Saturday 18 May 2013

Talk About Anime.

I got too much time on my hand recently ever since the end of my 3rd semester and in conjunction off these wasted time, i'm going to go all out by discussing of such essential matter that have piqued my interest ever since the last 2 years, which of course is about anime as the title grandly stated..
As anyone else whom shared the same knowledge like myself would surely be familiar with what anime really is.. it's a form of entertainment or could easily be more detailed as an animation from Japan, having zero ties with the meaning of cartoon whatsoever..sadly however, a lot of people kept thinking that cartoon and anime bear the similar meaning.. but i wouldn't want to approached such classic subject now.
As far as i know, anime was born since the last 1970, being from where Doraemon served as the first anime i presumed and also nominated as the first ever manga.. ever since the last 40 years, anime has undergone through numerous transformation, changing from the type like a common usual design of a child to a more American styled drawing into a mere cuter side of moe and more original styled is truly possible that i have no idea on what should be talked about their initial drawing but i shall moved onward.
What i am really trying to talk about right now is that most people these days tend to believe that newer anime in these ages are all about moe,softporn and all the negatives..dwelling in this particular otaku world might have been a new experience for me as it's only been 2 years but i still however deserved to voiced out my opinion.
Anime like City Hunter, My Neighbor Totoro, Laputa Castle In The Sky, Black Cat and many others are really old classical anime dated back in the 90th.. these anime contained it's own valuable lessons, really original, unusual and over the top kind of plot and Ghibli productions especially deserved such a hard to attained and the like aren't born yet in this era but as many people would know, adult theme are numerous and varied in City Hunter, an anime focused on the life of a cop living through a gangster ridden city..due to being an anime carrying a mature theme, dates, discos, prostitution and gun blazing action coursed through the story line.. despite having humorous intervention, i wouldn't mind saying that this anime is as bad itself..
Disregard City Hunter away, let's try looking at other anime like Genocyber infamous for it's extreme graphic violence.. while the overused of ripped off body part are varied, this anime even showcased an alien killing women and children.. it brought upon the theme of post apocalyptic future and indeed should carried out a really violent atmosphere but it was highly overdone and the anime itself received too much bad critique and had no ending.. Elfen Lied is another anime with blood strewn paste all over the wall.. it has perfect plot and truly is a really good anime but many people claimed of it to carried around children's violence theme and aggravating nudity... 
Hellsing and Berserk is yet another example of anime showcasing over estimated violence despite bearing such a good story line..these anime are indeed properties of the older age and contained no moe but adult theme and substances i mentioned about earlier.. at any rate, older anime are more variables in many kind of plots and had outstanding development but as far as i concerned, it is really gruesome in some and demand so many notorious comeback.. 21st century's anime are much further dwell in over cuteness and like others believe depicted many fanservice but if you would want to selected between the two, would you like to watched a cute girl making a pantyshot or a body being ripped apart in half?.. i wouldn't even want to mentioned Jack The Ripper and Legend Of The Overfiend in this kind of brutal cases..
According to my own personal taste, watching violent part is more to my liking but as long as it isn't excessive i wouldn't mind letting it sitting on my shoulder.. but yesterday's ages anime are too bloody in so many parts and whoever in their right mind would want to see gory events all day, am i right?.. it is better to encouraged people to see nudity and then learned how to reacted through these moment rather along than exposing them to evilness, thus further encouraging themselves to committed bloody awe of absolute despair.
Looking back in the older days once more, it is true that anime in these ages are not lacking in the term of exquisite lessons and far about rounding excellent aspects but the overall dark adult theme are blocking away the correct truth to salvaged greater souls.. violence blocked anime like all Ghibli's Productions, Heidi and other European nor American based classical plus the really dignified Grave Of The Butterflies are a remarkable features of the old time non a doubt, but truthfully these kind of anime is still being produced in this modern time for example Angel Beats, Les Miserables Shojo Cosette, Ano Hana, 5 Centimeters Per Seconds and many more are a treasure of these ages of technology.. these anime could perhaps be marked as an old one considering the production year but still it is countable as a new anime being created after 2005, the ages where numerous cuter anime expanded.. let's take a look at Kodomo No Jikan, an especially high rated softporn lolicon anime known for it's promotion for children sexuality, which of course i denied as to become of what people claiming it to be.. although the content may displayed a lot of lolicon material, the anime were actually focusing on a lone child looking for someone to love her dearly and giving her's true that some scene concerning Usa Mimi's breast scene are irrelevant but as long as you pay attention to the main object instead of the distraction then all should probably goes well.. a lonely child seeking attention by indulging in sexuality kind of demeanor is it's main theme, and everyone should really just understand the real course first instead of just bashing it in the face head on.. the problem with most people these days is that instead of giving a full review, they would simply file a complain about how immature nor wacky and unmeaningful an anime these days could be without even looking at how terrible an older anime could really has turned to actually become.. 
The point is,anime is really a beautiful entertainment and one should just enjoyed on what being offered to us.
Even my own self dislikes harem, which is a typical genre nowadays but really, just be grateful of what you were getting with!..there are many other type of anime being offered each year other than harem nor schoolgirl theme.. all people simply should do is just picked their beloved taste and shouldn't be complaining about the other ones and ultimately for those been downloading an anime for free shouldn't even trespass the boundary of complaining either!..
Old nor new anime it's doesn't really matter.. if you would say violence rejoiced a long time ago, then in this age it's probably a time for those preferred low tuned
I'm not actually the type to prefer to complaint about everything i been seeing or enjoying but i would just like it if everyone would just get along and stop fighting in such ridiculous matter.


