Thursday 31 July 2014


Finally, the first chapter is done.

It’s a very windy night. The tree’s branches are swinging and old leaves falling down to the grounds and staggered. Darkness has concealed the forest. There are four moons in the shape of a crescent noticeable on the black sky, each separated a few distance from one another and forming the structure of round. Its presence has generated a strong ray of light that helped highlighted a few part of the forest below that is mostly consumed by the creeping shadow. A traveler’s passage has the most visibility of all area, seeing that there are no trees in such section to block the moon’s light. Time cannot be determined precisely but it is assumable that it is quite late at night. Moving forward to a small clearing located somewhere in the seas of trees, a firewood is spotted, quite timid in fact is burning, resulting from the event that had happened once a few stick of wood is gathered at a single position and then, someone would light a match nor form a small fire in their palm and thus, set upon these set of stick an ignition, letting it burned. Quite far from the firewood, a figure is available. This entity is a girl, sporting a peculiar white hair, white eyelashes and maybe a white pair of eyes too. It shan’t be seen, since she is sleeping soundly. Despite not vividly easy for people to see, her apparel could be spotted. She is wearing a normal pair of black shirt and chocolate trouser, though it more likely to be an inside clothing rather than the main costume. Nearby, a faint light glimmered. White gauntlet and armor, alongside a sheathed sword and a skirt reinforced in a plate of thin armor colored white as well are arranged beside the aforementioned girl. The wind had calmed, and its cooling breeze sundered the girl in a deep slumber, until she evokes sleep talking.   
“Thought not for lesser tongue, naught learn of thy fate to come”.
Her soft, quite childish voice has embarked on the journey of discovery.
“Besieged by foul tempo and disturbances rated impossible, thou shan’t walk this world”.
She uttered these words oozing with weirdness, before stating another.
“And thy, cooked this potato soup for me… Hehehe”.
While she gave of a smug, her body rolled down the square shaped stones that she is sleeping upon that make a role as a mattress and subsequently, she has fallen.
Following the next morning, the sun has risen. Beautiful sound of nature is subjected for one’s hearing ears. Chirping birds, sound of streaming river, noisy crickets and all sort of variety belonging to the woods can be listened to. There’s even the sound of a rambling girl, as she walked through below the tall trees.
“I wonder why do I always kept moving around in my sleep. Next time, I would be sleeping on the ground”.
The daylight has enabled a full description for this anonymous entity. Has she put on the collection of armor that resembled a knight, with the sword that has a blue guard etched to the belt. She looked really beautiful, young and slender. However, her eyes aren’t pink but a blue. After passing through lot of trees, arrived thus herself in another clearing. Wearing of the expression of seriousness is quick to decay upon she has sight the origin of the sound of the flowing river.
“There’s a lot of river”, and so she speaks.
Route reaching downstream is attained from memorization. She make it there, and noticed a lot of fishes, either medium ranged to small are browsing through the crystal clear water. Some has hide once detected the girl’s approaching shadow as she get closer.
“They look very peaceful”, mentioned her with a calm look.
“It would make a good ingredient for breakfast! Ha!”, mentioned her with a combusted face worthy of being named as crazies.
Her right palm is pointed at the watery surface. Red orb began forming, getting bigger and bigger. Just as it reached the perfect size that really fit into the girl’s hand, it launched into the target. What occurred afterward is that, a lot of water started splurging into the air caused by the blast, and eventually it rained onto her, and fishes that can’t swim inland has scattered the river bank. Bigger and capable fishes easily made it back to the river immediately and swam away.
“Jeez, only a few are left. They sure knew how to run. But I can’t eat those any way”.
She make a lazy dead fish eyes, grabbing the nearest fish afterward. Only 3 mild sized one were taken away, whilst the others are thrown back to their home.
“Let’s see. These doesn’t have any magic coming out from them, so.”
Scales and inner part are removed by a small knife that she carried and hung at the belt. Captured item are burned using the previous red orb that illuminated an object with heat once it is near enough and that girl took part by part of the cooked material and eat it with her finger without hesitation. 20 minutes are approximately used. She hastily ventured into the forest once more right after starvation no longer posed a problem. Lingered this girl was seamlessly without purpose for two hour, sometimes taking rest by leaning against a tree. Encountered wild animals undoubtedly flee for its safety. Finally, the traveler’s road was seen again.
