Monday 8 April 2013


This Is A Post About The Continuation Of Chapter One..You Might Notice That There A Slight Drop In Language Skill But I Do Still Hope Anyone Would Enjoy It..

                                                                     8 Hours Later..
After going through a decent night, the girl step out from the apartment and head out into the street.. the daylight was shining brightly as the skies no longer cried.. people are crawling the busy streets and transportations like horse carriage are being simple matter of perspective.. knights dressed in exactly same replications like the girl are also seen walking about among the citizens, except some distinguished themselves in different colored armor, weapons, and numerous decorations plus a large helm on the head.. swordsmen in casual clothing are also being seen, making the girl to create exclamation.
“There are many warriors in this town.. seem plausible enough to be a destination for these people.. I wonder if father have been using this passage..”..
Silence thus thy heart, and in short time her stomach is growling.. her leg automatically carried her away, hoping to find a dining shop in need.. many people seem to watched her as she walked through the crowd.. the warriors especially give her a sharp glare and some are eyeing over her black blade.. the girl positively rejected this kind of offensive behavior and swirled to a spotted cake house.. 
The place isn’t fairly occupied and at such a seat was managed to be obtained.. she leisurely wait for the waiter, received a chocolate cake later on and ate it.. truly it was pure sensation as the creamy feeling were shoved down her throat..
It wasn’t long before her amusement was evaporated, because of a certain battle has occurred outside the cake house.. the noises of sword clashing are banging and the instant the girl looked outside a figure was crashing into the window and smashed against her table.. pieces of chocolates  smeared her serious look and the other crowd were terrified and running away in haste.. immersed in infuriating motive, the girl stand upward and look at the squealing man aching in pain.
“Sorry lady…I’m lost and wrecked your pleasure”..
The injured men say so while looking at her and coughing in blood.. she heartlessly step on his stomach instead and left the barely breathing man behind while head outside into the heart of turmoil.. fight continuously brewing and she noticed there was 5 armed men with swords are dueling together versus one man wielding a long sword.. the battle were very intense as the sole man clashes with one of them and cause that single body to flew away crashing into a convenience store.. no one was lingering on that particular street anymore and  once again another men got slashed and blood were escaping from his chest, before he come tumbling down.. courageous still of the remaining, and together they make a collaboration and attack the man wearing the long coat together.. the girl silently watched their battle, and as the countdown begin that scary man revealed his face that was overwhelmed with scars on the right cheek which a cloth was used to partially hidden his face before was being taken off.. before she knew of what would happen all the other men was blown away, upon the mystery men swing his katana in the air.. question trapped inside the girl’s head, and without reconsidering she charged ahead after unsheathing the blade and strike the man with full speed but he managed to avoid injuries by stopping her attack with his sword.. her opponent has blue eyes, black long hair, a matured teenager appeal, extremely muscular body and quite tall height with ordinary eyebrow, noses and great facial structure.. the man smile in the presence of this anonymous girl..
“Don’t be too rough feisty being..”
And so he said such, before raising his gripping strength on his sword then managed to make the girl jump a few distance behind since he shoved her sword away.. the girl obviously feeling tempted and strike at him again.. the clashes of their sword created a large spark, and again bigger sparks were born due to their fast  sword clashing and exchanging blow.. without a doubt these duo are a match as either are feeling tired nor bearing the surrender sign and awesomely still they striking each other’s weapon  in deep bloodlust.. the battle was been thought to reach no end by the girl, and at
such moment she backed down by jumping behind again.. the man still displaying his sword, and ambivalently talked to her with a unusually sharp smile.
“Given up already?”..
The girl too has smiled terrifyingly.
“What’s your name, anonymous?..
“Ain”t the asker supposed to give her name first? are pretty strong for a little girl.. hahaha”..
He slowly laughed.
“My name is Vio..Viokasuki”..
This girl name Vio isn’t particularly interested in anyone mocking..
“That’s a very odd name….well it’s suited someone as oddly an anonymity in detail like yourself.. my name is Kerito de Leonard.. quite a talker I am isn’t it?’..
“Ain’t that a truth…that’s quite a great material you got there, Mr Kerito”..
Fluttered thus her curious heart wandering of the originality of the weapon her enemy is bearing.. the sword Mr Kerito wielded are bright in shining gold, the grip was in saturation of blue and the tip’s sharpness are immense even noticeable in the naked eyes..
“I can say the same about yours.. the black blade Ryomi.. that’s a demonic blade.. I can’t even”..
Uttering simply stop, and instantly he approached silence because Vio suddenly charged toward him before Kerito could  simplified further.. once again the battle continues and Vio strikes and Kerito managed to put up defenses but this abominable attack was very destructive and send off the man flying with his sword away.. Kerito was up in the air but he managed to landed into the ground successfully thus stand up again..
“Little brat.. you want to become serious?.. then let’s..”..
Kerito’s word are stalled as he was shocked to see Vio was in front of him.
“So fast!”..
His heart murmured so, and with the sword aimed at her opponent she managed to cut off Kerito’s arm from the shoulder which resulted in massive blood loss.. his weapon was also at lost because the arm being dismembered bear that particular item.. Vio, upon catching the probably glimpse of victorious event took herself away from the man a few distance behind again by simply jumping like an aerobatic master.. The man, having to gazed upon his lost arm stayed calm actually and speak while putting his face on his right palm..
“Not bad girl.. it was my fault for not being cautious.. however”..
