Friday 22 November 2013

Foolishness -Reboot-

Let me be honest with myself..i didn't edited the last post and input this reboot there because i just want to obtain more post's my freedom man,so leave me alone or blog is my other home and it's also a place for me to rant all alone without anyone noticing,so there's no need for me to make a post count gadget or a traffic live feed..i remove it now,really...i don't know how to set this blog on private though so whatever...if you managed to find this thing anyway and wanted to read the nonsense in it,then please be my guest whoever you are..i'm not trying to attained attention by making such post like this either so please be quiet and keep away from here,thou whom doesn't have any connection with me..

Editing commenced at near midnight..i was to be stuck in disarray due to a certain improbable factor but at the least, i will try patching myself up from this, i want to make another meaningful discussion on this blog...right now i want to continued talking about a factor that make personal self hard to make friends with girls..Girls (especially Malaysian one) frequently though that once's a guy wanting to be their acquaintance, they would probably want to be couple..

EDIT: God,i'm not exactly having the mood to this nor the time but let me continue once more because yesterday, it was a deadlock match against tiredness..

Being a couple with the opposite side of the gender isn't necessarily a bad thing (maybe) because love helped developing us into a more responsible being and matured,unless our feeling of love is fake and ain't mutual..but people these days especially male tend to forget everything else once they are dwelling in gratuitous love score,ended up ignoring their friends and will do anything for the little bitch..oh sorry, did i just cursed?..forget that..anyway,this isn't exactly what i wanted to talk about..

Girls love making a scene when a male decided to be their friend,unless they have no feeling of affection just like me..i didn't like this word "love" at all,as what you can say - i'm pretty much a weirdo? is nothing to my eyes but word and i wouldn't be attracted by a mere sight of a girl's breast because that would make anyone look as foolish as they can,i'm certainly not gay damn it and let me living it up in my own tiny world..the thing is,why do you must treated a lot of male as if they wanting to be your boyfriend, oh almost all dear girl?...why can't we just get along together as common friends?...there's no need to developed a deeper relationship if you don't want to...i'm especially encountered this same problem for a lot of time,where once we are concocting a friendly demeanour with an opposite gender,they would either blushed or begin saying sweet words like honey or what the hell it is,which annoyed me to the point that i would like to punched somebody in the freaking face...perhaps this is just me experiencing it or else the world would have turned upside down...either way,this post is ending and it has to be the worst post ever to be posted here...

God,why can't i think of something better to typed?...


Teenagers are commonly disrespectful these days,including,this is no way to achieved a flawless method of producing a beginning chapter for a essay,not that i'm actually writing one though..
I don't enjoy seeing a certain fact goes around as wildly as it goes..why do girls (many Malay are involved i presumed) like to think that they will fall in love with the guy they kept talking to?..this is what ultimately prevent a certain guy that would only like to make friend with them to think that he is better off with no one..such a foolishness is what would turned out to make this world into a very crazy place to be inhabited..
People need to go through countless method in thinking and there's no use in using our head in one direction..
In order to succeed,one must also find a way to make a very good post in his/her blog instead of making random insinuation for he should leave it first in order to find an idea on what to type next.

Ah,get this later then off my face..I will restart this whole post all over again..

Tuesday 19 November 2013

So Sweet! shoujo-ai..

This is just a simple post quoting a small part of my ain't exactly really shoujo-ai but instead more to like a very close relationship between a mother and a daughter...i was very astonished while i was typing this part and i feel quite pleased with this work,it was not meant to be a promotion to make my story into a girl love girl tales~..i just loved these kind of scenes because it is very...heart enrapturing!