Yumie said...

heaven yeah!.. sorry to say this, i just wanna voice my opinion 'like u insist'..ahem*reward*ahem..
well i could say im also in the same shoes like those who said anime these days, are full of those stuffs..18+.. not all though there are lots of more meaningful types but.. even in those type of anime there are still showing those 18+ stuffs.. i dont deny that it was the reason on the decreasing of my interest in anime world..((which is the most saddest thing ever happened in my life..seriously))
anyway, i do know that anime is not suitable with kids but somehow i always have this question in my mind recently, 'in japan...they are directed to kids right? -i mean they even aired anime in their tv channels for kids- sooo why do they even put those stuffs in anime that 'if they didnt put those stuffs is way better' get what i meant?i know its common these stuffs bland it does give plenty attributes ti the anime itself but why does those types of anime are even aired for younger audiences??

lolz please forgive me if i said something wrong in this comment of mine.. i just said what was inside my mind ne. anyway it is true that i have lost a bit of my interest towards this lifestyle.. but i still love it though even if my anime watchlist had been paused. thats all i wanna say :)sorry again f i sound a bit weird..its 3 a.m on monday hahaa weeee peace~ n.n

Yumie said...

*bland -- and

i do not wish to argue with you on this matter what you want me to do, i'll give you my opinion on it. feel free to correct me if im wrong okay?? ;)

Arisa Lucifiria said...

hoho it's okay nothing you said is wrong just expressed your inner thought...well of course of what you said it's true that anime being aired mostly are really matured but my post is actually concerning about how people disrespect today's anime and kept saying that older ones are better...well most anime is actually are aimed at teen,plus famous jump anime liike gintama and naruto is the one that is focused on grade school student..well if you look during the 90th, the amount of mature and violent anime are more expanded and thus doesn't clarified a better solution matter whether in the present or not, future and old anime would always be the same,bringing a very mature scenes around every corner...well of course not all type of anime is like that and there are still better anime without nudity these days like kuroko i said in my post earlier,new anime have much softporn scenes while old one have direct violence..i supposed it is better to see these people dwell in the world of moe rather than sticking their feet in bloody i don't think many japanese actually care about this but only us gaijins...
thanks for your opinion...hohoho...dude it's early in the morning..

Yumie said...

lolz i know that geez...thats why im bringing that up :b
hmm does dragonball categorized as an older anime too? if so...they do have fighting scenes but i guess there's nothing too violent in it...?
yupp not every older anime had violence act in it..same goes for the newer ones.. even todays anime also have direct violence too what? --dont mind my slang . for example like mirai nikki.. like one of my friends irl said..the violence in it was overrated.
just that the differences between these two is that older anime usually contains fighting and blood scatters genre while newer anime stands more to the story of everyday life..and loli stuffs ((like u said))
all matters here is what we call 'interest'. if u dont like older anime, there are bunch out there who are craving for them.... in their eyes, those type of anime are normal, even though you thought badly of them. even yaoi, some people thought of this anime is totally out of the list while others who loved 'em admire this genre the most.. plussss we dont know what japanese people's interest those older times...maybe they actually love genre like that..
anyway..time flies, along with the change of lifestyles.. and it sure good to know that anime industry nowadays had improved greatly though.. :)

Arisa Lucifiria said...

well yes and people don't know but dragonball have their brutal moment you know hohoho..
of course newer anime have direct violence as well but if you look again at the older one, they seem to encapsulated even more brutal chapter plus there are scenes engaging in mature lifestyle like going into discos, drug problem and the like..for me, mirai nikki is violent but NOT AS violent as Akira, Samurai Frenzy, Genji and then some other 90s anime..
mochiron des..newer anime is more to lifestyle and fanservice but as long as they didn't affected teenager into being relatively overdone is conquering fatal lifestyle...then all is good i supposed..
if they prefer mature anime in the older days, then it's probably up to them as they are the's just that i am not a supporter of those old one plus i'm tired of seeing other nation's people saying that newer anime are terrible...japan produced of what they prefer and these people really have no right to complaint..well you know i don't even want to say anything about old anime but if people nowadays keep saying that the older one is better, then i gonna scatter my anguish everywhere....
truly is that is good news to hear...anime these days are better and much satisfying plus i am happy to see this kind of lifestyle genre...i just wish that these people stopped their evil demeanor..

Yumie said...

does brutal have the same meaning with violence? i think not. so basically, dragon ball wasn't categorized as violent anime.. but more to brutal fighting huh.. that makes it normal just like other fighting anime out there then.
i remember watching Akira back then. yes it sure was a violent one... though i can't seem to differentiate it with Mirai Nikki except for the amount of violence in it. as for mature lifestyles, i guess they were trying to put up with the current lifestyles in the 90's as it was common that time, even in real life movies/dramas especially western's movie. perhaps they thought it was cooler that way, adding up those stuffs in anime.
other nation? those people, they never know what it means to shut up. just ignore what the damned things they say if it isn't true. if you responded to them, it's like you're actually wasting your time in arguing with those matters, do you think they'll stop? heaven no. come on, there are millions of real otaku in this world... all of them know the truth. even if one day in the future there'll be a 'war' (lolz) over newer anime being disbanded or what, im sure all otaku from every nation would rise up and fight it together-gether (lolz again).
chill up miku-chan, don't worry too much.. >.<

Yumie said...

oh and.. those people, maybe they have their own reason on why they stated something like that. own opinion meh.. sometimes it sucks for sure but, different people different thinking cannot blame them 100%.

-anywaaaay just saying, im on neither side, older anime nor newer.. i am a free person. i just watch whichever interesting but if something isn't going right, i'd probably stands up, make my way for it too.. .__.

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