Tuesday 9 July 2013

Malaysia Reference In Anime

As the title goes,today i'm going to discuss about anime that have Malaysia's reference in it,where in some moment perhaps the character were talking about the distinguished flag with white and red stripes,a crescent moon and a large star or even spoke out a Bahasa Malay themselves!
Now,don't think of me as a hater to Malaysia despite the fact that i may have spoken before pertaining on my own self could have established hatred for the country,telling of it either direct or indirectly in any of the post finished but the real story is,i do dislikes some thing about Malaysia but not to the country but to the inhabitant of it like the teenagers,politicians and it's adults..believe me as i still do held hope for this nation but if the teens living in here goes uncontrollable as they goes bearing wild attitude of pure evilness then how could i have entrusted myself to overcome this when the disorder undergoing is almost unstoppable and were accomplished by nearly half of a million teenagers?..
The sentences above clearly pointed out that i am not trying to say all teenagers are bad so please don't jump to the conclusion and try reading all of the post before you go bashing someone in their blog. 

Alright then let's move onward with the true objective..before i off talking about the Malaysia reference,i would want to give one examples of scenes speaking of other country as well..as every otaku or non otaku know (maybe),anime is an animation from Japan with it's own distinguishable character design and unique storyline containing in so many twists and interesting plot..some of the director of a certain anime could have conjectured themselves to inserted any other cultures in their anime as to the fact to try creating something new,and as a result we have various anime showcasing multicultural substances from which either originally born from any parts of the world..
Through my progress of watching hundreds of anime,i have stumbled upon references that is to be origin from America.
The name of anime with such example are Lucky Star,Minami-ke and many others as the reference about the U.S.A is variably available in so many anime.
Whilst that is still spreading wide,one particular anime with India as a reference is there on an anime called Another,a terrifying and authentic anime telling about the lives of students that is hanging in the balances as a certain curse is killing them one by one throughout the year..below is a screenshot of a location called India being spoken by Sakakibara's father as he was on the phone talking to the main character while in episode 1..Sakakibara Kouichi is the main protagonist of the anime titled Another...on a related note,screenshot provided are captured by MPC (Media Player Classic) as i photographed it while playing the episodes..so relatively all of these pictures were to belonged to the anime that i have downloaded by myself..(sounds like someone is trying to avoid giving credits to google image or is showing off his downloads...hehehe..)
As the subtitle is attentively displaying,Sakakibara's father is saying that he's in India and such a place is really hot for him,from which it really does have a sweltering heat..don' mind the hot's as hell's sentence,as it was indirect translation and actually his father is saying that India is too hot for him..since the anime i downloaded are fansubbed by translation group that is either originally from US or England,there aren't too much group that like making a proper direct translation of the words spoken by the character since they're more prefer to inserted cursing letter sometimes and make off with words that's is almost the same as to what the character is trying to say..due to fact that i have medium mastery to Japanese language,i still couldn't forced myself to download a raw version of a particular anime since medium is equivalent to a standard possession of a certain something..alright then please forgive me for this blabbering and take a look at the other screenshot..
In this sequences,the father is still complaining of the heat,could probably resulted from himself not carrying around a portable air conditioner,if there is one...and i'm in no way or another edited the subtitle as such action is a waste of time,and that served as an added information.
The anime of Another is indeed an interesting ride that would carried you to the highest peaks and one surely should give this anime a try.

Now,i would like to talk about the original objective and that is..
My best friend offered this anime for me and it was to be an anime with spectacular feats due to being extremely funny until i laughed to an undetermined extend,allowing me to feel a truck load of gratitude toward such magnanimous entity..
The screenshot above clearly written Malaysia and it's to be belonged to an extremely comedic,slice of life anime titled Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou,an anime about the daily life of high school boys.
Oh yes i have another message to say and that is all of the anime i downloaded are either in 1080p or 720p resolution and were not in 480p or lower..due to the fact that all of these provided screenshot are in 480p format,i wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong idea..i had to provided these with an extra large choice for image display in this blog since the original  would surely eaten more spaces than it should as i wanted.
Now,the above scenes are in episode 3 of the anime and during that moment,the boys are having a ping pong match in a public onsen (hot spring or bathing facilities) which is really common in Japan.
The guy from which speak of Malaysia bear the name of Tadakuni and is the first character to be displayed,hence still isn't a main character as the original mangaka of this anime turned adaptation has habit of leaving him out of screen time in later episode for the purpose of joking and to showed that this anime doesn't have an actual main character..
The boys were playing the ping pong with some sort of weird rule where in order to strike the ball,one question shall be asked by a single competitor in each round and the other competitor including the questioner has the obligation to answer them or they shan't swing the bat..in the questioned scene,Tadakuni wants to make off with giving his own question which goes by "names of countries that have moon in their flag!" and subsequently spoke of Malaysia..in the end,the others speak of various other countries like Tunisia,Algeria and Pakistan,enabling them to give a chances for striking the ping pong ball and as soon as it's Tadakuni's turn,he couldn't correspond as he complaint of not knowing any other nation that have moon in their flag other than Malaysia,which resulted in the scenes below.
To tell you the truth,i myself ain't that knowledgeable enough to know of other nation which has moon in their flag so i would probably ended up like Tadakuni if i were ever to involved in such predicament..but sure right now i could just goggled the answer...