Either side is being stubborn with their own decision due to both is being quiet for certain amount of time,being undecisive..Tyia appeared to have reach a checkpoint to make her own report and quickly wanted to see the conclusion..
“Senpai…let’s us put faith into Viela-san…I am not finding this agreeable but I don’t want to see Viela-san ended up being all alone”..
Her voice is moistered with sadness, and the guilt-entrapped Vio come to face to face with Viela again and stared at her in the eyes and noticed such magnitude of trust lies burrowed in thy heart..she finally comes to a surreal position..
“Okay then,Viela-san..we will stay”..mentioned her using such normal tone while her eyes is closed…Viela was very happy and didn’t frowned at all..instead of holding Vio’s shoulder,she shifted into hugging her friend with such huge smile..

“Arigatou,Vio-chan!” such disapproval to be condone but to mentioned that her happiness is blooming very rapidly and widespread is undoubtedly a must..Tyia just smiled in the corner and while Vio is quite surprised, she is utterly happy as well and hugged this new friend like a mother being so close with her daughter.. 

Sunday 17 November 2013

This is the breath of my last..

No,literally it isn't...i've had that title quoted from one of the best vocaloid metal album i have ever listened to.
But the title has something to do with something dying or is already dead and one similarity of what the title has in common with me is that i have suffered from a dying relationship with a certain friend that i perhaps couldn't referred as friend any more..

That person are happened to be the same one that i spoke about earlier in a number of post below..
He did something to me on Friday,something so painful for my evil heart to bear..
I'm a normal Muslim and i am certainly not religious...therefore,i couldn't possibly dressed like a religious Muslim despite it is better to do it such way..i commonly wear normal jeans and t-shirts with black and yellow stripes including a black and red coloured ones as those colours tend to take me away for some reason..i wear these even when i'm praying either in my home or at the mosque...during special event like Aidilfitri for example,i am clad in what is proper as that is a must..

The story is simple was Friday and i am required to go to the mosque in order to perform a special pray that Muslim are obligated to do during that particular day..well,basically with my buttoned up shirt and since i was out from the shower about a minute,i am pretty much ready for the occasion...however,that certain person asked me to wear a kain pelikat (i don't know what is this supposed to be in english but i guess it is close to the meaning of a piece of thin cloth) and i objected as i am disgusted by the wearing of such thing..not only that you may easily be exposed but it is not uncomfortable at all..i really hate wearing it until the point that i could malfunctioned easily upon a mere sighting of it..i dislikes wearing baju raya even and i only preferred to be dressed in what i am in now = a plain t-shirt and a regular jean..i am certainly not fashion conscious but i am not that stupid enough to embarrassed myself..after the first objection,it has become a force trial and he deliberately told me that if i wouldn't wear it,he would ignore me like crazy just like that hateful day...upon hearing such thing,my heart rapture and bleed...i remembered how i practically surrendered my dignity that day in order to ask for his apology as it was truly am my fault without a doubt..well,only during the last time we fought at least..

Sure it was just a piece of cloth but come on,i don't like wearing it and i couldn't imagined myself dressed in such thing until the day i am to be declared out of life..sure it was more nicer to wear it when you go to the mosque but i have been wearing plain cloth to go to pray since i was very young and certainly a guy like him couldn't ever influenced my whole decision..

I didn't say anything to him afterward and due to such result,i have been absent from that special praying..i haven't talked to him until today and i couldn't not forget everything that has happened so far no matter if it was good nor otherwise..he really tested my will this time and i am very angry but i am not a man driven by ultimate hatred and i would forgive him anytime if he ever speak to me again, no matter if it is now or i said before, i am quite grateful to him for the assistance he has been offering during past days and it is not wise to forget those act and i will appreciated it like always..if he ever backed down,i would gladly forsaken his guilt but if he doesn't bare his will,i will wait for that day for as long as this isn't the breath of my last..

Monday 11 November 2013

A Rant. (Warning: Cursing Involved = Moderate)

I'm going to perform a ranting like the little girl i am to be,so just shut the hell up and stay tight..
I have an ambition,which is clear as daylight is that i wanted to go to the land that i loved and died there..of course however it is still too early to ventured into such a plain due to a bunch of minor fact like i am still studying and haven't finished my diploma yet,hasn't even accomplished in collecting the necessary amount of money to buy a damn plane ticket and my knowledge in a certain language is quite,in order to make myself felt like home even though i am stuck in a freaking land of despair,i committed a lot of activities that has a connection with that particular land of dream,like watching anime for example..

