Tuesday 17 December 2013


This is a copy paste from my Facebook post...read it if you will..

I'll actually wanted to discuss about something today..It's a self discussion so,there's no need for outside interference but I'll appreciate it if anyone else would like to endeavour in such subject..
It's a pretty high scale sequence as I wanted to talk about this certain grand thing lately that intrigued me into becoming of fear and anger at the same time..for a true religion such as Islam, we whom wield proud feeling in our heart for being a Muslim believe in everything that was written in Al-Quran and practically one thing for sure, among the thousand of thing we must entrusted ourselves faith into is that the oncoming of doomsday shall approached in the mere future and it is rather undetermined on when it would erupted..some believe that it would happened in another thousand year and I'm myself trusted that doomsday wouldn't happen any time soon..well, at least not during my lifespan anyway..
However, a recent event that plagued Egypt lately which it has snowing there has make many of our religion member to concocted a fact that doomsday would be happening any time soon..many signs  has surfaced in these ages and the snowing would certainly make anyone else to be afraid because of such hot wasteland like Egypt couldn't possibly be snowing as it is really unlikely..
I must make a firm statement that perhaps could contradicted people into believing of what happened recently isn't nothing major..snow has hit Egypt once before, somewhere around a hundred years ago.. why would people really be afraid when it has happened before and there's a chance that the snowing in there has beckoned to occurred because people are having a non stop brawling..it is stupid to believe that this rare event would triggered judgement day because there are already multiple event that you could say capable of executing the end of days itself such as World War, tsunami strike and endless earthquake all over the world which has make world fallen into chaos ever since the day of my great grandmother roamed the earth..
Logically, disaster has happened for a long time which people back then trusted that the world would fall because of it but it never happened....I believe it is just a sign to show that the end may would come but unless Earth suffered from a rampage of numerous annihilating strikes, I don't believe that the end is approaching us..
I am really irritated by people claiming that the end is in our dawn..
People that makes these claims are mostly useless mutt seeking out attention and would not to be likely survived in being choose to go to Heaven due to the lies they spread exclaiming that we should be prepared as the end is coming..Islam has always been telling us to be prepared at all times and not to be awed by the mysterious event that plagued the world that could stirred our faith..the snowing in Egypt served as a test to see if our faith would be faltered due to being afraid of such event and such and probably it snowed there too because Muslim people over there are having battle everyday against one another and Allah wouldn't probably like it in the first place..for those that like to make wild statement concerning the end is going to come soon, have you ever wondered if you're already accumulated sufficient "pahala" (reward) to venture into Heaven in the first place?..do you really think that you are fully equipped enough to be prepared for the life after death?..do you?..do you?..
You might as well are prepared mentally but God know that most aren't loaded up yet until the requirement..sure, there might be people that were realized to be completed (which I'm sure are just obnoxious brat) but if you expected for "it" to come so soon, then what would of happen to other people especially Muslim that aren't readied yet?..you never think about us,do you?...you wanted to put yourselves ahead of others by praying that all should finished soon so that you can witness Heaven quickly while others are condemned to burned, do you?..hate to break it to you but those that owned such intention wouldn't be omnipotent and would be burned at the first sight obviously..I don't want this world to end in my age or during the ages for my children because why?..

I realized that I'm not ready whatsoever and I'll prayed everyday so that my  "pahala" would be suffice for me when that time come and I'll also prayed that the end wouldn't come too soon because I wanted for everyone that I know to be fully equipped too in the hoping that none ever to be suffered in Hell and I wish that one day, we would all have one big reunion in Heaven..


Yumie said...


Sesungguhnya di sisi Allah jualah pengetahuan yang tepat tentang hari kiamat. Dan Dialah jua yang menurunkan hujan, dan yang mengetahui dengan sebenar-benarnya apa yang ada dalam rahim (ibu yang mengandung). Dan tiada seorang pun yang betul-betul mengetahui apa yang akan diusahakannya esok (sama ada baik atau jahat); dan tiada seorang pun yang dapat mengetahui di bumi negeri manakah ia akan mati, Sesungguhnya Allah Amat Mengetahui, Lagi Amat Meliputi Penegtahuannya. (Surah Luqman: 34)

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