“There it is. I shouldn’t ever take a sleep too far away last night because I didn’t even know my way around”, exclaimed the girl, portraying the lack of knowledge concerning of the route she’s taking.
Her head stared right and there, a small village is spotted in a glimpse. A large carriage is also heading there, as it is ahead of her on the road. Casually, she took a step wanting to travel to that location. Strong wind hindered the heat away and grasses are swaying left to right. White horses are used to pull the carriage that moved considerably slow. One man is sitting on top a saddle and another two is accompanying the party by guarding each side of the transportation.
“I wonder what are they transporting”, whispered the girl whom isn’t too far behind.
As they make progress across the road, a faint tremor was felt below the girl’s feet and so, she stopped walking.
“Something is underground?”
Her advancement was halted, though it isn’t the same for the transportation in front. The thing doesn’t popped out and attack the girl but instead, it headed straight for the larger object in front and make an appearance in front of the horses. It is a huge and tall, red centipede.
“A creature?! ”, mentioned the men on the saddle.
The horses are spooked, rendering instability for the rider and so, he fell to the ground. Such towering atrocity inflicted extreme injury for the fallen man by hitting itself to the target. He splattered to pieces like a pancake, splashing blood all over the carriage and the horses that are terrified to ran off ahead and can’t turned around due to the load it is pulling. Other guardsmen are showered in sweat already and throw away the sword they are carrying and run off beside the girl, not noticing she was there due to panicking. The event occurred really fast and she also decided to keep up the pace. Her feet carried her closer to the objective and there, she permitted a high jump and landed on top of the transport’s roof. Henceforth, she displayed her right palm again and minor electrical energy heed in vision, growing bigger than her hand before she released it. It shoot off shaping an orb, and upon contact with its target, a wave of electricity shocked the entire structure and the centipede exploded into unrecognizable bit soon after. Her mouth spoke off a minor claim.
“The charging of that technique wasn’t as swift as how that creature could move, so why didn’t it quickly attack me? I wanted to test my durability but it hesitated”.
The fleeing men were no longer detectable once she looked behind. The horses has calmed down. Unexpectedly, a voice has resounded, coming from below.
Mustered in maturity but still has youngish aura, the girl looked down and noticed a young man, probably being 19 years old. She jumped down and gazed upon this adolescent boy with the usual ordinary expression. He is fashioned with sharp nose, black cornea and hair, has strong muscular outline and is armed with nothing. Height from which he possessed is between 185cm while the girl was about 165cm. As an additional info, he wore a black trouser and draped in red cloaks that covered his body that is being put upon a black shirt.
“Weapon bearer, stand aside. I need to check what’s inside this vehicle”, asserted him inappropriately.
The girl doesn’t show any retaliation and instead, make it to the point.
“You are the one that summoned that creature to attacked this carriage, aren’t you?”, so she stated that with a common tone and look, while looking upward.
Overall, he tightened his lips, his eyes stared sharply and he was infuriated but it was only for a second before he stood toward making his own route.
“Stand aside!” retorted him, pushing his way through the girl’s left side.
She stayed in quiet monotone and watch the person opened the carriage’s door and inside, there was nothing else but large pile of bag. Her curiosity make her take a peek as the man used his right finger to conjured a magic skill that enabled a short piece of laser to display, and he tore a horizontal line in the bag and golden coin started to pour away. No more agitation and the feeling of furious was emitting from him anymore. No object was taken as he leave sideway, headed back to the direction from whence he came and that man ripened with anonymity take a jump and disappear in the seas of forest. Being left completely unanswered, the other didn’t take much interest with the bags of money and decided to open the leach that is holding the horses to the carriage. Released it is, and flee as fast as one eye could see. She doesn’t touch the carriage and went straight to the village. As soon as her own body was in a few distance away from the transport earlier, she could heard a sipping sound of a beam being fired. Without hesitation, she looked behind and as she does so, the carriage exploded. Strong gushing of wind from the blast embraced her look and she protected herself with her arm.
 The crushed object kept burning as it has scattered. Her pupil enlarged due to minor shock, yet she obtained calmness in a flinch.