I have become an otaku for nearly 2 years and i have watched a total of 200+ anime precisely,which i have downloaded each one and i stored it inside my laptop..due to a recent incident however,half of my anime is lost in despair and i only owned at least 50+ series now including movies and OVA..not only that almost all of my anime collection has collapsed,i didn't even count my entire visual novel folder and music library that were also fall into the pit of abyss..that is not important though because i will download them all again someday no matter what happen..currently,i am staying at my relative's house and in this very resident,there lies an 1mbps wifi that allowed me to continued my eternal these past few days though,everything hasn't been going so smooth because of a certain somebody that kept playing online games using this very connection that i am residing within...that person is the oldest son of my father's sister and this is happened to be their home..

You could say that i don't actually have the freedom to used this wifi i am using just for myself because i didn't pay for it...that is indeed true,i am simply just taking advantages of the situation but i helped them out too whenever i can as i am well aware of my position in this family..i didn't have any class for this week so i decided to stay here instead of holding up in the rented house that has nobody home..i also noticed that my english skill is dropping slightly (or maybe worse) but again,that's not the case..

The oldest son has recently involved in a car crash...he was driving his father's car and due to the lack of sleep,he lose control of his transportation and collided with a divider that is commonly available on highway..the result of such crashes bear him no injuries though but he did suffered a few bump around his body....the car however was totally devastated and it somehow look like it was hit by a truck or have fallen into a cliff...he received holidays from his workplace due to the event but it has been three days since then and it is bothersome to see that bitch kept playing online games like he has no work to be done!'s a tragedy for him that day but come on,i have never seen a manager that gave 3 days worth of holiday to one of his employee before and he ain't even injured to a point where he should be holed up in the hospital!..
The person need to get some job done...he's 22 or 23 or something but he still living under the same roof with his parent despite having a career and a not wed yet woman...come on,don't be a loser and just get the fuck out of the house,why don't cha?!....don't be bothering me with the download speed that is already slow to begin it!..not only that he has a big fat ass,he's also didn't bothered to help his mom with the house chores that i sometimes helped with before and he's hard to be awake once he has gone to sleep..the day before the crash,he has actually slept pretty early but it was never sufficient for him as that crash explained it!
He's also smoke,which added a lot more reason for me to hate his damn guts..i really respect him when i was quite young because he is friendly and nice but now in the mere future,i can see how hollow is it his heart is to be..i really hate online gamers because they are freaking noisy when they are playing in group and there is nothing interesting that my eyes could see upon having a glance with something like Garena..sure,it helped in developing new strategy but do you even need to use such skill if you were just a civilian?...i can only see it as time wasting and a bunch of hiccup  and i don't give a shit about your opinion..not that there's going to be anyone posting in this blog other than a few of my friend anyway so,let's just leave it like this...

Personally,i think he's better off be dead or at least struggled in the bed a little so that he may learn a new lessons but if God decided to punished him in this small scale,then it is his right...i'm just a mad punk that is greedy and didn't care about anyone else..

Tuesday 5 November 2013

The Arrival Of SPM 2013 | Lyrics Review.

Today i will put up a post consisting mixture of two separate is really undetermined however if i can make this post to become really long but i do my best to make it short..i meant to make it as long as it can be..

