Wednesday 17 December 2014


Testing testing testing after months!!!!!!

Saturday 6 September 2014

Continuance from the previous post page of chapter 2. (Please be noted that this this chapter's name has been changed to Chapter 2 Bleeding Introduction Part II)

Pale, thin ray of light shine through a window with a half opened curtain. Enveloped in dim light nearby is a bed. A sleeping person lies with her armor, cranking out weird chanting as she moved around the bed side to side.
“I want, a crocodile soup for lunch”, whispered the girl nonchalantly in her sleep.
A large person is sitting on the bed, near to the girl’s feet and he looked at her silently.
Afterward, he’d approached the window and stared at the outside world. A parade of people is seen walking down the lane in a straight line and a few are carrying a torch. His attention to the party was short and was diverted to the former object upon the voice of another person has resounded. The bedridden girl was awaked, scratched her head and quickly spotted the man inside the room.
“Who are you? A rapist?” asserted the questioning one with a half opened eyelid.
The man is standing quietly and tried talking.
“Oh wait, that’s not a necessary joke”, she quickly intercepted.
“How are you feeling? “, stated the tall man.
She scratched her forehead and shook her head. Suddenly, a recollection of memory arrived, consisting of pages that foretold a tragic event that had been concluded. Her expression turned sour once her head had visualized of witnessing the death of an old man.
“How is that girl doing!?”.
An answer was demanded by the scream from a worried being. Providing false truth wouldn’t bloom a benefit, therefore lying is not crucial.
 “She’s fine, but it would be better that you leave her alone. Wisceria is in shamble”, tell the large man.
The girl uttered nothing and pulled in an intake of air to calm her-self. Time decided to depart from the man’s side and as he had noticed so, a conduction of conversation is constructed.
“My name is Mont. Pleased to meet you”.
Introduction was provided by the other.
“What do you want?”
Stemmed with a careful touch, she didn’t bother to be friendlier and displayed a sour look.
Taking such an act to be considered of no offence, Montreal take a lot outside the window again, still armed with seriousness.
“Come here”, said the man.
Sensing no danger to intervened, she climb out from the bed and saw the parade outside. A group of man is carrying a large coffin, and others with torch are surrounding them.
“It’s Wisceria’s father. Having the need to see their loved one died before their eye is a torture. I am ashamed of myself for being too late”.
Mont had spoken with a sour look. Trudge much in a pile of unanswered question, the girl began seeking for clues.
“Was the outside world always seemed like this?”
Compelled to look very casual most of the time, she remained laidback, though there’s a hint of sadness course through her feeling. Curiosity swerved the man in every possible direction and he is too decided to dig up information from this unknown person he is looking at.
“Which village did you come from?”
“Hemoalis. It is 10 kilometers located from here. I had only recently started this exploration for two days but already stumbled upon blunder that I didn’t seek to expect. I do not know, but my feeling kept griping to my own self saying that I shouldn’t even move out in the first place. Ah, somehow I know that it wouldn’t be paradise and yet, I’d choose to side with my wilder temptation anyway. I’ll honestly don’t know what I am doing”.
She murmured so to herself, spilling over precious info that allowed Montreal to issues a self-speak inside of him.
“That place...”
Without finishing what he had to say, Montreal enclosed another measure to killed mysteries.
“Is your house located in the village or somewhere nearby of it?”
“It is in the forest.”
The collection for the info necessary was partially completed, as Montreal had thought so.
“I shouldn’t probably tell anyone about that. This blank space inside of me is sickening.”
The girl felt tortured by the ordeal she had gone through. He was about to uttered words that could relieve her but suddenly, she performed an action. She pulled in a lot of air to her lung and released it. The same sort of activity was done for 3 times later.
“Now, I felt better. I just had this reminder inside of me telling that I should do so to calm myself. And talking a lot too can contribute to calmness.”
 Her face still looked standard, even though she had said too much word. Montreal simply monitored her movement. He just smiled a bit before looking serious again.
“Do you know the enemy?”
Upon hearing that, the girl’s expression changed a bit as she looked angered. It reverted easily to the former tone in few second.
“No, I don’t”, mentioned her, confessed of having little intelligence regarding the target.