“I.. don’t know what to say”, speculate her, after lowering her arm, kept a boring eye and moved to the destination. Reaching there at approximately 20 minutes, the landscape surrounding the village was beautiful. There’s a large, plain grass field on the left on the village. On the right, there is a vast expansive of rice field.
“Beautiful”, she commented on it, putting on a pleasant smile.
“But, I guess it would do more well to be decorated with bodies”, her smile turned to dark vicious glare. But then, she changed into being expressionless and speaks something to herself again.
“Just joking”, stated her.
Finished with glaring on the panorama, the girl took a step to the village. There isn’t many people around she said, and some are scared with her presence by seizing their curtain for a closing whenever they spotted her walking through the dirt street.
“I have no idea what to do next but I’d supposed, I should eat something again”, stated her to herself in heart.
As she walked through the empty path, her eyes set on the left and spotted a place to obtain a meal. With nothing left to think about, she just pandered into the unknown. There’s only a single table with 2 people there, and they are middle aged man that is busy playing chess and doesn’t give any attention to the wanderer. No warm welcome was given, though it isn’t like she was expecting any. A table was noticed and she grabbed a chair and sit casually. A waitress come by, a petite looking young girl dressed in a long white dress, sporting a straight black hair.  
“May I know what would you like to have, Miss?”, prompt the waitress, letting out a unsurprisingly soft voice. A smile wasn’t carved however and it was detected by the customer she is serving.
“Anything edible is fine. And, I am about as the same age as yours. You don’t need to address me formally”.
Afterward saying that, the waitress dropped off the small note she was carrying. An appalled look is shown. She is somewhat either too shocked or aghast by thrilling situation. Even though she is besieged by the weird moment, she decided to pick up the note and give it back to her.
“You’re dropped this”, mentioned her to the waitress that seemed to stuck in time, but only temporarily because she moved again once disturbed.
“Oh, sorry! I will, get you what you want!”.
Setting an embarrass look, she scurried away to the kitchen.  
“Weird girl”.
Wearing the same expression and with her sword hanged on her belt, the girl looked around the shop, didn’t noticed anything particular except for the aforementioned men. Environment was quiet, not until a loud exposure arrived.
“Damn, lose again!”
It was a loud scream from one of the middle aged men, declaring his defeat while covering his face with his palm.
“Okay! You going to keep that promise, right?! Buy me that stuff!”
The other men had said this. The opposite table took a closer look at these duo and noticed that they aren’t looking like an ordinary citizen, since each are dressed in expensive looking garment. One is wearing a black tuxedo with a tie and covered his shoulder with a long black coat. The man being defeated earlier wore a common shirt embedded with a flowery design and put on a green trouser, which nothing deserved to make a fuss off but his belt that coveted with golden lining shined prestigiously.
“Their clothing will attract attraction”, said so the gazing eye on the other table.
Black hair is dyed on the winning section, and red grew to be atop on the losing part.
“Ah, let’s go then! I can’t stay here any longer! This body is getting older by the second!”
The red haired man with a rough voice has a clean brazen face with no moustache, sideburn or a beard. He has a blue eye, large nose and an excellent shaped body while possessing a tall height. He quickly stand up, followed by his companion that put a lot of money on the table after reaching his pocket.
“Miss! The money is on top! No need for a change too!”
“Oh, okay! Thank you!”
The waiter responded so fast while she was busy in the kitchen. Also owning the equivalent of a rough voice with a louder speaker, his nose is small, eyes are in blue, psychical structure is impressive and his height is of the same length as the other one. Together, they both walk out to the front entrance and the loser is slapping his right shoulder to rid away the dust, looking very disturbed by the defeat and the people beside is smiling in arrogance. The girl just kept looking at them, though her head looked out to the window. Her eyes followed their movement. A few second later, the black haired men looked back at her with his right eye, much to bring a small air of suspense. Their existence has disappeared following their exiting.
Such short gaze didn’t manage to make the girl felt intimidated, and gave her a slight moment to comment.
“He must had spotted a fly that it is front of me here”, and so she said while waving her hand to make riddance of the pestering creature. Time has moved silently, and with that passing moment has generated an execution of event, such as the waitress has managed to delivered the item that was requested from the client and she frantically leave while looking at the floor all the time afterward completing the work that she must accomplished, much to make a curiosity of a certain someone to aroused.
