Saturday 24 May 2014


I decided to pop up a new post despite not having managed to complete the previous one, again. I’d typed this down in Microsoft Word and simply copy pasting it back to this blog, since I do not have the advantages of internet surfing due to the lack of internet while I was typing this.. Maybe I be copy pasting my post from Microsoft Word from now on, because I tend to finished typing something for at least a day or two these days..
This time, I’m going to talk about complaints, particularly one of the most preferable activity for humanity. Of course, as an anime watcher and lover, I would focused on talking about complaints produced by the so called “anime fan” on the web, and also included talks of complaints about real life movies as well.  Now, as I had repeated numerous time before, I am an anime psychopath, loved anime as thought that it is a part of me (I guess it is a part of me) and also, I’ll never truly like complaining about anime, or pretty much anything that served as an entertainment for that matter or at least, I’d just uttered the complaints to myself as I do not find the art of complaining as a fun thing to do. The opposite mindset however is practiced by half of humans all over the place, for some reason.
I am still a student, putting myself throughout classes each day in my university whenever the time comes (which isn’t so hard, mind you.) , whilst tried as hard as I can to get a part time job and keeping the house clean once I am on semester break. I am living inside my original home at this moment so, go figure regarding whether I am studying right now or not.. It’s better that I moved on the appropriate content.
Be it on either MyAnimeList, BakaBT, IMDB, Youtube, or any other form of site that has real movies or anime being as part of the item available for discussion or online streaming, there would always be complaints on every corner, formed it’s ugly living by a wretched soul. Making discussion is a different matter from complaints,  since the latter is supposed to be about producing proper generalization regarding in all sort of topic such as what there is to be lacking in that form shaping of a product or an entertainment.  A form of a proper discussion would be that of a talk about a more civilized way to solve a problem or forming conversation that doesn’t evolved into petty talk like mocking what there is that they find to be unsettling. I do not know how to properly explained what a discussion is truly are like but one thing I know is that, it is truly aren’t similar as to typing down a sentences like “This series is shit” without giving away a proper explanation. I’d frequently surf MAL or MyAnimeList, and over there, it is a den of the most unworthy of existence. It is a negative powerhouse, producing over somewhat 90% of mocking prospect and there lies almost bare a true form of discussion. I am claiming this on experience alone and of course, I wouldn’t denied that there are positive output there, but many are drowned in the mist of hate. I’ll never meant to make an account there in the first place ever since I’d been there before without registration and saw and read one of the most disgusting piece of “literature”, and I shunned the site since then. A friend arise however, telling me that I should make an account in order to make an anime list so, I’d simply followed through. Like a deer being afraid of becoming a prey to a lion, I’d rarely approached the forum section of MAL since my account has existed. One day though, curiosity got a hold of me, and I’ll managed to met someone with the username of Ulquiorra, whom apparently typed a comment stating that anime is supposed to be enjoyed, not being made to directed their complaints at. Of course, I’d approached him, and we have become friends since then (3 month ago.) My happiness and hope consciously tempted to make a route to located more positive outcome, and it did delivered, despite having the needs to go through an array of wildfire. Skimming through a lot of details, in short of thought, I’d managed to discovered those positive section of MAL and being friend with at least 7 people that has good mindset, either as similar or at least, doesn’t like to make complaints on board of forum such as my mind. Apparently, I am straying off course again.
Complaints aimed at anime are mostly about the lack of a proper storyline, bad characters, bad animation, too slow or too fast paced, too “moe”, crude adaptation, too much fanservice, lack of gore, censorship or just plain hate it due to it being famous sort of comment. The last part is what I’d truly despised the most but it would be further elaborated later on. It is undoubtedly true that bad anime does existed, but do there always be there a need to mock these kind of anime all the way to oblivion? It is really that fun to spouted random nonsense at something that you couldn’t possibly committed to be doing much better than the original creator? Following the aforementioned point, I would make off to form my opinion on each of them.
Lack of a proper storyline =
For every form of entertainment that moved, categorized as either movies, anime or video games, it is truly important for the creator to set off that particular work from which they produced to delivered a promising or at least a somewhat, entertaining storyline to valued itself as an entertainment piece. I’d like to watched an anime with beautiful setting or storyline myself but of course, I wouldn’t mind it if it was somewhat nonexistent or is ridiculous, as long as I am entertained. I can rightfully say that 99% of anime I seen so far has a very nice storyline that delivered well for me or getting a score on my top notch list, and most anime isn’t a stupid, nothing worthy to be mentioned of piece of nothingness like people on MAL or Youtube like to claimed. Many people complaint that stupid movies like Transformers or anime like Shingeki no Kyojin shouldn’t sell too well because they are a failure for having a botched up storyline as for one reason, but then again, the decision isn’t of their own to make, since people that purchased these popular material are likely to be people that noticed the true meaning of what entertainment are supposed to be about. Some people may preferred to watched something special or brimmed with the goodness of a perfection, but human isn’t perfect. Despite of all the seemingly amazing concept in a movies like Avatar or Titanic, people would always find something they wanted to complaint about because there would always be a plot hole in a storyline where a character survived unexpectedly due to the fact that the story would had ended if the leading character died. People would do well not to expected an entertainment to be so realistic because it is in fact, served as to entertained yourself, even though that the theme may seemed so dark and matured like an anime called as Texhnolyze or Gilgamesh. If there even existed a persona that wanting truly a depressing piece, there’s always existed an anime titled as Midori, Grave of the Fireflies, or She: The Ultimate Weapon, or any form of splatter film created by the American or the British film industry. It would do well for others of these sort to not resorted into making complaints that most movies or anime are being unrealistically happy going either, because many people aren’t looking out to getting themselves a suicide mission right after watching an entertainment. Then, there’s also people that discovered a hidden masterpiece, and complaint that the masterpiece that they had founded are supposed to be even more famous than the current one being on top. I do admitted that I am not happy to see great, dignified anime like Shin Sekai Yori not being able to rise higher even though that they are near flawless, but when I thought that I did had done nothing to even supported the anime itself, I do not mind of it as I would kept that masterpiece to myself. If they continued their endless spout though, it would served a lot better for themselves to do something about it by either purchasing that material that they taken a likened to or spread the word about it, rather than toning down what there it that are available up high. These days, common complaint about many anime storyline are described as mediocre, already done before, pitiful or whatnot. You are expecting every kind out there to be a masterpiece? Then, write your own goddamn script and pictured of it being an anime.

