Thursday 19 June 2014

Post for this month is going to be boring.

Hello..Even though that I am not as active as I'd used to be but I do have the target of posting at least a single post for each passing month. I will not be inactive that's for sure. If there would be a day where I haven't been posting for a month or two, then all consideration should be taken into the fact that I'm dead.

Yes, this post is going to be really boring indeed because I do not have much to say again. Actually, I do have something to say but ah, there's the lack of internet again and  these days, that lacking substance has reached to the extreme. I am forced to pay the unarrived bill for the streamyx wifi at home since Celcom Broadband has instilled limit or quota into their RM5 for a single day internet package and I'll hate that, seriously. Damn you, Celcom, you stupid money demander. There's the cyber cafe up front but I do not have the mood to type something in public.

I am doing well, but shit, my studies is over and I'd still haven't told my mom about the firing that were accomplished by Unisel against me just because due to the fact that I haven't pay their extraordinary amount of fee for each semester. I swear of God, these days, everything just want money. Is it that fucking important? I guess yeah since there's a lot of people that quoted "Money make the world go round". 

Right now, I am just a useless good for nothing NEET, having forced to sit at home babysitting my sister. I do not mind taking care of her but I do need a real job and fast in order to pay that expensive RM4000 fee. Damn it, Unisel. Why am I so ruined? Oh, I forgot. I am also a frickin sin collector. There's no need for God to support someone like me for I am a waster of Earth resources. I do not deserves His kindness but please, at least let my family live swell, including my entire good friends and relatives as well until the end of their life. And also, please protect Japan and the Muslim world from their inoculous enemies.  

My best friend has managed to further expanded her education into a higher level and I am forever happy to see that is happening. Furthermore, the university that she selected is quite close so who knew, maybe I can make an appointment. Thank you God, for letting her to arrive this far. Please protect her uh, everthing that she loved and hold dear, plus let her life being a lot easier than before. I hope she make ton of very good friend over there too. 

Sister, yes my sister is being a much better being lately. She is giving everything she can to study and play sport. I bet she can turned out to be a far better person than me. Please let her stay this way and evolved being much magnanimous if it possible, dear God. 

Oh, I love this girl. Koshigaya Komari is a very beautiful character. If she existed, I would be endowed in triumph but well, at least there's an OVA and a 2nd season for Non non Biyori. Have a good day, Komari.

I'm so excited!


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