“She is afraid of me. I think it would be for the best that I make a proper introduction after this. I do not want to leave a bad impression on the first place that I am visiting for this unrecognizable journey”.
Nothing much is to be done other than to start the process of consuming the food being served. As she is slicing a roasted chicken properly, the door was slammed to the wall as 3 people armed with blade on their back are making their way to the counter. Each appeared devious and disturbing, bringing bad aura with their presence.
“May the owner of the shop come forward!”
One of them is giving an order and pressurized the waitress to emerge from the kitchen.
“Yee—yes?”, answered her, looking terrified.
“You’re the one? Mr. Thompson has requested us to collect the monthly rent!”
A demand was made, and even though she was frightened, the waitress answered them.
“But---but, I thought that, we had already paid for –
Her word couldn’t be finished because one of the men moved ahead so fast, successfully make position behind the girl and choked the target’s neck with his right arm.
“The boss has talked! You are in no position to refuse, human!”
It quickly turned into a deadly game and thus, has forced the client to take upon an action while saying something once more to herself.
“So, the first event has begun, huh?”
 She stand on her two feet, but no sooner than a few second, she’d accidentally tripped from something and fall to the floor on her butt.
A banana peel was saw, and as she is trying to remember the origin, a moment was remembered where one of the middle aged men previously was eating a banana and throw the skin to the ground. Anger conjured her inner heart.
“Those darn uncle!”
Her face was a little red from the mixture of shame and anger, though it vent out rather quickly and she immediately stand up again. Before she could turned around to face the enemies, one of the three guys has come up in front of her and punch her stomach, causing her to smash through the wooden wall, penetrated through it and crashed on the ground outside.  
“She’s done”, mentioned the guy that attacked before whom head is covered in red cloak, wore a demonic shaped mask on his face that covered his identity and has a short height.
“Good, Ries”, spoke the one that were called boss before, whom advanced to the waitress. All of these men are young adult, but the boss looked to be the most oldest with his thick sideburn, thin moustache, black eyes and hair, strong body outline and wore a leather jacket and black jean. His nose shaped normal and aside from the jacket, there’s nothing that blocked anyone from seeing his well-trained abdomen. He is talking to the girl in front.
“My name is Lurvan. I do not like resorting to violence like Ennas here, though if the source doesn’t comply, I will be force to retaliate”, threated Lurvan while giving a frightening stare.
The waitress was scared. However, she bitten her own lip afterward, gathered her entire strength onto the making of a something brave.
“You think that I am scared?”
The girl managed to break free from Ennas by pushing his arm that locked her neck upward and successfully escaped. She looked to the floor the next after and screamed.
“I am not stronger than anybody here but I will not be scared of a threat and surrendered like in the past! I am sick of it! I,  Wisceria Hart refused to be damned! You guys can all go to hell”!
The three men just look at her silently as she cried while was looking below her feet. A house nearby has an old men that is also crying as he is looking to the window, witnessing the event and could heard Wisceria’s cry of redeeming dignity. Ennas, having an apparel of clothing almost similar like Lurvan and has a clean face but possessed a wilder sense of expression, has green eyes, blue hair and small nose, also lodged in quietness. Lurvan walked up to the girl without touching her.
“Wisceria, uh? Your name is beautiful, much like the name of royalties back in the mainland. Even your long black hair and great body proportion is seducing. But, I am not a wild man. With of what you had said, there’s nothing else that could be done. It’s a shame”.
He pulled out his sword from the scabbard.  Ennas moved out of the way and Wisceria was in a temporary state of self-praise.
“I-I’ve done it. But, I can’t die now! Please, save us God!”, hoped the girl inside herself as she lies dormant, crying endlessly and can’t move due to being too scared to do so. At the exact moment, the other girl that was sent crashing out onto the exterior line outside is kneeing onto the ground and was coughing a bit due to the impact of the attack. She took deep breath for a lot of time and tried to balanced herself while is looking downward.
“Nice speech. I’d n-need to protect her. But, that strike was relentless. I can’t move and breathed like normal”.