Bad characters =
I met a lot of these myself, be it either in Baka to Test or Oreimo. But, you know what? This is utterly one of the most stupidest thing to make a fuss about. In reality, people bearing a bad variety of theme are plentiful all over the world, or else there would be lesser crime rates and this Earth doesn’t have to owned a continental filled with firearms. Before people even began to think about making a complaint about a character, it would be more advisable for them to looked upon their own personalities as well, before judging others. They are already forming a bad examples for themselves by talking bad of those either not existed, dying or are resting in peace or pieces. No human in this world, I repeated, not a single human breathing today are special in their personalities or are perfect in every way, even so my own self. If you would asked a very famous persona living today such as Hayao Miyazaki, Makoto Shinkai or Peter Jackson regarding of their personalities, there would likely to be a chances where they would stated that themselves are imperfect in some ways. Even you’re most revered mother would had done something wrong in her life. But oh wait. It is an anime so you can make a perfect character if you’re wanted to? Yes , go make one. Then again, another idiot could popped up and complaint that the character are too perfect instead and that is not realistic at all.
One of the key point to success in any storyline is the existence of variety of characters. It would make the story much more interesting and experiences with dealing of numerous personalities gave you a more advanced thought and ways on how to dealt with these kind of people. Annoying character like Kirino whom acted extremely hostile to his brother that tried hard to assisted her might turned out to be infuriating for some, but then again, that’s what make her different from many other characters out there. You hated her, insulted her and even tore her drawing apart, but do you ever think that you are being a nuisance yourself by taking a dump at someone whom doesn’t even be capable of being available in reality? Even if someone like Kirino does existed, would you also do the same thing to that person like tearing herself apart? Do you ever wonder why she acted of such way in the first place? Imagined of yourself being shunned by many just because you acted like a spoiled brat. Would you not want somebody out there to approached you and asked “Why do you act of such way? Can I offered thyself any form of assistance?”. The thing is, everybody out there acted in a specific way for a reason, just like how some people like to complaint because they’re looking for attention and why people like me make blog in order to asserted out a few tension surrounding our environment. Kirino is kind at heart, and you can see that in the anime itself when she smiled on several occasion. Sure, she does acted extremely spoiled, but of course, she thirst for the attention of her friend, brother nor enemy (Kuroneko). Before you decided to hate a character, you should asked yourself a one of a kind question that could save yourself a lot of grief like the one below.

“Why does she/he acted such way? It is because of her/his past e.t.c.?”

Give it a few thought whenever you’re to find someone in an anime or real life that acted either positively nor negatively. You might save a person from being drowned altogether in their past mistakes. Even the bunch of main female character in Baka to Test preferred to bashed their beloved male lover because they are facing unrequited love. Another reason for why someone would might hated a character is because he/she is jealous that the girl/boy that they fall in love with is in love with the other main heroine/hero, but that is truly of their own personal problem, so I would not say anything about that. Anime character can’t be interacted with, and yet you can learnt the truth regarding why a certain person put up those sort of acting that make them different by analyzing the plot carefully and watched the series tenaciously. Sometimes, they may acted like that without explanation, so it’s up to you to determined why they ever do such thing. The latest girl to being hated by a lot because she is annoying is a girl named Hiyori from Mekakucity Actors. Hell, it is visible enough that she is looking out for an attention, hence why she put up such an act. You couldn’t even discerned that? Though, I guessed that Hiyori wanted some attention. She is already died by now any way. To add further additional rant, I hated it when people kept calling those that they find annoying are slut, bitch or used any other kind of name calling intending on heart injuring. You can’t stand her and then started calling names? Do you even realized how much of such an act described of your own self instead? No one performed a name calling on purpose, unless that they felt somewhat related to that person or doesn’t like that entity for daring to make a move that they couldn’t possibly committed. It would be best to remained quiet if you’re to noticed someone does an activity that seriously annoyed you, since that way, no further turmoil would evoked. Also, giving names to an anime character that you’re dislikes doesn’t solve anything, and instead just mirrored of your own disturbed heart. Finally, perverted character in ecchi, and you would considered them as bad for acting such way? Ah, it’s an ecchi you know? A genre that would surely contained lewd action and numerous stripping scenes. They acted like that because they are meant to reflected the genre. I do not even know why would such thing like that should even be questioned. When I come to think about it, there might be a reason to hate a character that acted like an idiot on purpose or can’t executed an order properly when needed, but I do not believe those kind of characteristic deserved to get hated. There’s ton of people that acted such as way in reality.

