Thursday 11 April 2013

Viewing Additional Gap..

And So I'm Putting Up Another Continuation Of Chapter 1..Err Sorry Forgot To Put Color!..Please Do Enjoy...The Literature,Grammar,Verbs Or Whatever Might Have Worsened So Please Pardon Me Since I Ain't A Flawless Being..By The Way I Were Laughed By My Friend Just A Second Ago Because I Have Only 2 Followers...Well It's Fine Anyway I Don't Expect Many People To Peep Behind Me..Just A Single Closest Friend Of Mine Is Sufficient..

Retracing back Vio’s footstep, her legs bought her to an another street where there are more plentiful people there  .. it was believe to be the center of town and it’s flourished with moderate sensuality .. a large fountain is situated in the middle and houses, shops and various other item seen before can be spotted even in slightest sight .. Vio murmured to herself ..
“What am I supposed to do right now? .. there isn’t any lead traceable back to father .. perhaps I should be able to get an information by making a proper acquaintance in this town” ..
From there she went to a different street leading to the outer side of town located in the west ..
She noticed that swordsman, knights and fellow various type of fighters are more varied in the outskirt, and make a minor conclusion pertaining it.
“These enemies gathered around in the resident’s communities .. Chaos might ensues further if they were allowed to roamed freely like this .. at the very least, I should focused on my main objective for now” ..
Vio take a stroll along a particular emptier road .. the skies are lamenting, sunlight are scorching hot and tranquility are quite over in estimation, making Vio’s mind lodged in questions..
“I wonder.. where all the other people go? .. and I started talking a lot too now.. his idiocy must have affected me” ..
Later on, she readied to take a turn for the corner and her ear caught the sound of clashing swords ..
Vio take a peek on the right and saw another fighting bunch of armed persona.. the group are going on executing one another and Vio was quite closed to them.. Vio investigated and accumulated a total of 9 person remained out of 21, judging it’s original number from the scattered corpses on the ground.. one of the breathing ones are a young girl, and she’s quite an talented fighter herself according to Vio’s mind as she easily dodged a few attacks and capable of retaliating in renowned speed and haste.. she quietly still gazing upon them whom later number drop to 3 person.. the young girl are unharmed and not slayed yet and in another progress she took out yet another fighter.. the leftover decided to killed this girl and she noticed but her sword are struck too deep to the other body and she can’t moved due to it.. just as the girl is covering her face with both arm, Vio instantly make presence in front of the approaching sword wielding man and killed him.. the young girl noticed her lifesaver and sensed a gratitude awareness..
“Thanks for saving my life!”..
Such a words is said in quite a tone accustomed with bold and respects plus she even bowed to Vio after getting on her feet.. Vio sighed and sheathed her weapon, afterward look behind and speak.
“There is no need to offered so many respect for me.. I just happen to pass by and eradicated your pain”..
Vio casually walk away pretty soon and caused the girl she rescued to panic and grabbed her weapon which was later concealed and make a run for Vio..
“Wait!.. excuse me but I want to speak with you!”..
The main protagonist sighed first before discontinued her pursuit for clues.. she looked behind afterward and tenaciously observed this entity.. this young girl appeared to be a few centimeters shorter from her and sported a good and reliable looking body while her breast is still developing.. her iris are green like a rare emerald and the long black hair she owned was soft looking and gently moved when blown by the breezing wind.. her facial structures are very delicate and childish appearing possibly affected by her age circulation.. she wear a red t-shirt with variable color stripe and long black tight pant.
“This girl is still softened in looks despite that brute battle earlier?.. probably she never been to a real battlefield before”..
After saying such words in her heart, Vio moved on in acknowledging this renewed alternatives course in gaining more clues.
“What’s your name?”..
“My name is Quell Tyia Hyme.. I’m looking forward to meet another female fighters like myself!.. yoroshiku onegai shimas!”..
Being done with such a pleasant performance of introduction, Tyia give out a hand accompanied by radiant smile.. it was so astonishing to look at, at least that is what Vio is thinking right now.. she too gave out her hand.
“I’m Vio.. nice to meet you as well”..          
She isn’t reluctant in making contact and they shake hands together.. Vio wanted to make more discovery pertaining Tyia and talked to her after releasing her hand.
“Are you a fighter,Quell?.. how old are you?”..
“Yes I am!..I’m 14!.. you are a teenager too yes?.. you must been 17,right senpai?!”..
The kid was very noisy but Vio is enriched with so much patience that she wouldn’t take a closure against this kind of predicament..
“I see.. yes I’m 17.. do you live in this town?”..
“No I’m not I’m just a traveller perhaps same like you senpai!.. ne do you want to travelled together?”..
Her eyes and pretty smile shines out an incomprehensible hope.. Vio couldn’t not indulged in mishaps, and make a spontaneous decision.
“Alright.. let’s move as a party then.. where do you want to go,Tyia?”..
The young one are likely overjoyed but she stopped herself from jumping and cleared her throat..
Vio was simply attracted by this overwhelming behavior, carved a simple smile and think of something within..
“Tyia is just too kawaii.. all I can do best at least is protect her from imminent danger”..
 And so she finished mesmerizing and Tyia spoke out an relevant matter.
“I’m going to Murviellenceille!.. I have a business in that town!”..
“I don’t know where that is but mind if I ask, what is the reason you wanted to go there for?”..
“I want to murder my father for leaving my mother and me behind to rot and live in miseries MUAHUAHUAHUAHUA!!”..
Tyia is still being childish but she laughed like the demon with both hand held high.
Vio was aghast and her jaw is opened a little.. afterward she make a face palm and speak in thy heart again.
“This insanely cute girl hauled an ambition that bear similarities unlike a thorny bushes!.. yer I believe I can still preserved that cuteness”..
She looked upon Tyia whom still laughing through her finger’s and noticed that funny and awkward thing and afterward closed her eyes..
“Like father always would had done for me.. it’s time for me to take the responsibility of protecting a life.. I will be as what you always wanted, father”..
Vio showed her face again and look upon Tyia before pulling her right arm.. the girl were calm, and she spoke of different thing with a very sad face while looking at the ground.
“I’m sorry about that.. do you.. still let me.. follow you?.. despite my crazy bewilderment?”..
Her soft voices turned into a chamber of despair and only sounded painful and tear tearing.. once more Vio’s heart spoke.
“Poor girl.. she must have illustrated the similar behavior to other peoples and that may had caused her rejection”..
After letting go of her hand, Vio pats Tyia head slowly and recite the magnanimous words she desired.
“Do not fret, my friend.. I understand.. let’s together make avenge for your mother”..
Main protagonist Viokasuki cheerfully smiled for her new friend and give a hug to  Tyia.. however a carve of evil was formed, and Tyia prepared her left hand and punched Vio’s stomach, sending her plowing far away and crashed into a brick wall.. the enemies captured a serious management and walked toward Vio with a witty look of bad exposure.  
                                                End Of This Chapter.


Yumie said...

done reading! was it just me or.... this story is mimicking some anime...?? :P
BY THE WAY. you're new in blogging world. it's normal to start off having quite small number of followers. i believe in the matter of time that small number will increase into larger one. just keep going and make sure your blog is always up-to-date with new stuffs.

p.s: somehow, each time when a new chapter is posted, i get the intuition to check out this blog. seriously. xD

Arisa Lucifiria said...

well this story is supposed to be very anime like so you might get what i'm saying but i can assured you that i don't copied anyone else's idea... well i don't really care about the number but i suspected much..
i guess you feel intrigued by this story?...i'm happy for you then...sorry i feel a little bit tense because it's so very early right now..

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