Before Vio’s eyes a very gastronomical event taken place in the blink of an eye, as Kerito’s right hand  become illuminated with blue fire mixed with red and now he no longer covering face and held his hand against the bleeding wound.. Vio wasn’t anyhow surprised and watched how the blue reddish fire were sucked into the large wound and in the sudden moment his blood together with the muscles, bones and veins was being fused together after the aforementioned part comes out from the previous wound and were making a spiraling shape thus formed a skin and a new arm was regenerated.. Vio speaks about it afterward..
“The regeneration spell called Chantera.. a very high class healing magic usually taken a vast time to mastered and were banned from daily usage because of not only the little amount of beneficial fact it presented but of it’s particularly dangerous side effect that is superior than the goodness it brought upon the caster.. You ain’t going to live long if you keep using it Mr Kerito”..
Kerito were listening in patience and slowly picked up his fallen sword and threw the useless arm that were gripping into it’s grip..
“I’m well aware of it’s danger to potentially sucked away a partial of my life but I don’t need your obvious veracity.. I look down upon my enemy and in return i received a punishment equivalent to what I had done to embarrassed a soldier’s soul.. anyway let’s get this over with shall we?.. i will be going all out from now on.. prepared yourself little girl!”..
Both warriors are now embarking in extreme seriousness, and without even giving a chances for the leaves to fallen upon the earth they furiously attacked each other with all possible might.. heavy metal sparks continuously produced from their weapon hitting against each other and during the intense seconds, Kerito managed to dodged one’s of Vio’s slash by crouching down and aimed toward her armored right ribs.. the attack from his sword immediately caused her to be blown away to the side and Vio crashed to the nearby shop’s window.. debris are pilling in her crash point and Kerito tenaciously speak of something within..
“That armor of her is probably destroyed and she be bleeding all over the place right now.. guess the fight is over”..
The man slowly walked away after sheathing his weapon but he would no longer do so after a sharp and painful atmosphere aroused in his stomach.. blood are dripping from his mouth and Kerito slowly look down upon his bowel and noticed a black blade is sticking out in the open.. he also look behind and noticed an evil looking being behind him.. Vio was smiling in the midst of darkness but it was short lived because the man he stabbed become a smoke, proven to actually being a mere illusion.. Kerito was in fact situated behind her already and make an instant strike on the back of Vio’s armor causing her to relentlessly fall to the ground but no damages was prevailed..
Kerito’s heart was enraged.
“Just how thick is her armor?!.. is it made out of dragon skin?!”..
Vio quickly jump to her feet, turned around and capable of stopping another one of Kerito’s attack when he presumed into taken advantages of the situation.. their swords once again stumbled each other and as their eyesight met a new decision was born.. having enough with countless recycles of clashing, both threw their weapon up into the sky.. either readily showcased their right hand and their fist pummeled.. they jump away from each other afterward, avoiding the fallen swords that later stick to the ground.. etched with intensity the situation were worsened by the magic they about to cast.. both draw their right palm to the enemy and soon mysterious colorful glyph start to appear before the audience’s eyes.
Immense fire were subtracted from Vio’s glyph.
Meanwhile numerous strikes of lighting escapes from Kerito’s.. these frightening elements shredded each other thus exploded, destroying and shattering a barrage of the nearby building window’s.. somehow an opportunity was foreseen by them and together they speed up to the middle of the streets where dust has gathered.. disregarding of their own self safety fist are being blown by the two and in the nick of time each other’s cheek has been smashed and because of such overwhelming forces, they flied away to their respective diirection and crashed at the wall.. debris intoxicated the fighting arena, and it wasn’t long before they get up and out to get the opposition again.. they exchanged hand to hand fighting, and soon in the next 10 minutes they glared upon another in distances, gasping and panting for air.. smiles are carved into their faces despite the wound and bruises inflicted upon themselves throughout the courses of feuding.. Vio are tempted to speak as she wipe the dripping blood from her mouth.
“Why wouldn’t you collapsed?”..
And so she said while panting in exertion.. Kerito no longer holding upon his knees and replied in tired tone..
“I can say the same for you girl.. you are very strong”..
A conversation began to ignite since Vio has decided to make one.
“You too are tough.. nonetheless .. I ain’t running but this battle wouldn’t be going anywhere I see… shall we stop this? .. for today at least” ..
“You talked like an old women you know? .. hahaha” ..
Kerito started to make a hint of joke ..
“ Well you speaked like a kid and a lot too despite your age tall guy” ..
She doesn’t received it pretty well.
“Hohoho .. don’t need to make a fuss.. I had so much fun today .. let me at least say thank you for this”..
After finished talking Kerito gone up to get his sword and concealed it in it’s golden scabbard ..
“Your name is Viokasuki right? .. well then miss mind if I ask, what do you fight for?” ..
Such a sentences was interpret when he was looking at the sun on the skies .. casually she respond as she also maintained her ground ..
“I fight for that cake that got smashed when you send that guy flying into my table “..
He laughed in the moment after hearing it..
“For such normal reason yes? .. well I’m sorry about that” ..
He searched his pocket for something and throw a few silver coins to Vio whom easily caught it ..
“Please take my damage retribution ..i believe I must get going now .. you so too .. this ruckus we made wouldn’t go unpaid .. until we meet again miss .. sayonara” ..
He walked toward the shining sun and were gone once Vio taken her sword .. she too has walked toward an another street by going through the nearby alley and vanished .. back to the previous battlefield however a shadow was noticed lurking in an another alley and such one fully mimicked the stalker appeared before .. he was smiling in that morbid darkness .. 


Yumie said...

This story is getting more interesting! Someone smiling in a dark alley.. Creepy~ Keep on writing ne. You have my support. o(^__^)o

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