She looked ahead and could saw the dangerous situation. Lurvan had already taken out his weapon and was ready for elimination.
“Damn it! Move, me!”, demanded the girl to her own body.
The enemy is about to sway his sword and in split second, another body suddenly get into the view, coming behind from the kitchen and pushed Wisceria aside. The anonymous entity received the slash and fall to the floor, covered with its own blood. The protected girl looked at the injured entity that is revealed to be a middle aged man with a grey hair and moustache, also wearing a common clothing and has blue eyes like the waitress. Upon inspection of the body, Wisceria is strike with extreme terror and head over to the body, screaming.
 Her crying has worsened as she is looking at the old man in disarray. The one outside has saw the tragedy. Her eye is wide opened in surprise and without sparing away a single chance, the sword that wasn’t used yet were taken out and she charged forward furiously. Ries spotted the swift movement, took out his own weapon that was etched to the back of his cloak so fast and clashed against his opponent’s sword. Her irritation driven her to hit with every inch of her might and they sparred for a while before she succeed in fending away the sword to an another direction, noticed upon an opening and attacked. However, Ries evade by jumping backward. She was left behind with a huge area to be attacked by the opponent and they realized of the chances and Lurvan fired a white laser beam and Ennas shoot out a blue one from their hand spontaneously. In a blink of an eye, the beam had hit her but the armor that she was wearing deflected it. Of course, the enemy was a bit surprised but they wouldn’t give a chance for their enemy to strike back, pulled their sword as well and approached the target together. The girl tried to defended herself by trying to compete against two sword at the same time but the clashing were too strong and she was forced to be thrown away out from the shop and into the street. Ries also ran off following the location his comrade has advanced into. In the outer sector, she, whom is facing off against 3 men are in preparation, making a stand while gripping her sword tightly. Her enemy doesn’t say anything and Ennas attacked with a smile on his face. The blade regenerated a chain of spark upon impact. The duel between the two isn’t long as another one interfered when Ennas is capable of hindering his enemy’s sword away from her hand. She was rendered weaponless and Ries quickly strike her at the cheek. However, it doesn’t left her faltered as with her eyes staring sharp at them, she wipe away the blood on her mouth and tried punching Ries. He caught her fist despite the attempt, and kick the girl on her kidney using such a strength that sent her crashing into a wall of a surrounding building. Their leader, Lurvan kept observing the battle tenaciously. In the meantime, the moaning Wisceria is holding his father’s hand tightly. The old man is still alive and called out to her daughter’s name.
She’d heard the slow whispering.
Her cries continued and the sorrow seemed endless as she is looking straight to the old person’s face.
“Do not cry, Wis. For shall your tears would bear guilt upon my last breath. I had always told you, right? That I will embarked on this journey sooner or later?”
She simply node, kept looking at her father whom is traversing through his last chapter in life.
“Then, you should have understand this. My child, your bravery, I’ll admired so. Your benevolence to me is irreplaceable. Thank you for taking care of me for all this time, even though that I am just a pheasant and couldn’t offered you good wealth”.
“It’s okay, father. Your kindness meant a lot more than anything else in this world for me”,
say Wisceria as she has gathered the will to speak, and she continued to accompanied her father with heartwarming word.
“I’d truly appreciated everything that you had done, I really do. I-I am really sorry that I couldn’t help to protected you for as much longer than the time is now. I’m really sorry”.
Her tears fall like the rain. Her talking accent was interrupted from being flawless by the sadness, though still understandable. The father raised his hand and put it on his daughter’s soft cheek.
“You do not need to care for an oldie like me anymore. I do not intend on being a burden to your progress. Would you let me go now, Miss Wisceria Hart?”. He sometimes coughed blood and yet, can still speak up to his final moment.
The girl has hesitation from nodding but in the end, she smiled and said “Yes, please go, father”.
His eyelid were closed by his own and with the remaining breath, he speak of the final word.
“You’re stronger now. Thank you”.
Nothing could obstruct the advancement to the land from which they shall progress through once their soul has left thy body. He smiled even in his deathbed and the carving of smile that she’d done on purpose was break and she cried again. Out on the street, the one sided battle continued as the lone girl were beaten endlessly by Ries that is very capable in using his fist. She can’t convey any attack due to being punched several times already and were unbalance. After receiving yet another attack on her abdomen, she fall down on her knees and breathed heavily.
