Thursday 9 May 2013

Chapter 3 Continued Story

Due to the... demand or extortion ( just joking huhuhu ) of one of my best friend, i would like to post another chapter in full standard.. errr i gonna put it now...

The skies are dark and the blowing wind are freezing cold.. there is no doubt that such a weather could allowed a certain predicament to any normal being.. currently the duo are travelling through a path thick with bushes and the black forest are surrounding them.. they are no longer walking upon the main road as they accidentally strayed deeper into the forest due to the overwhelming darkness.. the ambience is truly horrifying and let out an eerie feeling.. despite so either are experiencing fear and bravery even currently charging more from their solid heart.. Tyia keep tailgating Vio whom is slaying off the bushes using her sword from hindering their passage... the jet black blade her friend wield utterly generate an attention from the viewer..
“Weird dark sword.. I think I heard some weird stories about that kind of stuff.. but I can’t put my finger on it.. well sokka.. great looking weapon suited a great domain”..
Her thought consist of these particles.. after undergoing through such a long walk, they decided to stop for the night and rest afterward reached a vast clearing with no trees and the open skies illuminates various shining stars making the dark world brighter.. the gathering of firewood have easily been done after Vio cut off some tree branch and sliced them into proper pieces thus the fire ignition began by the simple cast of magic technic that produced fire.. they circled the burning wood as Tyia is sitting and so those the older.. Imminent silence shrouded the boring guest, and because she can’t simply put up toward too much quiet the Quell clan quickly spoke..
“Is there anything to eat in this forest?.. I’m starving”..
Vio’s eyes looked upon her friend..
“I haven’t seen any creature around ever since we got lost.. perhaps all were defeated to a single predator”..
Tyia gave an unsatisfied look..
“Really?.. yare yare.. everywhere in this world isn’t safe, right senpai?”..
“I couldn’t speak more.. let’s hope we find an another town before you ended up starving to death”..
That seriously dull face available onto Vio make Tyia felt even bored..
“Can’t you make a happier face senpai?.. it ain’t fun you know if you kept such stubborn look all the time.. here do a smile like this!”..
Tyia once more make a very awe inspiring smile.. Vio looked at it and create  a simple smile while her eyes is open but it was only on short term..
“I done it.. you happy?”..
“Emm..guess that should suffice.. how about we get some sleep?”..
A smile is given along with the speaking.. then her eyes sharply gazed east, looking at the thick bushes far away.. somehow realizing it’s presence were detected, a big and scary looking creature appeared from the darkness beyond the bushes.. the livid material look like a lion but it’s red eyes distinguished it the most from the variation of characteristic..
“After we taken care of that.. I want a good night sleep”..
The creature appeared to be a giant lion with a magnificent sizes but it doesn’t stand above the trees making of a flawless disguise, plus of it red eyes, glistening sharp teeth and fur that sometimes glow like it was caught on flame..  Vio simply hymn, breathing with no fear..
“It’s an Egara.. so that’s explain of the other animal absence.. however I am intrigued.. what’s a Type C creature doing here?.. it would be hard to kill”..
“At least”..
Tyia rose and stand high then make a low tone announcement..
“We can collaborate for the first time.. right, senpai?”..
She stand up as well and together they look like a powerful duo.. with Tyia’s smiling and Vio’s seriousness it would make view better..
“Indeed.. and I told you to called me Vio.. let’s do it”..
Her sword were slowly unsheathed..  Tyia prepared a plain fist, which of course make Vio asked something..
“Why didn’t you used your sword?”..
“I used it only if I were to stumble upon err.. a sword bearer!.. I’m still a beginner in using it and I prefer hand to hand fight at the most!”..
She gone ahead performing a very happy face once more..
“So that’s why you easily got pounced back there before our battle.. let’s not talked anymore”..
“Right.. ikuze!”..
Together, they swirled into the battle with an exhilarating might.. the monster too advanced and swing it’s tail into generating a straight line of fire across the clearing.. more fire started igniting as the tail were swung and the duo keep dodging the oncoming blaze while Tyia gave upon information..
“Egara is known for being capable of manipulating fire!.. it’s cleared that it’s rank are suitable for itself indeed!”..
