Thursday 9 May 2013


I been checking out.... ehem i been checking out this mascot called Mirai Suenaga.. she's a beauty ain't she?..
She's.. she's happened to be a mascot for Culture Japan website created by Danny Choo.. her popularity is already been acknowledged worldwide and she's even made a presence here at Malaysia during the previous Anime Festival Asia.. i supposed even the almighty Hatsune Miku has her opposition.. 
Anyway, the reason i'm here is that for the sole purpose of posting a continuation for chapter 2..
For those been reading and waiting, i'm apologize for taking such a long time to performed an another action.
A girl, a really young girl is running through the abyss of darkness.. she was scared, tired and lost but no matter where her self exploration ventured into, the pathway reaching the forsaken light couldn’t be obtained.. in that hollow dark pit she was condemned to eternally pursuit for something truly evasive yet reachable but so far it goes deeper into a place she wouldn’t reached without assist.. the girl keep seeing herself struggling to run to find of what may the frequent running would brought herself to and as she was resting her leg due to exertion, the girl saw a women.. perfectly she knew of whom that really is  and when her eyes keep gazing upon that woman, a hand suddenly went through her body, resulting in her death.. The girl tear’s began flowing and as she crying helplessly like a dear child, her heart succeed in forcing her to scream a single enchanting word..
Voices echoed in the void and it become so loud that the dreamer, Tyia finally awakened from her slumber.. she is breathing heavily because of her fear in the dream and since her face is sweating it inflicted quite a deep terror upon her.. after gaining visions of reality, she try calming herself down and look around.. a large blanket is set up to her waist keeping her warm.
“Whose… room is this?.. it look like an apartment room”..
The current space is anonymous to her, since she never been there before.. identification of her current clothing also can’t be recognized  upon it has changed to a white pajama.. the young one are very astonished and happily smile while holding the soft fabric of that cloth..
“It’s very comfortable to wear these!.. plus it’s smile nice!”..
Such a unique smile began carving again as she is attracted  indeed, before Tyia realized an odd event..
“But who give this to me?”..
Disregarding of early commentary, her brilliant smile fade and she try getting her feet out of bed before the sound of a door squeaking open was heard.. she went back and hide under the cover.. the one whom were to come through that door was Vio and she is holding a plastic bag along with a sword that isn’t her belonging.. she look strangely plain with not a single spot of injuries visible plus her armor is still a little bend.. Tyia’s curiosity was aroused in seconds enabling that spying little girl to come out from hiding..
“You still alive?!”..
She was pointing finger at Vio whom seem a little surprise.. the older one  gave a warm smile, which memontarily active until she turning over to serious face mode..
“Why would you thought I be dead?.. a little blood loss wouldn’t take my life”..
Calmly she speak while making her way to a chair situated beside Tyia’s bed.. the package which she brought earlier was leaned against a wall.. shortly later she sat, wishing to have a chat with her, the defeated one..
“How about you tell me a story about yourself?”..
Her ear heard such command and spoke first about something else..
“First let me ask something.. how long has it been since I passed out?”..
“Just a single healed so fast.. but let’s not discussed that yet.. please tell me who you really are”..
Tyia was listening and looked upon that girl using a very stern look.. reluctantly she speak, but it withhold a different answer than the appointed question..
“I…. I don’t know how I can be defeated and… I thought that you would be dead but!.. guess I should not underestimated a Type A Level dragon slayer.. I wonder how much time did I repeated the same order to not look down upon the enemy to myself”..
She look too worried and Vio wanted to explain the out most significant details for her..
“Listen, young girl.. this armor I’m wearing is a gift from my father.. I ain’t the one responsible in achieving a once in a lifetime trophy like this.. if you have the will to fear anyone don’t put the respect over me but offer it to my father instead”..
Her feeling command ultimately shock expression.. however it endured a short time duration and afterward Tyia reply to Vio..
“Oh… but still..senpai… you still breathing after taking my one of the most powerful technic.. I do not believe you are weak!.. furthermore do you know who I am really are?”..
Each of that word was uttered with a relatively serious face.. Vio discovered a chance to unlock further veracity pertaining this girl and speak of the chosen punctual pronounciation for investigation..