First of all,SPM 2013 has finally is due to happen tomorrow on Wednesday and one of my best friend shall endured through the passageway of hardship..for those that doesn't know,SPM is a form of special exam that would be face by students that nearly finish their final year at secondary is an essential matter as it will determine the examiner's direction from here and on..though,people can still obtained victories despite having low points in exam,so it is not that quite important as the rumour foretold..
What really and actually matter for someone to grasp a flying colour is by first claiming the will to perform outstanding exhibition of their capabilities to overpowered their very laziness and as old as the word can get,try grabbing the will to fight..SPM doesn't really help in providing us a wealthy lifestyle but it is a piece that can contribute to our is something that may help to improve our chances of being a successful being,therefore making it important to be fulfilled..i myself did not obtained a excellent result for SPM other than moderate,not because of i am looking down onto it thinking of such subject are to be bothersome or a failure but i know that it is not one of the most vital topic and cannot predicted my own level of success for me..
We ourselves are to be the only person that control how our lives goes on and it is our freedom to either let our own self to be lodged in miseries or subjugated by immense fame..failing an examination like SPM cannot be a big deal as i aforementioned before,it does not brought us to oblivion upon being unsuccessful in it nor does it give us triumph if we ever to cross the path of glory..all that really takes the cake is our own doing everything using an realistic effort or will,our future will be shape and the puzzle shall be arranged piece by piece..i am positive that the providing of a thousand strength in whenever we are doing especially when it is a time of heavy importance shall let us to conquered an never before seen world..
I hope that my friend notice an advice i'm inputting here and let her heart be endowed by superiority..
I will pray badly for her success and i hope that God Almighty heard my prayers and accepted it..may those that will be taking SPM this year be transcended into a world of success so that the future generation would become of pure geniuses..

Good luck in answering the paper,lad..

Post Resume..

This is the second part and have nothing to do with the first chapter above..i didn't want to write this in a separate post because it would be making me look unfair..having a lot of post is nice but not when it is short and told least that is my newer principle when it comes to blogging may noticed that i didn't practice this way before because i have a lot of post that is more like a spam..
Without further due,i want to attempt my first lyric review..the song is nonetheless were sang by a Japanese artist..her name is Ceui and she is one of my favourite artist ever..the title of the selected is Centifolia..

Music:Odaka Koutarou / Ceui
Arrange:Odaka Koutarou
Madoromi no naka wo   otozureta haru no you ni
Hisoyaka na koigokoro      itsushika saiteta
Yureteru   kokoro no koe   machi wo nukeru
Egao ni nareru   itsu datte kimi ga   tonari ni ite kureru  nara
Tsutaetai   iezu ni ita   tada hitotsu no ai no kotoba wo
Ameagari no machi wo   kirameku namikimichi wo
Issho ni aruku ima ga   totemo itoshikute
Nee te wo tsunagou   tooi   ano hi no you ni
Hikari no naka de   hohoenda kimi ga mabushikute   nakitaku naru
Yuuyami ni somaru mae ni   futari dake no yume wo oshiete
Tada, kaze ni negau yo…
Furuenagara mo susumu   garasu no kisetsu wo
Kowarenai you ni   mune ni kizamou
Maiorite yuku   hanabira wa kimi e   afureru watashi no omoi
Tsukamaete   kiyoraka na sono yubisaki de
Egao ni nareru   itsu datte kimi ga   tonari ni ite kureru nara
Tsutaeru yo   iezu ni ita   tada hitotsu no   ai no kotoba wo
Copy paste for everything to make easy...the font mysteriously changed however..
The song is used as an ending song for a shoujo ai anime titled "Aoi Hana" or Sweet Blue Flower..ehem..the anime was produced in 2009,making it a bit older..ehehemmm..anyway,shoujo ai meant girl love,or specifically it's a genre for an anime about girl falling in love with each other..*cough*..most of the time,anime that has such theme may relentlessly be hated by others or it might turned out to be an ecchi but rest assured,Aoi Hana is something really is very calming and has a very deep storyline..the soundtrack is beautiful,not to mentioned that i have fallen in love with the ending since the first time i heard it..the art design and animation is like that of a renewed shoujo manga and it doesn't look terrible at's an example..screenshot however is not provided by me...the anime is sitting at my computer back home,so vice versa..
There..i don't know why the picture isn't high definition even though the sources are so i kept it posted in small length..not many might knew it's existence but this anime deserved to be watched even by hater of yuri couple..well,i guess hater still hate however...that's their purpose in life..Aoi Hana isn't explicit by any mean and is suitable for all age (maybe) because it has only one kissing scenes but it wasn't animated directly and instead they focused on the couple's leg at that moment..i remembered finishing the anime in one go and i can always go for a second round in the future..let's get on with the lyric then...i shall post a English translation one...
CentifoliaLyrics: Ceui
Composition: Odaka Koutarou / Ceui
Arrangement: Odaka Koutarou
Like the spring that visited my sleep,
Quiet love bloomed before I knew it.
Shaking, my heart’s voice leaves town.
I’ll be able to smile if you’ll always be next to me.
I want to convey the single word of love that I hadn’t been able to say.
In the city after the rain, along the glistening tree-lined street,
Walking with you now is so dear to me.
Hey, let’s hold hands, like we did on that day long ago.
Smiling in the light, you’re radiant, and I want to cry.
Before we’re dyed in the dusk, tell me the dream that’s only for us.
Only, I wish to the wind…
Even as I shake, I move forward through the season of glass.
So that it doesn’t break apart, I’ll engrave it within my chest.
The flower petals that flutter down are my feelings that overflow to you.
Catch them with with those pure fingertips.
I’ll be able to smile if you’ll always be next to me.
I’ll convey the single word of love that I hadn’t been able say.
This video is from Youtube and it contained the actual song..