One of the approaching blaze was about to strike Vio but easily she repel it with her sword.. their distances enclosed and Tyia began an attack by smashing the ground in front of her.. she throw a right hand punch thus the terra slowly crack and in haste it split faster like an earthquake and broke the entire ground from where the lion was dwelling.. it jumped to the air however avoiding a pitfall and now it was there behind them.. fire frequently were chanted from the being tail and half part of the clearing is already becoming a sea of fire.. despite of such, Vio and Tyia keep coming and were dodging every possible anomalies.. because of quite a speed they managed to arrived at the lion’s footstep so fast and Vio slashed ahead creating a long cut across the animal’s face.. it dedicated enough to fight back by hitting it’s pawn to Vio but it miss due to a fast evade.. smoke were purging out from it’s mouth soon and later it have become a fire breathing lion.. everywhere it blazed upon and Tyia were in front of the lion already and gave an amazing strike to it’s nose sending it to dragged along the ground.. the stubbornness in which the creature hold are high as it wouldn’t submitted and immediately breathed away thick line of fire.. Tyia was unaware and was about to get hit before Vio come and slashed away the fire from existence.. it keep blazing and yet she in such easy difficulty capable of fending the attack.. heat is spreading through the atmosphere and Vio started sweating.. An opportunity window was grabbed and Tyia furiously ran to the right and were  in the lion’s blind spot.. it charged so much fire that it wouldn’t noticed Tyia’s presence and aware of such a fact, she ran to one of it’s leg and kicked it, rendering it unstable.. the fire breathing contest was put to an end and Vio could moved again.. immersed with numerous chances to inflicted injuries, Tyia ran toward the lion’s chin.. glyph appear before it wrapped around her right hand and vanished.. she gathered so many magic into her right hand until it practically glow bright and speak a name before launching a death toll..
“Sa Ria!”..
The fist was released and it completely landed into the appointed target causing it to furthermore lose extreme balance plus it’s head were staring upward by force.. Vio saw a spot of weakness being exposed and swiftly ran with her sword readied thus slashed the lion’s neck.. the blood and wound demand are high and without further doubt, the lion has suffered extreme damages.. it soon actively fall to the ground and  were confirmed to be killed due to the complete immobilization of it’s body..
“Hora that was an easy task!.. can we do it again?!”..
Such are the words Tyia scream.. a reply soon arrived..
“There isn’t any other enemy now.. plus once again you almost gotten yourself killed”..
“Hehe I know!.. it was a test really to see whether my body can withstand these amass power!”..
“That’s a weird way of testing your durability.. alright then Tyia.. let’s just get some sleep now.. at other place.. this clearing is burning down”..
“You right senpai!.. move!”..
She happily ran forward ahead deeper into the forest.. Vio calmly spoke..
“I told you it’s Vio”..
And she followed the younger one now in the search for a better sleeping point.. as the duo set off, they didn’t realized that an another pair of eyes is watching upon their departure.. it was a tall male with ordinary uppercut, dressed in unusual 18th century European style clothing for rich people and have a long dark hair that wavered once the wind blow through.. moustache and goatee are developing on his face but his eye”s are blocked by a binocular.. he removed it soon though and his bright blue eyes are revealed.. it appeared that he is a very pleasant looking man, yet his sour look sealed a secret inside of him..
“Who are.. those girls?”..
This man uttered these words and his voice is dignified itself.. he was to be moved soon as he jumped down from the high branch and due to extreme agility a great landing was supervised.. his binocular were thrown away and now he’s headed toward where the duo was last seen..
Following back the other two, they are still walking through the dark wood looking for what they desired earlier.. after 20 minutes of walking, Tyia decided to stay put on their current spot and sit on the ground.. the other basically followed of what she is doing.. a small talk was invented later on..
“Tired of walking?”..
“Yeah!.. I just want to sleep anywhere I can..!”..
She appeared too energetic as ever.. the simple behavior Vio just smile..
“Let’s rest then”..
She let herself laying on the ground.. considering of there is absolutely nothing to been done at the moment, Tyia is putting up question pertaining Vio’s data..
“Senpai.. let’s talk about something interesting shall we?.. what is your full name?”..
It seem she is willing enough to speak due to rapid response..
“Alright then.. as far as I know it’s only Viokasuki.. I didn’t have a family name because I was picked up by my father when I was very young.. I don’t remember my true name either so my father bestowed upon such name to me”..
“Ohh I see.. you were abandoned by your family when you were still young”..