“I belive that I don’t know who you really are… mind elaborating?”..
With the truth about to be revealed about herself, Tyia pulled out quite a breath and commence speaking..
“I do not understand why you saved me so consider what I am about to tell you is a well rounded gift.. as you may know my real name is Quell Tyia Hyme.. I am not an ordinary person and belonged to one of the most infamous clan called Quell.. my first name bear the title of our clan’s name just like any other Quell”..
Spending such full tenacity in adequate amount is being done by Vio whom asked for more question in prior to deducted better understanding..
“That’s why you possessed such extreme strength, speed and so many other stuff.. what is the specialty of your clan?”..
“I think that you had know those thing already , senpai.. we are blessed with enormous strength since the day we are born and our healing magic energy  are very high.. that factor alone could elevated us into being an incredible being”..
Explanation are shortly vised but the older one still ain’t satisfied by the minor detail and ask more..
“Does the Quell clan has any form of distinctive properties that differ them from other being?”..
“Try talking normally senpai.. you bugged me with this old lady act.. anyway, our feature is the straight line birthmark that were etched upon our forehead.. see?”..
Tyia brushed away the overhanging hair which hide the zone above her eyes and from there Vio couldn’t see anything though despite of what she so..
“I can’t see anything”..
“Oppss sorry I hid it with a certain magic so that no one may see… I didn’t like this symbol”..
Tyia’s right palm started glowing in purple and she touched the place where the symbol were supposed to be inscribed.. a minor breaking sound transcend and the magic used to seal the birthmark of Quell began to dispel.. finally the prescribed material visualized and it look exactly the same as Tyia mentioned.. the straight line look like pillar, short in length and blue colored inside..
“It look beautiful”..
These word were uttered by Vio using such motivating smile.. however it couldn’t compelled the uneasy young girl.. Vio’s expression also become sour as Tyia talk..
“But it is also a curse.. everyone would want to pick a fight with a Quell because they thought of us as a challenge breeder.. they consider beating us as a sign to show them worthy of being a great warrior.. it’s true we might won easily if someone ever dare to pick a fight with us but my aunt, whom used to be my instructor ever since my mom died told me that the Quell clan member are disappearing one by one without a single trace left behind.. in order to protect my identity, she taught me a certain technic to seal away my birthmark from view so that I may not end being killed and also to avoid being taken by the serial kidnapper”..
Vio insisted on digging more of her secret..
“What happen to your aunt and mother?... if you don’t mind I asking”..
“After my father murdered my mother for unknown reason ever since I was 6 years old, my aunt been keeping me in well care.. I had no other family member as I am the sole single child.. for 7 years I had been trained and loved.. however aunt Mika isn’t immortal and she died due to a heart disease.. it was really painful really…. to see it.. I had been travelling for a year and 2 weeks now.. searching for a way to avenged my mother.. now that I lost aunt too.. I been getting over that miserable fact for some time now but every time I thought about them.. I just.. just”..
Tyia couldn’t say anything anymore, as her voice are stuttering and her tears are raining running in automated direction along her cheek.. she was crying so hard and Vio once more give her a huge hug, hoping to cheer up the poor soul.. indeed the young one are very surprised and after noticing her current condition, she try hard to maintain the usual pose by wiping away the tears with her hand..
“I.. sorry!.. you shouldn’t see me like this.. I am.. your enemy too.. why would you helped me?”..
Vio take the turn to talk afterward..
“It’s okay to cry.. I helped you because I understand.. the anguish and pain you suffered must have been too heavy for a growing girl like yourself… don’t worry.. I am your new friend now.. accept me because I shall accept you too.. you aren’t alone anymore.. from now on let me accompany you on your perilous journey.. Tyia”..
After hearing such a wonderful words of pure love, she couldn’t hold it any further and cried even uncontrollably, soaking her beautiful face.. with a stuttered tone she speak only one..
The sad aroma couldn’t be more enchanced while Vio corrected Tyia’s statement.
“Just call me Vio.. Honorific isn’t suitable for me”..
