Sunday 31 March 2013

Been Doing Another Part..

Well It's Look Like I Was Being Confident Enough To Write More Of The Story I Been Putting My Interest On....For Those Been Reading The Last Chapter Before I Would Like To Say Thank You For Spending Your Time And Here Are Some Of The Continuance If You Would Willing To Read More..Any Comment Pertaining My Story Is Greatly Appreciated..

                                                               Chapter 1 Introduczione..
                                                                    10 Years Later..
Long duration of times have passed since a certain war collapsed the entire world.. little amount of peace were refurbished from the prolonged earlier battles of hardship but such very small pieces of hope still granted  the power to encapsulated a once though eternal peace.. nevertheless Purusupira-nai is blooming to a more beautiful chapter ever since almost replicating it’s once lost fountain of tranquility and beauty.. corrupted clans, politicians, kingdom, and evil men still spawned a large sections of territories and scattered everywhere determining that the passage leading towards unlocking a true paradise is still ain’t well captivated in hand.. despite such fact many peoples are living up in harmonies and according to as what they always desired to do these days and eventually the tremendous aroma should what become of desire but little do they know as the struggles in the underworld is worsened and magnificently enormous forces are starting to rise up in the world once again upon the breathtaking pieces of extravaganza are summoning the demons very presence itself.
In the land of common pheasant, countrymen, and rural villages there lies a small town of Shirela.. and in the outskirts of that particular town there was a small road leading towards it.. the either side are swarming with thick forest outline and a small figure is seen walking alone along the muddy path which it’s hardness was loosened by the small rain and vividly noticeable is the fact it was a she.. sporting a pink hair and eyelashes with minor size breast and even pink iris, she looks too beautiful enough to be true.. her facial structure mimicked that of an angel but with the apparel of a light white armor covering her chest and legs plus carrying a fully black thin and long sword etched onto the metal strap welded onto the back of her armor make her look like a dangerous level hostile..
The desired tone of seriousness become an attachment on her expression.. the wind started picking up speed along with the tears of the skies accelerates it’s contact into earth.. she continuously strayed forward perhaps in the wish to ventured into town.. despite the heavier rain her pace isn’t picking up and instead she halted.. out in an instant a shadow plunged from the nearby  forest in the left side and swayed it’s sword with great speed ready to chop the girl’s head off.. in split second she turned around and clashes happened.. the shadow whom appeared to be a man looking like a bandit was shocked to see that she stopped his attack using her armored right arm.
“What the?!”
The girl looked at him in irritation and punched the man using the left arm plowing him far onward..
Within horrifying sequences many other shadows started to exist and all steadily targeted  the  girl.
She locked upon these armed men with swords and view their movement.. one approached and as the sword strike her chest it instantly broke and she punched his stomach.. 7 remaining enforcement tries striking back all at once and the driven girl sighed thus pulled her shining black blade.. she wielded the blade with two hand and displayed the sharp line of the blade under her terrifying eyes..
Pretty soon she charged forward and slashed the first oncoming in the stomach, emanating heavy blood and killing him instantly.. the another disguising bandits dressed in plain clothes of t-shirt and trousers approached and swing his sword but the girl was faster and were crouching beneath him..
From there she changed to a single arm swordplay and created a direct long cut along the man’s chest.. as he fallen to the ground, the girl stand upward and make a twin hand grip again thus attacked an another swing.. upon contact with the sword of the fourth enemies a clashes happened but the opponent’s weapon were break into two and without a chances to avoid she gave a strike on the neck making off a bloody rain originated from an uprooted head..
The girl positioned herself straight after the fourth murder, swinging her weapon to rinse off the blood gained.. she  gives off a dark smile before the other three whom were standing still probably being aghast.. it was very soon before her enemies started charging.. the girl make the final movement and in the blink of an eye she was standing behind them after executing a large swing, waving her bloody sword again before putting it on the original position..
The enemies suddenly become a blood venue, with heavy red phial escaping from their bodies..
The ground become their final touch and the anonymous girl walked upon the bloody and muddy path in the determination to reach that simple town.    
15 minutes passed  and she was at the town’s entrance.. no one was seem to be around because of the pouring rain.. shops are lining the street corners either on the left nor right and faint light are emanating from a certain ones.. the path in the town are made to look like a normal everyday streets and the streetlight are lining throughout the vicinity.. the skies are starting to look even more darker and by a simple guessing she concluded that night time is approaching.. her head swayed left and right in the hope to find a settlement.. after moving many steps forward she noticed a signboard written “Geminasca” located above the door of an apartment.. the place look quite comfortable from her point of view and in haste she persuaded herself towards it.. in seconds the girl was inside.. but somewhere behind her there was an entity tailgating.. it was a male it seem due to the body posture and tall height plus the long coat and hat he was wearing seem unsuitable for female.. his face was darkened by the night..
The mysterious girl are now sitting in the bed of her appointed room.. her armor and sword are positioned on the nearby table and now she was wearing only blue shirt and short pant, a plain clothes of a common country girl.. soon she changed from sitting to laying about on the pillow of her bed while looking at the ceiling.. her mind wandered off thinking of something while her heart is speaking..
“Where are you, father?”…
Her voice are innocent enough but only God may knew of an lingering demon in camouflage.
The serenity of the night continues to create prolonged streams of tranquility and slowly the girl eye’s are closing and she unconsciously fell into a deep sleep.
There Is Still More Yet To Post About This Chapter But I Gonna Put In On Some Other Day If I Were Given The Chances..Anyway My Life Been Kinda Good..Except For The Infuriating Fact That This Nation Is Very Hot And The Sweltering Heat Probably Would Killed Me If I Haven't Been Preparing Myself With Outstanding Mental Durability..I Wish I Am At Japan Right Now..That Place Is Far More Cooler And It Would Be So Awesome To See The Momiji And Sakura Flower Blooming...


Yumie said...

wonder what happened to her father...

Arisa Lucifiria said...

It shall be foretell later on..

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