The situation started being murky and Tyia’s face is becoming sad as well..
“You don’t need to be emotional.. I don’t have any gratitude toward my real family because of what they did to me.. it’s to my foster father that what I own my entire life for.. he’s in fact is my true guardian.. the one I should shed my tear for.. please, don’t rained upon anything for me because I don’t need anybody to do so”..
Were such a sad greeting were spoken it would invited a wave of blossoming pain, but an otherworldly substance was created..
“Oh alright then I shall laugh to my might hahahaha!”..
The girl truly did performed an improbable laughter, ensuring a totally weird out Vio..
“I didn’t mean to laugh it off literally!.. at any rate i will find my father”..
Tyia wasn’t making anymore crazy deed and speak about an another thing..
“What happened to your dad, senpai?”..
“It’s Vio.. I don’t know what happened to him because he didn’t come home just like he always promised.. I waited for a single week and ever since I couldn’t be more impatient, I decided to let myself moved on through the world on the course of finding him.. it been 14 days since I left behind our house in Hemoalis”..
“Does your father always on the leave?”..
“Frequently.. he’s a soldier.. but I don’t know for whom he fight.. he is a very good father though because he tenderly focused on protecting me and trained myself to be a fighter as capable as what I am now.. I own a lot of debt to him”..
“I want to ask senpai.. what is his name?”..
“I don’t know.. now that I think about it he is really secretive about himself..”..
“Oho… hmmm”..
Her eyes are pristinely gazing upon Vio, acknowledging every single detail pertaining her appearances..
“Senpai.. your eyes, hair and eyebrow are all pink.. it’s really exquisite!.. I’m so jealous!.. how come you are in possession of such beauty?!”..
Once more she act like a really spoiled princess of a kingdom.. at least that is what Vio were thinking but then again she doesn’t want to use that really fancy abbreviation..
“Hey gakki, please be calm.. about how I may look is no a big matter on the outside but what may giveaway a good feeling is that of what lurking within.. I don’t care how you think about my look whether it is seducing or otherwise but I would only like to be good on the inside”..
Tyia feverishly laughed upon hearing that.. fortunately it was shorted in seconds because Vio is beginning to look angry..
“What’s is so funny?”..
“Hoho gomen gomen!.. I was thinking that you are  a very nice person senpai!.. subarashii nee!..i like your speeches and how you may think about personal beauty!.. it’s true of what you are saying.. what is most important is how you look on the inside am I right?.. senpai!”..
Both are smiling at the same time.. Vio felt somehow satisfied, as her friend has caught the actual advice she is offering..
“I’m glad that you understand.. these pink hair, eyes and eyebrow are not worthy of me because I am already soaked in blood and ruined these angelic merchandise from god.. only a true stainless being may received this.. I should have been protecting it”..
Being a person equipped with large mass of magnanimous behavior too, Tyia speak these using a very soft and heartwarming tone..
“There isn’t anything you could have done to continuously preserved the qualities of a pure soul.. this rotten world is even more scarier than how you may measured it because it may changed accordingly and is unpredictable..i’m still very young but I have committed several profanity out of force and saw too much evil that this world could have presented us with.. trust me.. nobody in this world is pure .. how can a holy always kept being holy in an unprecedented world of chaos?”…
Enriched with tranquility mixed with sad properties does the ambience has become.. could it ever become more somber, no one does knew..
“It’s really awkward.. how can a happiness filled content like yourself ever strived themselves to become of what like this?..huhuhu”..
 In conjunction of hearing that, Tyia return to her conscious and portrayed an attitude of an embarassed girl..
“Oh!.. forgive me I didn’t mean to turned up like that!.. please ignore it because it’s probably just me being sentimental!.. hahahahaha!”..
Laughing wildly once more she has been doing all over again and again.. plain empty look carved back upon Vio’s facial but pretty soon it evolved into a steadfast look involved in battle..
“Watched out!”..
Spontaneously the older one rose from the ground and crashed herself into  Tyia’s body sending themselves into a bushes.. in an instant, the place where they both captivated has exploded, destroyed by a wave of violet rays coming out of nowhere.. as Vio is leaning against Tyia, she is determined to stand upon her feet and succeed, while are looking at their resting spot..
“Where is that explosion coming from?!”..
Common sentences like these are chosen to be spoke and the clueless Tyia too has stand and were questioning someone..
