Friday 22 November 2013

Foolishness -Reboot-

Let me be honest with myself..i didn't edited the last post and input this reboot there because i just want to obtain more post's my freedom man,so leave me alone or blog is my other home and it's also a place for me to rant all alone without anyone noticing,so there's no need for me to make a post count gadget or a traffic live feed..i remove it now,really...i don't know how to set this blog on private though so whatever...if you managed to find this thing anyway and wanted to read the nonsense in it,then please be my guest whoever you are..i'm not trying to attained attention by making such post like this either so please be quiet and keep away from here,thou whom doesn't have any connection with me..

Editing commenced at near midnight..i was to be stuck in disarray due to a certain improbable factor but at the least, i will try patching myself up from this, i want to make another meaningful discussion on this blog...right now i want to continued talking about a factor that make personal self hard to make friends with girls..Girls (especially Malaysian one) frequently though that once's a guy wanting to be their acquaintance, they would probably want to be couple..

EDIT: God,i'm not exactly having the mood to this nor the time but let me continue once more because yesterday, it was a deadlock match against tiredness..

Being a couple with the opposite side of the gender isn't necessarily a bad thing (maybe) because love helped developing us into a more responsible being and matured,unless our feeling of love is fake and ain't mutual..but people these days especially male tend to forget everything else once they are dwelling in gratuitous love score,ended up ignoring their friends and will do anything for the little bitch..oh sorry, did i just cursed?..forget that..anyway,this isn't exactly what i wanted to talk about..

Girls love making a scene when a male decided to be their friend,unless they have no feeling of affection just like me..i didn't like this word "love" at all,as what you can say - i'm pretty much a weirdo? is nothing to my eyes but word and i wouldn't be attracted by a mere sight of a girl's breast because that would make anyone look as foolish as they can,i'm certainly not gay damn it and let me living it up in my own tiny world..the thing is,why do you must treated a lot of male as if they wanting to be your boyfriend, oh almost all dear girl?...why can't we just get along together as common friends?...there's no need to developed a deeper relationship if you don't want to...i'm especially encountered this same problem for a lot of time,where once we are concocting a friendly demeanour with an opposite gender,they would either blushed or begin saying sweet words like honey or what the hell it is,which annoyed me to the point that i would like to punched somebody in the freaking face...perhaps this is just me experiencing it or else the world would have turned upside down...either way,this post is ending and it has to be the worst post ever to be posted here...

God,why can't i think of something better to typed?...


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