Tuesday 26 August 2014

Chapter 2 Bleeing This Town Part II

This is the first 2 pages of the 2nd chapter. The rest shall be posted upon completion

Pale, thin ray of light shine through a window with a half opened curtain. Enveloped in dim light nearby is a bed. A sleeping person lies with her armor, cranking out weird chanting as she moved around the bed side to side.
“I want, a crocodile soup for lunch”, whispered the girl nonchalantly in her sleep.
A large person is sitting on the bed, near to the girl’s feet and he looked at her silently.
Afterward, he’d approached the window and stared at the outside world. A parade of people is seen walking down the lane in a straight line and a few are carrying a torch. His attention to the party was short and was diverted to the former object upon the voice of another person has resounded. The bedridden girl was awaked, scratched her head and quickly spotted the man inside the room.
“Who are you? A rapist?” asserted the questioning one with a half opened eyelid.
The man is standing quietly and tried talking.
“Oh wait, that’s not a necessary joke”, she quickly intercepted.
“How are you feeling? “, stated the tall man.
She scratched her forehead and shook her head. Suddenly, a recollection of memory arrived, consisting of pages that foretold a tragic event that had been concluded. Her expression turned sour once her head had visualized of witnessing the death of an old man.
“How is that girl doing!?”.
An answer was demanded by the scream from a worried being. Providing false truth wouldn’t bloom a benefit, therefore lying is not crucial.
 “She’s fine, but it would be better that you leave her alone. Wisceria is in shamble”, tell the large man.
The girl uttered nothing and pulled in an intake of air to calm her-self. Time decided to depart from the man’s side and as he had noticed so, a conduction of conversation is constructed.
“My name is Mont. Pleased to meet you”.
Introduction was provided by the other.
“What do you want?”
Stemmed with a careful touch, she didn’t bother to be friendlier and displayed a sour look.
Taking such an act to be considered of no offence, Montreal take a lot outside the window again, still armed with seriousness.
“Come here”, said the man.
Sensing no danger to intervened, she climb out from the bed and saw the parade outside. A group of man is carrying a large coffin, and others with torch are surrounding them.
“It’s Wisceria’s father. Having the need to see their loved one died before their eye is a torture. I am ashamed of myself for being too late”.
Mont had spoken with a sour look. Trudge much in a pile of unanswered question, the girl began seeking for clues.
“Was the outside world always seemed like this?”
Compelled to look very casual most of the time, she remained laidback, though there’s a hint of sadness course through her feeling. Curiosity swerved the man in every possible direction and he is too decided to dig up information from this unknown person he is looking at.
“Which village did you come from?”
“Hemoalis. It is 10 kilometers located from here. I had only recently started this exploration for two days but already stumbled upon blunder that I didn’t seek to expect. I do not know, but my feeling kept griping to my own self saying that I shouldn’t even move out in the first place. Ah, somehow I know that it wouldn’t be paradise and yet, I’d choose to side with my wilder temptation anyway. I’ll honestly don’t know what I am doing”.
She murmured so to herself, spilling over precious info that allowed Montreal to issues a self-speak inside of him.
“That place...”
Without finishing what he had to say, Montreal enclosed another measure to killed mysteries.
“Is your house located in the village or somewhere nearby of it?”
“It is in the forest.”
The collection for the info necessary was partially completed, as Montreal had thought so.
“I shouldn’t probably tell anyone about that. This blank space inside of me is sickening.”
The girl felt tortured by the ordeal she had gone through. He was about to uttered words that could relieve her but suddenly, she performed an action. She pulled in a lot of air to her lung and released it. The same sort of activity was done for 3 times later.
“Now, I felt better. I just had this reminder inside of me telling that I should do so to calm myself. And talking a lot too can contribute to calmness.”
 Her face still looked standard, even though she had said too much word. Montreal simply monitored her movement. He just smiled a bit before looking serious again.
“Do you know the enemy?”
Upon hearing that, the girl’s expression changed a bit as she looked angered. It reverted easily to the former tone in few second.
“No, I don’t”, mentioned her, confessed of having little intelligence regarding the target.
“His name is Lurvan Burnhatten. His two other associate, the one with the mask is Ries Del Von and the single one left is Ennas Mar. They aren’t just normal contender. If you’re still wanted to hunt them down, it would do well to be more experienced first before facing them. I’d believed you will understand that.”
She calmly answered.
“I will not be hasty. Their lives aren’t anything poor that I can deliberately let go of.”
Her eyes are streaming with the lust for revenge and Montreal had noticed it but choose to accept this condition. Silence had spread, the parade outside had moved on and the street is dark. Realizing that she must gathered info as well, it’s her turn to ask questions.
“Who are you again? Mountain?”
“It is Montreal. When you were rendered unconscious, I’d dealt with them but they ran away before I could conjure an arrest. I am an authority figure that guarded this area.”
“I see. There’s something I am curious of. It has been bugging me for a while”.
“What is it?”. As they are speaking, each replied as calm as they are to be, while looking outside.
“Why is it that you quickly provided me with information even though I didn’t ask of it?”
The girl had asked, from which he firmly replied.
“I don’t want to waste time waiting for question that might’ve been asked. It would require the sacrificing of many things such as time itself, space and energy. If it is essential, I would provide it without hesitation.”
“Oh, okay then.”
“What will you do? Move ahead for your journey?”
“No, I will stay here until she is approachable. I felt like taking her out with me”.
She moved from the spot and headed to the bed. There, she saw her sword and take it. As the two didn’t spoke at all after then, the girl left the room as the man talk to his self once more.
“Her wound sure healed up really quick. Does this have any connection with her flourishing magic?”
It’s positively assured that his will to know the answer to everything about the girl couldn’t be dug out as of that point. As he is scratching his head, his mind pondered him to say something else that popped out for no reason.
“But, that conversation was”.
Before he could continue, the girl outside has thought of the same thing and together, they both said the word spontaneously.
“Awkward”, said the two with yet the same bored look.
 She’d continued walking out in the dark street, and a thought had surfaced again.
“Where I am going anyway?”


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