“I-I cannot take them!”, alerted her to her own self.
Lurvan whom were observing stated something that he’d been noticing to his heart too.
“She’s still alive even after of all those damage. Like I fear, she’s not a normal magic user. The amount of that energy within her is too high. Who is this girl even supposed to be?”
As the leader of the trio had asserted so, Wisceria had been approached by someone and it’s shadow creep on them. She is aware of it, looked upward while wiping out the tear from her eye and spoke of a few letter of word.
“Mr. Montreal?”
Back to the district, severe agitation conquered her heart, though it didn’t help in giving her strength and simply changed her own eyes to give off a terrifying stare to the opposition. Ennas’s eye saw it and responded.
“I see it within you, unknown one, the hatred, the anger and the will to kill. That alone wouldn’t help anybody to rise up to the top. You need to be stronger to perform any subjugation onto an entity that you want for them to submit!”
As he had said so, he laughed maniacally afterward. Knowing that she has been proven to lack in power, she remained silent after listening to the heart’s content from the killer. The will to defeat them at any sort of method, including using psychological warfare arrive and spark up an idea to her to state something obviously deranging to a person diluted in their own power.
“Does the strong one need to dismay the weak?”, and so, her mouth had said.
Ennas had quieted down, Ries is standing still in front of the girl and Lurvan’s eyes stared sharply.
“Tell me, what’s there a use of a thousand amount of skill if all they could practice it on is onto a normal father and his normal daughter? Is it considered great for the strong to keep bullying on the weak? Don’t joke with me”.
She tried standing up again and also continued speaking.
“You guys are just pathetic men, can only be bothered to beat of those that is weaker!”
Her stance has been made. She took a hold of her right shoulder, taken a lot of air that help stabilized her heartbeat and stared at them. Lurvan approached forward and push Ries slowly out of the way and decided to talk to the girl whom is looking at him now.
“What you said is true. The strong aren’t supposed to mess with the weak but instead try providing them support as much as we can give it to them”.
“Then why” she tried saying something but was rapidly cut off.
“But, this is how the world has always been, ever since it’s very existence. Those that stayed below would always be perished no matter what happened. This is the sad but realistic truth of the world. Hence I had killed a man, but do you think that I had done so without hesitation? Do you believe that there would be no guilt, not even the slightest of all would pop out from my heart? I am just a human that followed order, kid. Took me as much as a monster that you’ve want, but the weak will always be conquered and died without the world noticing it but just their families and relatives. Do you want to defeat the strong that reign upon pheasant? Grow stronger, and take my heart as a revenge for that girl. As of now, you will not change anything. I will wait for the day where you will find me and exact your vengeance.”
The speech had finished. Everything is silenced. No one said anything at all and the girl were rendered speechless and fall to her knees again. She looked at both her palm and spoke of sentences with a casually worn out face that she had always put up before.
“I’m weak, uh?”
Had she be in that position, her vulnerability increased and Lurvan held out his palm to the girl’s hand and an energy shaped in a small white beam has formed and hit her forehead, causing her to lose consciousness and fall to the pavement. As soon as such action was accomplished, a large man was seen closing on their location.
“You are always full of talk, Lurvan”.
The man that was spoken to look behind and his companion did the same.
“Oh, it’s you, Montreal. Pleasure seeing you on this side of the world”, and he has said it, staring sharply at the man.
“You had become a servant for that corrupted aristocrat, I see”.
Montreal looked really serious and awaited a reply, which was constructed very soon.
“Everything is essential to make a living. Even working for a dog like Thompson is worth it”.
The newly arrived man clenched his teeth and spoke in an angrier tone.
“Will it also be worth anything for you to kill an old man?!”
Ambience is as quiet as ever. The silence was break by a letter that condemned tranquility which being selected to dial arrival 3 second afterward.