Who wouldn't be enchanted by something sounded so beautiful and delightful?..well,maybe someone that doesn't have the same taste..i will make the review starting now..
Like the spring that visited my sleep,
Quiet love bloomed before I knew it
This is the first part of the lyric..the song mentioned on how the love within herself has bloomed before she noticed it and it is almost unnoticeable like the spring that visited her in her sleep..the spring would probably mean a garden of lustrous love that is blooming out of consciousness...
I will continue again later...somebody is whining..
UPDATE....Sorry for the delay..

Shaking, my heart’s voice leaves town.

Segunda etapa...or second stage..this part mentioned how her own self mind is disturbed by a certain feeling and she immediately left to venture to an another would perhaps grant a meaning that she is heading toward an undetermined position in order to meet with her lover..

I’ll be able to smile if you’ll always be next to me.
I want to convey the single word of love that I hadn’t been able to say.

Third phase of the has a very obvious meaning,which literally translated as she would always be capable of smiling when she is sitting next to her lover..she also desired to utter of a lovely word to her future companion as she hasn't been capable of fluttering it before,or does to speak..

In the city after the rain, along the glistening tree-lined street,
Walking with you now is so dear to me.

She walk with her lover throughout a street has has many trees on the roadside and she was endowed with improbable happiness due to such experience..

Hey, let’s hold hands, like we did on that day long ago.

Ah,such a sweet piece of sentences..

Smiling in the light, you’re radiant, and I want to cry.
Before we’re dyed in the dusk, tell me the dream that’s only for us.
Only, I wish to the wind…

Her lover is like the embodiment of eien no beauty (eternal) and she is crying because she could see of her radiant smile that of no darkness can sealed.."Before we're dyed in the dusk" would probably before night time before the appointed time come,she wanted to hear her lover speak of the dream that they are destined to share for just themselves...the wind swiftly passed by,and she is wishing to it..

Even as I shake, I move forward through the season of glass.
So that it doesn’t break apart, I’ll engrave it within my chest.

The seventh segment of Centifolia engraved a lot of hidden meaning...i would try to cracked out the secret by believing that she is talking about her journey throughout a cold winter..the coldness catch upon her,making her shivered but she still goes forward in order to avoid breaking her love apart..she would willing to sacrifice for her love and she remembered their relationship and sealed it within her heart..