The next scene in question belonged to a very unique anime developed by the infamous Kyoto Animation,which a lot of people outside of Japan dislikes but i say just fuck them all who give a shit about them anyway..as you see there,this is probably the first time i were to ever cursed in my blog which you could also may feel how determined i am in hating these son of bitches..these haters have a connection with my official hypocrite anime lover discussion as i would mentioned them later on in part 2..
Onward with the exclusive round,Hyouka is the name of the anime and it told the tale about a high school boy experience with a rather complicated girl that is curious with every obvious mystery in their surrounding and he tried as hard as he can to solved these mysteries despite being reluctant at first and were the sole personification of an energy conserving demon,though is a genius at solving puzzles and attained high marks in exams..throughout the episode of Hyouka,the main character Oreki Houtaro,slowly changed being a rather optimistic being due to the influences of the main heroin Chitanda Eru,along with the other important character like Ibara Mayaka and Fukube Satoshi,whom stick around with the other two in most time..
This scenes was captured in Chitanda's house,where the main character is lost while trying to find the bathroom..he accidentally entered Chitanda's room which the door are slightly ajar and noticed these postcard..as you can see,the postcard has Malaysia written on it and pictures of wild animals that is utterly well known to be as an tourist's attraction are there as well along with the nation's flag..Houtarou doesn't say anything when he noticed these however and were prompt to leave the room,realizing he has invade someone's privacy..the scenes are available in episode 4 of Hyouka..

The next details are to be put in a show called Nichijou,which i shall explain of it's summary later on..this anime perhaps have the most craziest moments ever and one could laughed at it strongly without nonstop like they are on steroid seeing the level of comedy could rival Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou or perhaps are even better on their own level..it also has the most reference to Malaysia as far as i could have known and they even spoke of the malay language itself!...by the way,hence the title suggested this anime is about daily life material or slice of life,but it has it's own uniqueness which separated themselves from other slice of life anime..it has numerous characters as main and that's the more reason for it to be truly enjoyable..
It's clear  as daylight that this girl named Yukko whom is a main character is speaking of good morning to her friend named Mio (whom is also another main) but it's in malay..it's was a very interesting scenes to see and i feel strongly weird though as to reached the point where i could have maybe seeing a malay dubbed anime but it is still in Japanese afterward and that's proves me to be wrong..hehe...
Her friend's Mio isn't reacting to this sudden weirdness though as if it doesn't astonished her and you can see below that Yukko felt weird herself..
I've actually forced myself to download Nichijou's 1080p version in bakabt,considering there isn't any 720p around..the episode of this anime is around 26,and then the resolution put's it in a whopping 22GB filesize and i felt undeniably hard to intervened in any consequences due to this fact but i will perhaps one day feel nothing..Yukko was kinda questioned by the non awareness but that's about it..
Such a scene occurred when Yukko and Mio entered their classroom and Yukko started it off by saying ohayou in Malay to her other friend which table is situated near the classroom's door..her name is Mai by the way..and she's too have no reaction to it but speak of good morning in Japanese instead to these duo..
Yukko was really frustrated by it,and as soon as she sit down on her chair which is next to Mai's,a sudden event surprised her...
An error may have been committed as selamat malam meant good night but it's really in the morning at the moment..it was unintentional perhaps but it put Yukko to sudden happiness as she quickly approached her saying the sentences pictured below...
Yep,that's the actual expression to be spoke when it's in the morning..Yukko acted by correcting it..in the mean time,Mio was actually watching these two and felt weird..
She's truly has no idea to as what the two are saying,explaining the zero reaction..

The next scene that shall be displayed are also belonged to Nichijou and like i said before,it has the most Malaysia reference..

This picture is showcasing a local malaysian's sport Sepak Takraw,and the translation is clearly wrong as volleyball has no connection with sepak takraw whatsoever..if you were to watched the anime itself,then you should hear that the character is saying "Sepak Takraw"..
Well,that's wrap it out so far....i shall put out more discussion like this if i were to stumbled upon more Malaysia reference...later..


Unknown said...

I like this post!

You are really great and keep it up!

L.E.O said...

i'm proud being a malaysian

Astray said...

There's a new latest popular anime called Charlotte the easter egg is not that awesome but it did mention Shisogapo,Lumpur International Airport it's located on Kuala Lumpur

Anonymous said...

Nice blog. Thanks for sharing useful information.
Truck wraps in Malaysia

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