The next one is bad animation.

Well, this is certainly yet another very famous form of complaint. It is always there in a forum, and whenever an episode of a certain series premiered, there would always be a comment stating that this episode has bad animation over there and here e.t.c, acting like they are a bunch of professional that know what there is to be about animating inside and out. I do not know anything concerning animation myself to be exact, other than the fact that a character being drawn terribly at a certain angle and too much lines are drawn scattering all over the place are deemed to be known as bad animation. I believe these so called professional also doesn’t know anything else about animating other than what of which I’d realized of, as most of them are probably never involved in the animation section. It is fairly obvious that it is truly a hard task to make an animation out of something, and by looking out at how they managed to make a certain anime like Kyoukai no Kanata performed a crispy, colorful and crystal clear battle scenes , one wouldn’t possibly doubted the difficulties faced by those responsible. To make a point , criticizing a professional animator for not being able to kept an exact same style on every piece of paper that they used is, what would you call? Oh yeah, pointless, unless you have a modest knowledge in the field. I’m certain that those that are acquainted with the hardship would had spoken nothing if they spotted a fault area. In this case once more, no human is perfect. There are some cases where a scenes or two have too much error that it seemed likely to be there on purpose, but I wouldn’t blamed them, as the animation industry focused also on selling material and they need to destroyed a bit of scenes in order to make the purchase of the Blu Ray or DVD more profitable. It is still a form of business after all, and you would had done the same of you were to involved. What I dislikes about some people that loved complaining about animation is the fact that, they cursed the animator or the studio and mentioned that they are lazy and such. Let me ask you then, what do you know about the animation industry? What do you know about animating, drawing, scaling, graphic designing or e.t.c.? Nothing, uh? That’s the thing. A lot of people that complaint know next to nothing about animating, and yet they goes on and on like they owned the damn studio. If they taken an affront to a talent thinking that they could had done better, it’s better to started animating yourself and showed that you are the best there is, rather than being a pointless bystander that never matured and disrespected other’s work. Oh wait, you have your own opinion about it and then why do I should care? I cared because not only that you are insulting other’s, you never choose to make a better path for yourself by kept going on and on producing rambles about the same thing on a ridiculous degree and someone must put a stop on you before you’re ended up being killed by a bullet to the head. If you know THAT MUCH about what, animating, then go and get yourself involve in the process of learning how to make an animation and rise to the top to prove that you can make a better animation than the one that you kept mocking about. That’s a lot better than hanging around on the internet claiming that this episode has bad animation and such and halted yourself from producing a lot of pointless forum post, rendering a possibilities to advanced. Such other factor that may caused an anime to being suffered from poor animation sometimes are caused by the lack of budget. A lot of complainer overlooked the fact that the anime industry isn’t nearly as half as rich as Hollywood or British filming industry, poorer than Bollywood even. My evidence for stating these opinion? Simple. Take a look at the amount of budget that were used by the other film industry for each film and the amount of real life tale that they kept producing each year, and tell me which cost a lot more fortune. Despite having been around for a long time, the anime industry never truly rose into a higher production state not until the late 80s, and Disney even had reached Hollywood level of fame and fortune way longer before that. On all account, Japanese animation industry is still in the bottom half lower than a lot of filming industry, and couldn’t possibly competed with Hollywood, unless they’re to started distributing anime all over the world, and I doubted such an event would ever happened because anime are still considered to be worse than Disney’s cartoon. Source of my opinion this time? Just take a look at how much anime aired at your local television screen, run a comparison against the amount of Disney’s being on air and give me the result. Frozen scored a lot more money than of what Kaze no Tachinu, which is made as the last film by Hayao Miyazaki would ever make, since Frozen are commercially or distributed worldwide. I do realized that Disney’s creation are mode widespread because their work are for all ages whilst anime could contained a hint of sexuality even though it is for children but I do not think that those younger bunch shouldn’t be sealed off from watching material that only an adult or teenager would know. It is not the best of act to kept it as a secret from them after all. I would like to talk more about this but I would probably do that in another post. With all that noted, I must stated that it is amazing for me to foresee the fact that the Japanese animation industry had evolved to a better inspection until today mostly just due to the contribution done by the Japanese alone. They’re to developed their beloved industry  by their own strength and I’d admired that. These days, outsiders also tend to purchased anime DVD and BD more often than the past and I couldn’t expressed how much thankful I am for the existence of these kind of people, even though that some of those being mentioned might’ve actually stand among the most extreme of complainers themselves. My friend, Lololitas-san is also one of the fellow supporters, and you know what, I am proud to have a friend like him. He’s not only a supporter but a friend brimming with positive qualities.