The flower petals that flutter down are my feelings that overflow to you.
Catch them with with those pure fingertips.

She asked her lover to catch the flower petals that is flowing down,mentioning that it is her feeling of pure love.. 

I’ll be able to smile if you’ll always be next to me.
I’ll convey the single word of love that I hadn’t been able say.

This final line is a repeated sentences of an earlier part..therefore,i don't think i should speak anything about it...the conclusion is that,the lyric are filled with love and it is quite romantic,not to mentioned that is beautiful at the same time..Centifolia is a song worthy of being listened for a long time..

Sunday 3 November 2013

Insinuate Another...

It's a double or i have the need to insinuate another,but it may come in short sentences like the last one below..i ain't really doing anything productive with this blog,as i always churned out random things and spoke about weird topic and such but hey,this is my second home..i have the privileges to do anything to it no matter what it is and what time it is..Home Sweet Home..

I wanted to say something about this world,who wouldn't know Facebook,the world most used social site?..unless he's been living under a rock or simply still a baby then that's no surprise..without a doubt,when my internet is bugging..i meant when something as popular as Facebook is being used in the wrong term,it would brought down an incomprehensible consequences..Facebook served as an essential medium to spread information or to gained information across worldwide and it's also served as a stage for people to get to know each other..not only that it can be a platform for free and fast easy messaging,it can even provided people the chances to get some extra money by posting up advertisement all over the desired place,letting people to know of the product they are offering to sale..undoubtedly,Facebook offered a lot of benefits,but even the most flawless thing has flaws,therefore not making it as flawless as it's seemed..forgot to mentioned that it is very beneficial for Mark Zurkerberg as well..people are donating him tons of money everyday..he should at the very least tried preventing poverty with that Everest-sized money of his,but he did not..

Throughout the world,Facebook are used by gangsters,drug dealer,crime lord family and many other kind of assailant as a form of communication with the respective client,though the police force around the world keep a heavy tab on the Malaysia,teenagers frequently used it to spied on girl's account,stalking like the assholes they are..(sometimes i've to cursed if i am angry..if you don't enjoyed it then i would be more careful next time..)
Not only that they stalked,the more braver one would messaged them and started flirting..the most obviously idiotic fact is that the girls which are being stalked willingly upload their real photo for everyone to see,and got angry when someone delivered them a love letter!..some would even replied to the messages given and offered up her dignity when they in contact with each other in real life..the boy whom have passed with flying colour would then leaved the girl whom is probably pregnant as he just doing it for the fun..either side is seriously at fault here but the girls is the flying crusade that has inflicted mega damages to herself for being so submissive..the boys may be the devil but the girls are the fallen angel..the consequences of these free sex are wide spread as it was the cause of why numerous infant could be seen on the side walk almost everyday during the darker days of Malaysia in January 2012..while Facebook can be partly blamed for spreading free sex,the user are actually the one at fault as they doesn't realized of the sins that awaited's a common occurrence for non Muslim to performed sex before married in multiple countries because they aren't bound by their religion's law but it even happened here,in the land where Muslim endeavour and once's heart wrenching to see teenagers these days let it loose as easy as they can be,and once you tried to advised them,they would either replied by saying "damn you" or "why would you care?..this is my life"..well,**** you..

What i'm trying to say is that most Malaysian's teenager can be extremely stupid when it comes to using Facebook,as they seen it only as an instrument to find lovers or as a place to posted up even the most useless thing on their status page..Facebook is a very useful tools but too much people used it for the's not a surprise that one day,that social site could be vanished suddenly from the face of the Earth..

Saturday 2 November 2013

Voce a nulla.

The title today is a bit weird..though it literally meant "heading to nothingness",it's not like i'm going to do that anyhow..perhaps i couldn't find a better title,that's why..i like Italian language as it is quite unique and seemed completely synchronized with classical element but learning it can become really challenging..