“What what what!.. what happened?!”..
“I don’t know but perhaps we are under ambush!.. prepare for battle, Tyia!”..
“Oh right right!”..
Vio have draw her sword and Tyia has prepared her hand.. together they look upon every direction they may can but no one is visible.. somewhere among the overhanging branches, the previous identified vessel of unknown power was seen standing staring into the duo’s position..
“Found you”..
He showed upon his palm and another violet rays start appearing and heading for it’s target.. Vio noticed an oncoming blunder and repel it with her sword’s strike causing it to took down a wrong path and the rays exploded upon a contact with few trees instead.. the unknown person’s eyes are flicked in the moment of staring this circumstances and furiously he jumped toward the ground into revealing himself in front of the two..Vio pinpoint her sword directly at the enemy while Tyia is standing beside her..
“Be ready, Tyia!”..
After displaying his existence, the long haired man immediately showcased his power by shooting out another violet rays.. it doesn’t took much effort for Vio to repel it again and another explosion started taking place by their left side.. Tyia couldn’t even smile and Vio is determined to get answers for some question..
“Stop attacking us!.. acknowledged yourself, warrior!”..
“Hmmm.. no filthy being is allowed to amused themselves in knowing my name!.. die!”..
The anonymous human is hell bent on giving his enemies an ill fated life and charged at them..
He travelled using such extreme speed and is already in Vio’s front but the girl, being familiar
with the speed putting up defense so fast and the man ended up punching her sword.. his left hand afterward are puling something behind his body and a gun showed up before Vio’s eyes.. he pulled the trigger without hesitate but Vio avoided the bullet by crouching under.. Tyia also involved in the battle by showing up on the man right side and almost hit him before he jumped to the air like an acrobatic show.. his gun was focused onto the target and continuously he rain bullet upon them as he is still caught mid air.. the other two however managed to evade injuries by hiding behind the trees In their vicinity.. such a dangerous man has touched the ground soon and were busy reloading.. An overseer of chances was seen and Tyia went off from her completely covered location out into the open in order to counterattack.. the man saw what’s coming and throw his weapon up high in the air.. Tyia was presumed to arrived soon and she sent out a right handed fist.. however he caught her knuckle easily which has shocked the girl but she wouldn’t give up by presenting him with a fist on the left..on the opposite of expectation, both her fist has been caught by the enemy.. Tyia’s expression has mutated for the worst as the tall man threw her hand upward causing her to make off also an acrobatic act, which ultimately put her in a dangerous line.. Vio realized of an hazardous event about to occurred and jump out of hiding thus went running to them..
“No!.. Tyia, watch out!!”..
His right hand has emanate a colorful glyph and once it wrapped around his hand before being lost from eyesight, red light is developing through the arm and he showed up his palm onto Tyia whom is standing near to him after her feet has landed..
Bright and thin laser like ray has been fired in multiple round and being unaware of the very quick attack, Tyia couldn’t put up a defense posture and were hit on the center of her torso, her right shoulder and the stomach.. Vio was extremely surprised and screamed off her name..
No response was made upon she come tumbling down to the ground with a very painful expression.. her mouth is dripping blood and the intense pain rendered her speechless..
The man’s gun has been restored on his hand as he catch it when it fall down thus reloaded it very fast.. Vio is on the edge of anger and were running so fast, yet she was started to think that she wouldn’t made it.. the unnamed entity is targeting Tyia by the head and doesn’t even have reluctant feeling thus pulled the trigger but the bullet missed.. in an instant Tyia pushed her left palm away from the ground using all her remaining energy and rolled herself away in such haste.. bullet kept being fired as she moved but soon he stop the incomprehensible challenge when he noticed Vio’a arrival with her sword in hand and shoot at her instead.. one of the bullet has hit Vio’s armor, yet it bounces off leaving the man in vulgar feeling..
Vio swing her sword so fast but the man diligently jumped and is standing behind her.. he channeled a series of large magic into his gun transforming it into a glowing weapon and off he went firing a single round.. Vio  embraced this very inconvenience and moved like usual.. as soon as it hit however it completely forced Vio to be pushed backward..
“Quite  an impact!.. painless but strong!”..
Everything stated before was a reflected word in her heart.. so does sentences incarnate inside the man..
“It seem I can’t challenge a Type A dragon yet!”..