“He is just collateral. ”
Such an excuse was given with a spiteful voice and look that ignited dreadful rage from Montreal, deliberately forcing him to crank up a killing move. He moved up his first step ahead and in an instant, he is already in front of Lurvan and punch the area where the man’s heart would be, penetrated through the flesh and bones and were able to grab hold of what he seek to obtained and crushed it immediately as it is still beating in his hand. Ennas and Ries flee from the battle and jumped onto a nearby roof. The body lies dead and breathless. Suddenly however, it slowly generated smoke that getting thicker as time passed. Heavy phial of blood ridden across the area, spread by an exploding heart also began making smoke and evaporated into thin air. Montreal threw away the disappearing body and look to the rooftop where the other enemy was supposed to be and noticed Lurvan is up there, bearing not a single scratch or any form of damage. He looked down onto the man below and spoke his tongue.
 “I had told that anonymous girl of what I had felt upon taking that old man’s life. I said to her, perhaps I would grow guilty for the act. To be honest though, I like killing, just like how the frequently occurring war out there is a glorified slaughterhouse and churned out nothing but death and annihilation.”
The man that was spoken to replied calmly even though he is still clad in anger.
“Despite the recently written agreement between the other nations, the uninvolved parties still busy as ever, conducting mayhem everywhere and the overgrowing pressure would possibly enrapture another predicament. Unless the affiliated personnel are vanquished, war is unavoidable. Every capable men and women are necessary out there to track this demon down”.
“And that’s why you came back here after being able to defeat your friend in a game of chess?
 To recruit this girl into battle?:, said Lurvan.
Montreal looked at the aforementioned girl and then looked up again. He is much calmer now.
 “Quite possibly, yes. But, it is more as a journey to check the one which pique my interest rather than trying to submit someone I didn’t know to be involved in a deadly game. One thing that I am assured of, she possessed an insurmountable amount of magic that may stirred terror to this world. I wanted to see her move out there and kill the darkness”.
“You will allow her to roam free, ransack this entire land one by one into being at her palm and  
let her rise to the peak? What make you so confident that she would be able to win once pitted against all of those hidden talent out there, and why do you believe that she would possibly wanted to put her life on the line to eliminate the necessary evil that is far too many and spread far wide across the globe? Why do you need to trust a person that you’re barely knew anything of?”, alerted the enemy.
“It isn’t like you to questioned so much thing at all, you demon. After seeing how she behaved against normal human, in that very moment, I have entrusted into believing of this person may change the world someday. It is up to her to see whether it is right or not for me to place upon such an obligation to a someone that I had not known to be of where is she happened to be from, in what year she was born and who is her parent are supposed to be. If it was wrong for me to do so, then so shall it be. Listen, Lurvan. I will see it to make sure that she departed safely and let her to train herself to become strong enough to take your head someday. That is of course, an objective that you had given her with. I should perhaps ask, what make you offer her a resolution to decapitate your head in the future? Surely it wasn’t just for the sake of letting her to take revenge?”, said Montreal.
A casual reply without any sort of devious intervention was produced and given.
“Who knew? Maybe it is because I’d wanted to have an opponent that is hell bent on seeking me for their own personal reason? Or, I’d shared the same amount of enthusiasm for this person just as much as you are for various odd factors. It is better to have her hunting me down instead of having a person such as yourself to become so serious and killed me afterward. I am not that powerful enough to face against you once you are THAT angered”.
He’d also give a casual reply like before.
“I’m flattered. But do not overestimate me. We will see it to ourselves concerning who is the strongest or the best strategist, next time in the battlefield. I felt the deepest regret for allowing Wisceria’s father to be killed but considering that you had taken sure an another party would tried to claim for your heart next time, I see it to make believe that you wouldn’t be breathing for any longer than you should be. I will take care of the burial and took great care of her daughter. Please die quickly, Lurvan Burnhatten.”
A smile was given from him as he had finished saying so. Lurvan saw it and smiled as well.
 “You too, Mr. Montreal Erage”
The conversation has ended with the party of three people has enveloped themselves in a field of colorful magic glyph and disappeared thereafter. The black haired man reverted to a calm look.
“Did I mess up again, letting him escaped with a pathetic reason?”
It was a self-uttering. He looked at the other person on the pavement.
“I am very sorry for what I have done. I really am. Please forgive me, truly.”
No longer thus a tough looking persona wielding himself in self-praise or a passion to
forge no submission to his own feeling. His tear came down and the feeling of sorrow taken over his heart.


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