During last night yesterday,i was checking out this American ghost story..i like anime all the way,but on a rare occasion,i would sometimes endeavour in the terrifying world of a real life haunting film,no matter if it's was a property of Korean,Japanese or the American..i'm quite a big fan of scary movies like Ringu,A Tale Of Two Sisters,Pulse and The Conjuring..therefore,in order to satisfied myself with the extreme amount of fright that i required once in a while,i've to checked out a number of scary film,no matter if it directed by peoples from the aforementioned countries..i don't enjoyed being picky when it comes to looking out for scary entertainment but with music however,it's a different actuality,i despised a lot of American movies because of the amount of unnecessary sex or naked scenes that is available even in the older films has increased dramatically and are noticeable in almost every modern films that American has created..i know of such information,because i watched multiple western movies before i come to acknowledged anime in the December of 2011..not only that there are abundant of 18+ scenes which is deemed unsuitable even though scary movies are commonly supposed to be for adults,message of racism or mocking on certain religion type of scenes are in presences as well,though these two moment are easier to spotted on action or war movies..
Such a fault in the field has caused me to hate western movies pretty much in the extreme but i'm not an idiot as i know that not all of those movies are like that,plus American's ghost story can be quite a screaming contest so i decided to give it a shot just like how i used to do it,but i am really picky in the selection of genre and actors involved..i like to watched horror genre without a limitation with the actors but in action genre,i only wanted to see either Arnold Schwarzenegger or that Rambo guy,Slyvester Stallone in display..the two however has been seen involved in movies that mocked other religion but i just put it aside as those movies are really old and they only acted in it like for one time and no more..they have gained my respect since i was a little child and i admired them..chances of leaving your favourite actors can be really slim if you have seen them in the television screen for an undetermined amount of time,right?..with the Japanese or Korean,horror movies is all that i have watched when it comes with these two countries and i have taken a liking with it..some of the movies are even scarier than the American's ones..i would indeed check out their other genre like action or drama in the future..

Let's leave all of those babbling aside for now..the title of the movie i seen yesterday is is a 2012 horror movies that tell about the life oh..errr...this true crime book writer which suffered from the failing in his career and were decided to write one more book..he is known to moved into house that is closed to the original crime scenes in order to discovered the mystery surrounding it and dwell in it's terror at the same time..i is predictable to what's come next..he deliberately moved in without telling his family like usual and the next night,suffered from wholesome of supernatural event,though this is the first time he ever encountered one..nonetheless,it was a great and frightening movie with numerous heart wrenching element,but i think that the ending could have been done was depressing but not as much as depressing as watching Texhnolyze,Shigurui or Requiem For The Phantoms..

Time To Delay A Few Thing..

Two of my post from which were given names like "Issuing More Conduction Of Horror" and "Ranting About Hypocrite Anime Lover" shall not continued until a certain amount of time..the reason is that i haven't yet obtained a bunch of violent photo of certain anime for the "Horror" post and many of the anime that were selected to be used as the sources of those photos aren't yet to be available within my hard drive,since i haven't started downloading them yet as i have poor internet nowadays and lesser time to do it..anyway,the name of anime that were presumed to be used as sources are Berserk,Blood C,Hellsing Ultimate,Elfen Lied,Corpse Party,Deadman Wonderland,Claymore,Another,Shingeki no Kyojin,Phantom Requiem Of The Phantom and Higurashi...yes,it's going to be a post overwhelmed with blood..though,i don't believe for it to be appearing here for at least 6 to 10 months...I only succeeded in getting half of the anime in the list and it's going to take me longer to achieved a library containing the entire series i for the "Hypocrite" post,i haven't had the slightest idea on what to speak of next so,it might be on hold for the rest of my life..if i am lucky however,it would be continued some time soon..

Today was Deepavali,and quite a few days before was certainly Halloween..i didn't do any special occasion on those days and might as well need to forced myself to do something..i will provide a better post tomorrow..