Too slow or fast paced =
Sometimes, the plot or the storyline of a certain series might’ve moved too fast or too slow. I had watched these sort of anime before, and I do not really mind the pacing, as long as I am not leaved behind in the progression. Personally, I loved watching something that moved slowly, as it provided me with times to honored the characters and I could easily grasped what there it is meant to be that way. I’ll wanted to feel what I am watching, to get a taste of the landscape and surrounding, and slow paced anime just give me the trick, including movies that moved with a slow plot like Django Unchained or The Lord of The Ring. Mushishi, Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka, and Mahouka Koukou de Rettousei are examples of anime that progressed very slowly and I’m certainly in loved with these titles, as well as Aria The Animation, Tamayura and Gintama, one of the more well known and popular still ongoing anime that spanned nearly 350 episode (I think. I haven’t watched Gintama for a while). I just do not see what there is to be wrong about anime that has a slow moving pace, as it would be more relaxed to watched it that way and you could maintained a great grasp of the situation. Some people may preferred it to be at a normal or a faster pace, though. It’s their preference and I do not want to touched it but I think that it is pointless to complaint about the snail pace, because why would you wanted it to be faster? In order to seized the action scenes only or something? Then, there’s no point into watching it at all because if you wouldn’t want to understand of it completely, I’d doubted that the enjoyment is visible. It’s everyone’s freedom regarding on ways for them to enjoyed a series, but complaining of the slow pace seemed a lot off in the ridiculousness scale.
Fast pace anime are frighteningly hard to be understand, but it is very rare that an anime could caught up in being too fast. The most recent discoveries of title that dwell in a faster light is Black Bullet, a new anime aired since April 2014. Once I’d viewed the 3rd episode, I was shocked beyond believe to noticed that the pacing was super haste, and it is like watching a very fast forward video. It was noticeably skipping a lot of scenes that are supposed to be there, even though that I haven’t read the original manga and light novel the series are based on. The theme for that anime however still remained attractive, and the pace might make disorienting motive and yet, it is still enjoyable. I do not have anything against people that complaint of fast paced anime. One thing for sure, when it is too slow paced, people would wish for it to be faster and yet when it is faster, it turned out to be too fast paced instead and people would complaint about it all over again. It is really that hard to satisfy the heart of idiots, uh?..

Too “moe” = Utterly one of the most hated properties around, loathed by many especially older anime watcher. Moe is a form of cuteness, I think, performed by either heroine or any other female character in a series. Be it an act of clumsiness, or a very petite looking girl being under the age of 13 or so that loved doing girlish thing and activities filled with cutesy, those are what described moe. Sometimes, an act of moe could be sexually arousing to certain people, hence garnered more hate from people especially from western anime watcher. Many people like to think that moe is a form of a lewd act that designed to catered the fetishes of Japanese otaku and filled in the categories of an otaku pandering bullshit and kept appearing in anime in order for that series to sold well. Well, FUCK THAT, and FUCK THE PEOPLE that called moe as moeblob. Moe, as for me, is indeed an act of cutesy, and it might be sexually attractive but hell, it is nothing more than a simple cute act. If moe could turned you on so much and you’re started hating on it because of that, then I suggested taking a trip for a reality check and learned the fact that these very cute anime girl are simply drawing. I’d felt truly relaxed upon seeing an moe act, as it would certainly either make me laugh or make me smile. When I’ll watched my entertainment, I’d valued the series much higher if it could generate emotions from me, particularly the ability to churned out smiles from me, managed to make me laugh as much as I can and also, capable of lodging me in sadness. I am not a fan of depression but yes, I’d still watch something depressing from time to time. At any rate, moe is not something that ruined the industry and in fact, it helped revived things even more. Even the most beautiful of anime such as Tamayura and Aria The Animation are supplied with moe, as it helped enhanced those series for the best, since the aforementioned title are well known for being very relaxing and calming. Undoubtedly, the act of moe brought out the possibilities for such an underrated title to success (Success in Japan at least) . It’s served as to make one’s mind relaxed, and it also helped out a lot in another very brilliant slice of life anime like Non non Biyori. Koshigaya Komari is one of the leading character in that anime, and she was portrayed with the most well used moe element I had ever seen before and her cuteness and quirkiness inflicted me with one of the best laugh I had ever had in my entire life. She is the epitome of a very well done moe, to me alone is fine. Sometimes, using moe at a bad spot could hindered one’s interest to flew away, such as practicing moe during battle scenes or using it too often. Nonetheless, I can understand why some people hated moe but to hate it as a whole whenever it was there is undoubtedly, disappointing. Seasoned anime watcher, not fans, are ultimately behind these moe hating business, as they are all over MAL and quite possibly in every site I had ever been through that has concerns with Japanese animation. The term moe never existed back during the old days, but if it were to be there by that time, moe element are certainly presented, visible in the 2nd episode of Apocalypse Zero (1996). Of course, due to the different art style practiced between those years, newer moe seemed a lot more beautiful and eeeeeee-----nchanting. Old people would most likely to never become accustomed with the refreshed ages, and so they rumbled on and on about the same thing. On certain occasion, the older they are, the more annoying they get. I guess a lot of people like wrapping themselves in the past. The old also like to think that only older anime are pieces falling from the master, due to originality. Masterpiece doesn’t always would born only in the past. Some people need to get over the fact that legends and treasure STILL DOES available in the future or in the present. Yes, newer material are commonly just a carbon copy of thing from the past, right? If everyone thought of that way, then there are no used into wanting to enjoyed something at all. Fallen naught thought for ill method and strived for hope no obsolete. Have faith o le olden, thou not should secreted beckoning for irresolution. If thy wanting to still, crush le self before thy one god. Oh, rumbles. Uh any way, yeah. Moe is nothing but bliss, beautiful thing. You would not want to expect only a grandma to existed in thy anime, don’t cha?  The infamous Clannad, Kanon, Air, Angel Beat, K-ON, and all other quite known anime like Sakurasou no Kanojo,  Tonari no Kaibutsu, or at least a hundred more anime that has romance or slice of life as a theme, all have moe. Right, great stuff like Fate Zero doesn’t have moe and yet it’s still appealed? Then, what do you make of that kid Illyasviel or what her name is?.. Be noted, moe is a form of cuteness, not some rabid attack virus that destroyed an anime. To despise the whole of moe meant to despise 90% of anime available. I think it’s time to call it a day off when that happened. Oh, moe can never appeared in the real life movie too, didn’t you know? Just watched it and become cheeky while you’re still can. You do not want to smile and find moe to be annoying? God, somebody please help this human. Stop watching anime then, simple as fuck. Your Hollywood movies awaited thy.

