stupid when it comes to using Facebook,as they seen it only as an instrument to find lovers or as a place to posted up even the most useless thing on their status page..Facebook is a very useful tools but too much people used it for the's not a surprise that one day,that social site could be vanished suddenly from the face of the Earth..


Yumie said...

Thats so true.. :V
next time i ll be more careful.when it comes to using my own pic as profile picture.. ><Thank u for.the brilliant post..

Arisa Lucifiria said...

You welcome and i hope you continued in the right way..thanks for commenting..: )

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