“His name is Lurvan Burnhatten. His two other associate, the one with the mask is Ries Del Von and the single one left is Ennas Mar. They aren’t just normal contender. If you’re still wanted to hunt them down, it would do well to be more experienced first before facing them. I’d believed you will understand that.”
She calmly answered.
“I will not be hasty. Their lives aren’t anything poor that I can deliberately let go of.”
Her eyes are streaming with the lust for revenge and Montreal had noticed it but choose to accept this condition. Silence had spread, the parade outside had moved on and the street is dark. Realizing that she must gathered info as well, it’s her turn to ask questions.
“Who are you again? Mountain?”
“It is Montreal. When you were rendered unconscious, I’d dealt with them but they ran away before I could conjure an arrest. I am an authority figure that guarded this area.”
“I see. There’s something I am curious of. It has been bugging me for a while”.
“What is it?”. As they are speaking, each replied as calm as they are to be, while looking outside.
“Why is it that you quickly provided me with information even though I didn’t ask of it?”
The girl had asked, from which he firmly replied.
“I don’t want to waste time waiting for question that might’ve been asked. It would require the sacrificing of many things such as time itself, space and energy. If it is essential, I would provide it without hesitation.”
“Oh, okay then.”
“What will you do? Move ahead for your journey?”
“No, I will stay here until she is approachable. I felt like taking her out with me”.
She moved from the spot and headed to the bed. There, she saw her sword and take it. As the two didn’t spoke at all after then, the girl left the room as the man talk to his self once more.
“Her wound sure healed up really quick. Does this have any connection with her flourishing magic?”
It’s positively assured that his will to know the answer to everything about the girl couldn’t be dug out as of that point. As he is scratching his head, his mind pondered him to say something else that popped out for no reason.
“But, that conversation was”.
Before he could continue, the girl outside has thought of the same thing and together, they both said the word spontaneously.
“Awkward”, said the two with yet the same bored look.
 She’d continued walking out in the dark street, and a thought had surfaced again.
“Where I am going anyway?”
A ringing sound of a device that was held inside Mont’s pocket was heard by its owner and of course, he took it out. It was a thin and solid object with high transparency that allowed anything behind it to be seen from the front view. It is shaped square, and sized like a tablet.
He touched the screen that revealed a glimmer blue light, slide it to the right that open a blue screen and various button popped up and he had touched one that stopped the ringing and he held it to his ear.
A voice from the other side could be listened to but the actual content is not audible. A few second has passed and he touched the screen once more, turning off its white light and he kept it where it was meant to be. He sighed and spoke.
“It’s time again. I need to move.”
He moved around and exited the room. Somewhere in the far northern land far away from Montreal’s current location, a village was set on fire. Many people scampered away from their live, not willing to extinguish the flames that devoured their home and at certain times, two or more people catch on fire ran off from the interior of a burning building. Charred bodies littered the ground, much to set upon a dreadful view. In the middle of the village, there was a clearing. Several people are sitting there, doing various kind of activity like smoking and drinking bottle, presumably alcohol. They laughed upon the sighting of such terror, and one man stand among them, dressed in a garment of black robe, wearing a dark shirt and blue pant.
“Let this pathetic little place swallowed by ruins! We will conquer this place and terrorized! Hahaha!”, said the man as he laughed sadistically.
Not knowing other dangerous possibilities in stored for him, he took a bottle and chugged its content as much as he can. The middle aged man with the thin moustache, blue eyes, small nose and scarred cheek stopped drinking after a while, and he looked to a direction where no fire is spread on the ground. The whole party was still noisy and laughed from the amusement, before being screamed at by their chief telling them to be quiet. It was an order that was accepted without flaws.  From the darkness, a person has arrived. He is wearing a red coat with the hood covering his head. The inside of the coat was black and he is wearing a white t-shirt layered with blue vest. As the coat went down tall enough to his knee, his leathered pant is chocolate and black shoes were on his feet. Everyone glared at him whom face can’t be identified due to the hood. Though, a member of the party sounded his voice.
“Isn’t that the rumored “Red Cloak”? Isn’t it?”, exclaimed him.
Their boss responded.
“The one that has been restoring peace around the area, and killed numerous criminals?”
“Oh, yeah, I guess”, replied the other guy.