Bad adaptation: Recent case being an anime like Mahou Sensou, Black Bullet, or at least 99% of anime originated from sources such as manga and light novel are claimed to be a bad adaptation whenever it would turned out to be anime by a bunch of arrogant prick thinking that they could had done it better or doesn’t realized that an adaptation couldn’t seamlessly be accomplished without changing a bit or most of the original content due to pacing issues and budget issues. Instantly hating on a studio for being unable to make a good adaptation of your favorite manga and novel is pointless, because sometimes, they whom are responsible in adapting it might suffered from troubles from time to time in their studio, and since most of light novel or manga have a slower pacing and more accurate description of the whole surrounding and theme of a series just because they can do so without having the need to aimed or forced to use a splendor amount of budget,  it would be without a trial and tribulation to obtained a guess regarding why they can’t adapted a title in accordance to a pristine element. Lack of budget and time constraint is one of the few reason you should heed yourself in. Put these fact into that thick skull that you have, o complainers de vonze. Like I had aforementioned before, the Japanese animation industry isn’t exactly that rich, therefore a lacking and insufficient amount of money necessary for a project would occurred and is unavoidable. Many content that is considered to be a vital point in the original material required cutting off once it is animated, and this is relevant to the time constraint. You can’t pour a 100 pages worth of a manga into an anime containing only 12 episode with the expectation that every inch of that pages to received animating. All sort of troubles would appeared soon after and if you still wouldn’t considered their problem, then try sponsoring out that particular studio. Oh no, you got no money? And yet you are expecting the impossible even though that you might’ve streaming the anime online instead of purchasing it? Pity.
I don’t have to explained deeper, do I? Well, certain studios may purposely wreck an adaptation and the resulting action showed off a slight hint of that insincere touch, though nothing to be make of speculation there. I do not know the staff of a studio and I do not need to mock or criticize their work because I couldn’t even done better, whilst never supported the industry myself.

Too much fanservice =
Fanservice is a form of a, uh, pleasuring sight for the viewer. Fanservice may ranged from many thing, such as a nice smile, moe movement, sudden implication of an underwear on sight or panty shot for short and bathing scenes. To put it into a simpler description, fanservice is relatively something that the viewer would find pleasuring to be looked at, even a battle scene for example. However thought, a lot of anime watcher, particularly of those outside of Japan cannot be acquainted with the fact that fanservice isn’t just about bathing scenes and exposed lingerie. This kind of complaint is easily wrapped. To hate fanservice meant to hate every inch of anime existing in this world so far. If you would only wanted to discuss about fanservice related to the naked part instead of the others, well I will speak of that. Ever watched or read Doraemon before? I’m sure that if you do, you would probably noticed a lot of Shizuka bathing scenes are drawn. Naked girl type of fanservice has existed since even the beginning age of anime. It Is already a part of the whole common anime tropes, fully integrated and never ceased to be separated from Japanese animation. To complaint about it’s usage being too common these days is already too late, as it was practice even since long ago. True, it’s probably were very often are there these days but hey, the main supporters wanted it, so let them received of what they are paying for. Those that are simply joyriding shouldn’t even spoken. If it does bothered you that much, there’s ton of anime still being produced that doesn’t valued naked fanservice over everything. Such an anime that aired this season that put up such notion is Isshukan Friends, Black Bullet, Sidonia no Kishi, Tonari no Seki-kun, Hitsugi no Chaika, Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka, Mekakucity Actors, Gokukoku no Brynhildr, Captain Earth, Baby Steps, Akuma no Riddle, M3 - Sono Kuroki Hagane, Mahouka Koukou de Rettousei, Mekakucity Actors, Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin, and Ping Pong The Animation. That’s a dozen title, capiche?