Gladly she smile and gradually Tyia too make a nice smile but her eyes wouldn’t stop flourishing out the hidden pain.. starting there her heart would slowly be cleansed, fully would heal from the abomination encountered..
Following 30 minutes from now on, after Tyia’s pain were gushed away, she took a shower to reincarnate into being a fair person of sanitary.. the usual apparel were attained and the latter clothing are packed away inside a bag Vio has given her.. speaking of the pajama, she asked of her new friend pertaining that profound material..
“Senpai.. that shiro clothing.. whom own such thing?”..
The older one was standing beside the exit while the younger one is putting on her sandal by the bedside..
“Oh that one.. I bought it for you… it ain’t expensive so don’t need to worry.. it’s just a little present for our relationship”..
And after hearing such, Tyia’s face is brimming with smile of cutesy while she said thank you in quite a loud tone…however she done some thinking though and ask her senpai something again..
“May I ask.. how did I worn that cloth?.. did I sleepwalk into putting it on?”..
Vio plainly respond..
“No.. I put it on for you”..
The answer was spilled.. Tyia said nothing but oh.. yet she felt trouble about something and during that moment it crossed her mind.. slowly she blushed and her face turns red.. meanwhile Vio mentioned about another factor..
“Your body is very dictating”..
A sinister smile served as a present before the leave.. the being fueled with embarrassed  motive quickly gave a present as well shaped in the form of a scream..
Another long minutes passed and now they fond themselves walking together in the middle of the busy street where it was located in another part of the same previous town.. Tyia’s cheek is big as a blowfish remarking a very shy person.. Vio couldn’t comprehend of what sort of subject is she performing..
“What’s wrong?”..
She asked.. but a reply was skeptical.. once more she repeat the same cycle ..
“Is something the matter?”..
Actually, silent mode were expected.. however an otherwise event make an odd jump..
“It’s nothing!.. i don’t like illegal body inspection!”..
Thus such thing were said with her cheek still being a bubble..
“Oh so cute ..”
After saying that with a very lazy look, Vio gave a slow punch to her chubby little face breaking away the bubble..
“Ouch that hurt!.. stop teasing me senpai!.. urmmm!!”..
Tyia were acting like a spoiled child with both hand pressed against the left cheek.. she look like she was about to give away free tears but Vio acted normally and still looking at her before giving an order and walk faster..
“Let’s  go”..
It’s bvious that the older one is messing with the minor.. Tyia acted all according to expectant..
“Ah!..wait you meanie!”..
She gave a chase and very soon they are now positioned in the exit doorway from town.. only a single road leading to the forest lies bare and Vio take a breath of relieve..
“Thank goodness.. I wouldn’t want more road that could get me the way.. Tyia.. has you inspected of what there ahead in this path?”..
The little girl are acting quite normal now..
“No I didn’t yet.. this road is new”..
“I see.. do you know where your father is?”..
“Yes I do!.. he’s in Aurivel!”..
A question popped above Vio’s mind and then she turned around into facing her friend..
“How do you know such thing?”..
Tyia pointed a finger and a small signboard was there impaled to the ground.. suprisingly it’s written “Aurivel” , forcing Vio’ mind to elapsed a renewed question..
“Tyia.. are you sure you know where your father really is?”..
An answer was returned very fast..
“Of course I do!.. I just followed every signboard I can see!.. I’m sure he would be there somewhere along the track!”..
Upon hearing such thing Vio has become truly quiet.. still she speak something..
“Oh yes didn’t you mentioned that he’s in Murviellenceille?.. how do you just happened to know such info?.. not just obtained from an absolute bashing right?”..
“Emmm.. well I think I just exaggerated on that one ehe!”..
She snuck a short section of tongue out and make quite a cute face with doing a cat swinging it’s pawn kind of pose..repaying it with a face of boredom, shortly after she set out with Tyia tailing behind.. their roads are endowed with mysteries as no one in their world may predicted of the wild encounter they shall stumbled upon in the future..
                                      Alright.. sayonara.. aku nak lepak tunggu member kt puduraya..
                                                             (wanna relax while waiting for my companion in some bus station)


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