He still firing a lot of magic infused rounds but none of them capable of piercing Vio’s armor.. bearing the atrocious impact is what she could have done because it’s seemingly hard for a short ranged fighter to relinquished a high perimeter disorder.. meanwhile, Tyia is leaning against a tree and blue colored magical energy is gathering on a wound inflicted area.. the gushing pain was devastating and she kept coughing blood in minimum, though she is confided in believing that her life would remained unharmed.. Tyia’s healing process is being on the go and so does Vio’s battle.. does no longer the man shoot blindly due to bullet outage and he restored it from whence it came and gallantly wanted to eradicate Vio in close range..
He activated a magical technic which allowed both of his fist to be enveloped in raging red fire after glyph subsequently appeared and be gone.. without further due, the duel started on rampage with Vio taking a first strike with a very angry look.. being adequate in confidence, he didn’t dodge like normal and defend his right side with only his burning arm from the sword.. once it has come, and in slow motion, the man would had expected that the attack from his enemy wouldn’t work but as situation follow, Vio’s dark weapon slowly cut through the barrier of fire around the man’s arm and is cutting away through the sleeves and is reaching for the flesh.. his eyes saw this approaching danger and hurriedly prepared his left palm thus used it to pushed away the sword in it’s edge area.. the provided strength was capable in repelling Vio’s sword away until it lodged into a tree but his right arm’s wrist is now bleeding badly, caused by overconfidence which would make anyone careless.. Vio is now standing quite close to the tall man from which is calmly looking at  his injured arm and stared onto Vio next whom is also looking upward onto him..Tyia is still recovering and disregarding any safety precaution, Vio charged a lot of magic into her right hand and throw a powered up attack which only required the man to blocked it with only the palm of his left arm.. the girl is rendered shock, yet her heart that is greatly ravaged with raging temptation would only grant her the will to do everything to destroy..
“Tio Ares!”..
Following a glyph presence on the left hand is a single red ball that has formed in her palm.. the size itself is small and the precision is maximum because of their close proximity.. never wasted on any time, she released it into the enemy whom couldn’t had done anything to avoid caused by such rapid interaction.. a small hole soon was born on the man right abdomen penetrating through the entire body, undeniably cost severe difficulties.. rising tension warped the mysterious man feeling thus he moved on right leg and kicked Tyia on her left kidney, sending her plowing into the tree where Tyia was resuscitating.. her head is bleeding because of the tree crash but Vio could still moved while the enemy  is kneeing on the ground coughing up a lot of blood..
“For god sake!”..
And so he have speak of these loudly while checking the hole on his body..
“It vaporized my ribcage and lung!.. regenerating a lost organ wouldn’t be easy because of my depleting mana!”..
His intimacy to speak in his heart is numerous.. the man look at Vio whom is also looking at him.. both are now gasping for their breath and nonetheless are subjugated by tiredness..
Then the unknown person got up on his feet and blood is spewing away from the hole forcing him to create such hellish look of pain.. despite the abnormality he could still talk..
“You are really strong, girl!.. it’s rare for me to meet such powerful teenager that can even obtained the blade of the forbidden and possessed the armor of the white dragon!.. I thought I can take you on but I guess my overconfidence left me behind in hell”..
Vio tried to talk but her head is immersed in a lot of pain that even her entire vision is fuzzy, letting her enemy consolidate further..
“I shall never forget this day and I swear that I shall passed in bringing revenge upon the lion you slayed earlier!.. I  wouldn’t let this go unpaid!”..
The fact she just heard was really shocking.. her mind done some quick thinking and at that moment her eyelid closed a bit, regretting a certain matter..
“Remember my name, Sebastian Ro Broix, for one day this very name shall rain upon the most appropriate judgement onto yourself!”..
Being down with telling his name, Sebastian jumped into the closest tree branch that could supported his weight and kept jumping from one to another…realizing of the fleeing enemy, Vio let herself fall to the ground… later she pulled a deep breath of relieve but the thought of another showed itself causing her to stand up again while moving to a place..
She looked behind the tree she crashed into and noticed that her friend is still alive, breathing heavy though yet looking at Vio with a smile..
“I’m glad.. very glad”..
After saying that Vio fall to the ground with a smile, looking like she was almost sleeping.. the carnage was over in the moment and the Quell clan member have also closed her pair of eyes..
                                                               Jan ne!



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