Lack of gore = Why the hell is this even supposed to be another subject up for grab for complainers? Oh, I forgot. The older anime watcher still loved their dose of gory content that is extremely widespread while back in the 80s and 90s and oh god, how many are there of these bunches over MAL. Time to retired, old man and woman. Violence isn’t necessarily would added up the fun factor of an anime. I know, back in the days, you guys suffered from wars and witnessed thousand of corpses and organs  and body part on the battlefield, and grew fond of them. Either you noticed them a lot on movies or experienced that yourself. I supposed it should be the latter since if you’re to joined the war, then you guys should be dead by now due to old ages.. It must have been a direct influence generated by the popular gory element that was a part of most films created by westerners before 1999. The Nightmares Caused By Freddy Krueger and 13th Friday Wrecked By Jason spanned numerous amount of continuity, along together with Hellraiser as well because they are infamous for being super violent and of course, are worshipped by people from that era. Those titles are a splatter fest , and heavily influenced the directors working with the animation industry by that time and hence, work like Genocyber, Apocalypse Zero, M.D Geist, Angel Cop, Devilman, Boah, Violence Jack, and Legend of The Overfiend started to surfaced and everybody else wanting for every ounce of anime to popped out an avalanche of body part splitting action too (maybe). Such an anime are aimed to be exposed to the western market that liked violence so much and who know, maybe it was well received or critically hated. Some people might actually like to watch violence in anime more than anything, or else there would be no people that liked to whine about the lacking of gory substance in modern anime over there at MAL. I liked violence myself but when people started complaining about the absence of these sort of thing, I do not know what to think. Maybe it is a part of the human nature into wishing to see destruction, blood, mayhem and irregular circumstances as being morph into becoming a part of their daily life. Putting aside my usual nonstop rambling, gore isn’t always would remained as the best thing that ever happened in an entertainment, as there are many other factors that helped enhanced the fun gained while watching something. Beside, gory anime still does existed, just not as common as they are used to be. List of modern violent anime are consisting of title like Corpse Party (2013), Gokukoku no Brynhildr (2014), Hellsing Ultimate OVA (2006-2012), Mirai Nikki (2012), Blood C (2012) and it’s movie (2013), Berserk remake (2012-2013), Btooom (2012), Another (2012), To Aru Majutsu series (2008-2011) and especially it’s extra section, To Aru Kagaku no Railgun S and it’s previous predecessor (2009-2013) and a whole abundant of others like Darker than Black (2007-2009) , Mardock Scramble movies (2010-2012), Deadman Wonderland (2010) and Rin Daughter Of Mnemosyne. (Can’t remember the year but it’s above 2007). The next season would probably promised a lot more spectacular violence. Such as the anime that would exhibited a lot of bloody action might be Akame ga Kill and Terra Formars, though maybe Zankyuu no Terror will be determined to have extreme violence as well. If you old fart can’t still stop believing that new anime aren’t even violent at all, then go take a room at the penchant house and start stopping your daily anime watching and stressing out on newer content being bored and all and grabbed your nearby Hollywood slaughterhouse and feasted your eyes on modern American slaughter or splatter flick by watching Silent Night (2012), You’re Next (2011), The Green Inferno (2013), Sinister (2012),  or spice it up by adding British brain splattering contest by seeing Hostels or Martyr (I think this is created by the British, though they speak French. So French it is.) I do not remember much real life violent movie but you get the idea. There’s ton more violent flick out there being produced by Hollywood and the British nor the German and the Paris people or whatever. Saw series also have several installment so why not watch that instead of wasting time browsing the anime forum and make complaints of anime not being as violent as before? Surely you do know that I make a repeating sentences that violence isn’t what would make a movie goes from being E toward transcending to an A. There’s no telling to how much in fact regarding the amount of Hollywood movies that churned out superior violence being produced these days and that’s enough to covered up everyone’s daily dosage of necessary blood and guts. Japan also has a lot of very blood movies being make in modern days such as Tokyo Gore Police (Getting bored of putting up date of production.) You just need to goggled those kind of titles to find out more.

Censorship = Now this is much more capable of transcending into extreme loophole of stupidity, I presumed?
People will purchased the DVD and BD.
If they don’t purchased it, then there would be much lacking number of anime being aired at every season and hence, you wouldn’t get a better selection at all, yeah?..
Be grateful that you can still joyriding while the animator can kept churning more anime that is supported by most of the Japanese..

And finally, just plain hate it due to it being famous sort of comment..

You whom belonged to this type, please kill yourself. You are wasting Earth resources with your existence alone. If you are infuriated by what I’d aforementioned out of you, then you are probably are one of these kind of people, right? Seriously, either change or just leave it. Easy, as counting 1,2,3..

I do not have anything else to say, as it’s clear enough that I am in haste. I hope this long post would be sufficient for myself to read it all over again.. I did not clarified a lot of thing but well, it’s too hot right now and I’m super lazy to type something because of that..


Helferis Reboot.

