Wednesday 10 July 2013

Short Post -

LOL...stands for laugh out loud...

It's been seconds before i saw this weird short sentences..literally,it's everywhere on the internet!
I bear no grudge to such thing,as it's rather pointless to get angry at a letter but for the heck of it,i am growing dull of seeing this letter scattering everywhere on the internet especially in otaku's site..

Does the Japanese created it? it that important for an otaku or whatsoever kind of civilian to type out these LOL word every time there's something funny happening or used it all the time whenever they ended a paragraph of sentences?..

I have never been a fan of typing out something like this since following a certain trends isn't always fun and's equivalent to tons of weirdness...or maybe i am overthinking this..


Unknown said...

0yo..sup ? =

Arisa Lucifiria said...

sup? want to make a sup?

Unknown said...

Yo..wanh no :D

Arisa Lucifiria said...

eh?..are you wanh?...o.o...

Unknown said...

Yela..ko kene ban?

Arisa Lucifiria said... betul..tpi ak buat akkaun bru lg kt cc hari dia ryan douglas...
masih tk kene closed becz aku buat kt ip adress lain...ko jgn sentuh dulu akaun tu..

Unknown said... ko tak takut ke kalo diorang jumpe ko lagi?.___.
nanti kene perm ban..

Arisa Lucifiria said...

ak bkn kisah..nk wat ap ak takut kt manusia...ko pose tk?

Unknown said...

Bukan..nanti diorang jumpe ko punye akaun..macam sebelum ni..diorang macam afa detecter..o.o
Aku pose..

Arisa Lucifiria said...

jumpe pun jumpela...gue tk kecut..ceh ayat mcm siot...ok...huhu..bagus ko pose....apakte ko post kt comment lain plak becz nanti tenggelam post ni kang..

awesome Kid. said...

'lol' huh..? i've known a person who ended their sentences with lol each time he's posting something. it is like a habit.

Arisa Lucifiria said...

hmmm...habit pun habitla...meka yg nak...

awesome Kid. said...

i know right lolololol...

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