Upon taken a hindsight to the older piece of work, I'd sensed various fault and am not happy at the pacing and the story line of the previous Helferis. It seemed so fast, and really unstable. Therefore, I will make a more ambigious and darker Helferis with a relatively managable speed. Some characters name will be altered and information would changed severely. This reboot has extreme changes and it woould be better that I ignored of the seasoned works..

I'd recently restarted this so, the first chapter isn't permittable for exposure online..It is not done at all..Ah, I'd posted it any way.. I divided each chapter into it's respectable arc just like in a manga, to avoid confusion and frustration. A single arc may have 3 to 10 chapters, though numbers are variable. Violence played a major role in my creation, as it is necessary for certain scenes and because of that, I will instilled the word "Bleeding" in every chapter and arc title. I had the epilogue finished a while ago, which is shorter than the old one and my first chapter woudn't revealed of what the world is really about. That would be a secret until later events..Of course, the main genre for Helferis is Mature, Psychological, Steampunk, Violence, Drama, Action and Adventure.By all mean necessary, this work of mine is only suitable for adult.

Reboot – Epilogue “Helferis”.
Darkness, madness, blood and despair. All were seen in a black battlefield. Death bodies scattered throughout the plain, and half had their bodies ripped apart and other has disemboweled stomach, letting their intestines visible onto the naked eyes.
The sky are dark as lead. Much of the stars to be covered completely by thick clouds that showered a heavy rain to the surface below. Explosion randomly occurred out of nowhere in a farther side of the plain, and once such area are focused into, one would saw an ongoing battle between two human. They are clashing swords, and sometimes their faces are more noticeable each time the thunder strikes. One is a girl and the other is a man. Each is young, sporting clothing of a knight. Their fighting arena is filled with corpses, and nothing else is happening apparently in their vicinity. Sparks formed whenever the wielded swords clash. As either look a lot like wanting to end this confront immediately, they jumped away from each other before running onto their target, and swayed a quick slash. Blood smeared in the air. These two are now behind each other’s back. The girl couldn’t maintain her weapon up high and fallen with it, only on the higher half. Her body was cut into two, and the leg also has tumble thereafter. Focus is aired onto the surviving young boy. He was breathing heavily, and stuck his sword to the ground and he is kneeing against the bloody land, while never letting go of his sword’s guard. No uttering of letter could be heard at all from him. Regaining the calmness, he looked upward and his eyes averted to the skies. Could be seen are nothing but black skies and heavy downpour. He couldn’t be faltered of it though, as he felt an encroaching tremor and looked at the other part of the battlefield and shocked to spot large pieces of ground starting to gathered on the air, forming into an unknown shape. His feet carried him upward, and he ran off toward the area that could get him closer to the source of the tremor with his sword in hand.

A lot of transformation was done. This is part of the 1st Chapter.

Chapter 1: Bleeding This Town.

It’s a very windy night. The tree’s branches are swinging and old leaves falling down to the grounds and staggered. Darkness has concealed the forest. There are four moons in the shape of a crescent noticeable on the black sky, each separated a few distance from one another and forming the structure of round. Its presence has generated a strong ray of light that helped highlighted a few part of the forest below that is mostly consumed by the creeping shadow. A traveler’s passage has the most visibility of all area, seeing that there are no trees in such section to block the moon’s light. Time cannot be determined but it assumable that it is quite late at night. Moving forward to a small clearing located somewhere in the seas of trees, a firewood is spotted, quite timid in fact is burning, resulting from the event that had happened once a few stick of wood is gathered at a single position and then, someone would light a match nor form a small fire in their palm and thus, set upon these set of stick an ignition, letting it burned. Quite far from the firewood, a figure is available. This entity is a girl, sporting a peculiar pink hair, pink eyelashes and who know, maybe a pink pair of eyes too. It shan’t be seen, since she is sleeping soundly. Despite not vividly easy for people to see, her apparel could be spotted. She is wearing a normal pair of black shirt and chocolate trouser, though it more likely to be an inside clothing rather than the main costume. Nearby, a faint light glimmered. White gauntlet and armor, alongside a sheathed sword and a skirt reinforced in a plate of thin armor colored white as well are arranged beside the aforementioned girl. The wind had calmed, and its cooling breeze sundered the girl in a deep slumber, until she evokes sleep talking.   
“Thought not for lesser tongue, naught learn of thy fate to come”.
Her soft, quite childish voice has embarked on the journey of discovery.
“Besieged by foul tempo and disturbances rated impossible, thou shan’t walk this world”.
She uttered these words oozing with weirdness, before stating another.
“And thy, cooked this potato soup for me… Hehehe”.
While she gave of a smug, her body rolled down the square shaped stones that she is sleeping upon that make a role as a mattress and subsequently, she has fallen.
Following the next morning, the sun has risen. Beautiful sound of nature is subjected for one’s hearing ears. Chirping birds, sound of streaming river, noisy crickets and all sort of variety belonging to the woods can be listened to. There’s even the sound of a rambling girl, as she walked through below the tall trees.
“I wonder why do I always kept moving around in my sleep. Next time, I would be sleeping on the ground”.
The daylight has enabled a full description for this anonymous entity. Has she put on the collection of armor that resembled a knight, with the sword that has a blue guard etched to the belt. She looked really beautiful, young and slender. However, her eyes aren’t pink but a blue. After passing through lot of trees, arrived thus herself in another clearing. Wearing of the expression of seriousness is quick to decay upon she has sight the origin of the sound of the flowing river.
“There’s a lot of river”, and so she speaks.
Route reaching downstream is attained from memorization. She make it there, and noticed a lot of fishes, either medium ranged to small are browsing through the crystal clear water. Some has hide once detected the girl’s approaching shadow as she get closer.
“They look very peaceful”, mentioned her with a calm look.
“It would make a good ingredient for breakfast! Ha!”, mentioned her with a combusted face worthy of being named as crazies.
Her right palm is pointed at the watery surface. Red orb began forming, getting bigger and bigger. Just as it reached the perfect size that really fit into the girl’s hand, it launched into the target. What occurred afterward is that, a lot of water started splurging into the air caused by the blast, and eventually it rained onto her, and fishes that can’t swim inland has scattered the river bank. Bigger and capable fishes easily made it back to the river immediately and swam away.
“Jeez, only a few are left. They sure knew how to run”.
She make a lazy dead fish eyes, grabbing the nearest fish afterward. Only 3 mild sized one were taken away, whilst the others are thrown back to their home. Scales and inner part are removed by a small knife that she carried and hung at the belt. Captured item are burned using the previous red orb that illuminated an object with heat once it is near enough and that girl took part by part of the cooked material and eat it with her finger without hesitation. 20 minutes are approximately used. She hastily ventured into the forest once more right after starvation no longer posed a problem. Lingered this girl was seamlessly without purpose for two hour, sometimes taking rest by leaning against a tree. Encountered wild animals undoubtedly flee for its safety. Finally, the traveler’s road was seen again.
“There it is. I shouldn’t ever take a sleep too far away last night because I didn’t even know my way around”, exclaimed the girl, portraying the lack of knowledge concerning of the route she’s taking.
Her head stared right and there, a small village is spotted in a glimpse. A large wagon is also heading there, as it is ahead of her on the road. Casually, she took a step wanting to travel to that location. Strong wind hindered the heat away and grasses are swaying left to right. White horses are used to pull the wagon that moved considerably slow. One man is sitting on top a saddle and another two is accompanying the party by guarding each side of the wagon.
“I wonder what are they transporting”, whispered the girl whom isn’t too far behind.
As they make progress across the road, a faint tremor was felt below the girl’s feet and so, she stopped walking.
“Something is underground?”
Her advancement was halted, though it isn’t the same for the transportation in front. The thing doesn’t popped out and attack the girl but instead, it headed straight for the larger object in front and make an appearance in front of the horses. It is a huge and tall, red centipede.
“A creature?! ”, mentioned the men on the saddle.
The horses are spooked, rendering instability for the rider and so, he fell to the ground. Such towering atrocity inflicted extreme injury for the fallen man by hitting itself to the target. He splattered to pieces like a pancake, splashing blood all over the wagon and the horses that are terrified to ran off ahead and can’t turned around due to the load it is pulling. Other guardsmen are showered in sweat already and throw away the sword they are carrying and run off beside the girl, not noticing she was there due to panicking. The event occurred really fast and she also decided to keep up the pace. Her feet carried her closer to the objective and there, she permitted a high jump and landed on top of the transport’s roof. Henceforth, she showed off her right palm again and minor electrical energy heed in vision, growing bigger than her hand before she released it. It shoot off shaping an orb, and upon contact with its target, a wave of electricity shocked the entire structure and the centipede exploded into unrecognizable bit soon after. Her mouth spoke off a minor claim.
“The charging of that technique wasn’t as swift as how that creature could move, so why didn’t it quickly attack me? I wanted to test my durability but it hesitated”.
The fleeing men were no longer detectable once she looked behind. The horses has calmed down. Unexpectedly, a voice has resounded, coming from below.
“Hey, you!”.
Mustered in maturity but still has youngish aura, the girl looked down and noticed a young man, probably being 19 years old. She jumped down and gazed upon this adolescent boy with the usual ordinary expression. He is fashioned with sharp nose, black cornea and hair, has strong muscular outline and is armed with nothing. Height from which he possessed is between 185cm while the girl was about 165cm. As an additional info, he wore a black trouser and draped in red cloaks that covered his body that is being put upon a black shirt.
“Weapon bearer, stand aside. I need to check what’s inside this vehicle”, asserted him inappropriately.
The girl doesn’t show any retaliation and instead, make it to the point.
“You are the one that summoned that creature to attacked this wagon, aren’t you?”. So she stated that with a common tone and look.
Overall, he tightened his lips, his eyes stared sharply and he was infuriated but it was only for a moment before he stood toward making his own route.
“Stand aside!”, retorted him, pushing his way through the girl’s left side.
She stayed in quiet monotone and watch the person opened the wagon’s door and inside, there was nothing else but large pile of bag. Her curiosity make her take a peek as the boy used his right finger to conjured a magic skill that enabled a short piece of laser to display, and he tore a horizontal line in the bag and golden coin started to pour away. Agitation tore him to make a furious look.

That's it, as of now..