“I don’t know why the Ministry would be cared enough to send people to guarded the outside populace but, just kill him men! Go!”
Everyone followed the order, throw away their cigarette and bottle and pointed their gun.  
Possessing the height of approximately 180cm tall, he’ll reach for his sword that lies in its scabbard that is etched to his belt, and pulled out a slightly curved and thin green blade. It is quite long and featured a round shaped guard. The leader of the other side had noticed the peculiar weapon.
“A green katana? Despite its color, nothing else seemed distinguishable about it. Rather yet, he’s intending on fighting bullets with something like that?”, asserted the man in his heart as he yelled out the next order.
Extreme barrage of lead had been released into the air. Undoubtedly, the targeted man begin
to retaliate by wielding his weapon with right hand only and slashed the air as if there as something there. Surprisingly after doing so, each bullet that is hurling toward the Red Cloak shattered in close view and break off into tinier pieces. Unable to maintain its speed and momentum, the destroyed bullets fall into the ground. The abnormal moment was spotted to occur by the leader but he wouldn’t surrender.
“Kept firing!”
The loyal henchman listened and put up more resistant as some are reloading constantly and relentlessly wasting their ammunition. Red Cloak acted very fast and enveloped his left hand with a green aura that shined brightly and he released it into the air, forming a burning blue barrier that is large enough to shield him from the assault in front. Some man had halted their fire, grabbed explosive compound that is etched to their pocket and throw it up high. As it is about to reach the one in defensive formation, Red Cloak had finally noticed it by looking upward and the grenades spontaneously exploded upon contact. The leader prompted his man to move away from his as he is charging both his hand with a yellow magical energy and fired it to the enemy like a laser, further enhancing the bombardment. The radiating outburst of wind caused by the strong explosion had blinded some of the man from looking out to see whether the enemy was eradicated. Without their knowledge, Red Cloak is lifting his left hand to the air and generated another shield that fully protected him from above. As his defenses is still activating, he wield his katana with both hand and stabbed the ground. His hand glow in blue again and he channeled his energy onto the katana. It’s original color start being more illuminated and as the debris surrounding their position start disappearing, the man uttered a few inaudible words and the ground start shaking slightly around him. The leader took note of the approaching trouble and ordered his man to accomplish another task.
“Retreat now!”
Expectedly, they swiftly fled and the ground behind them started cracking and shot out from the ground in various sizes. The flying properties from the ground started descending due to natural gravitational pull and crushed anything it hit into smithereens, depending on the sizes. Few burning houses are damaged even more and a couple of the henchman is killed instantly by the force applied from the falling ground that raptured their inner organ. The area that was affected by the attack is small and yet, the result concluded to be devastating. The situation had become calmer later on when the leader along with the survived 8 man stop fleeing and they surveyed the environment. One of the man yelled out to the leader since he had saw an event worthy of report.
“Boss Lenharth, Reo and Hans are dead!”
Never will the men whom name are summoned except for the leader would ever sounded again and it saddened Lenharth upon a sad expression formed in his face but it was temporary, before he regained his self-control once more and tightened his rage.
“Men! If anyone wanted to flee, then go! I will cover everyone from behind! This is not a fight everybody else could comprehend!”
The boss took his sword that was sealed behind him and his face is aired with unmeasured seriousness. Everyone being his comrade that scattered behind him started looking to one another and nodded before a select few started running into the forest nearby, while 5 men decided to stay. Lenharth looked a lot more composed now once his gaze is averted to the remaining allies and he let out a sigh before speaking.
“All of you are ready to die for me?”
His men just smiled even though it’s clear they are in fear, pictured in their worried face and showering sweat. They are armed with respective handgun, machine pistol and common swords.
Inspection was commenced to the area that was believed to be the last place where Red Cloak is located but he had disappeared from the spot. He, the leader kept looking in all possible direction for his opponent and not realizing that he is hiding close nearby to a house caught on fire. Even though the temperature is high, Red Cloak hasn’t moved yet from the burning house that he had taken privilege in being close against, to remain undetected as being that the house is placed in a strategic location to pounce on the target and he’s waiting for the proper moment. After a few minute, a wooden house available to the left of the field in front of Lenharth had collapsed and razed to the ground, driving most of them to look at the origin of the sound. Red Cloak saw an opening and scrambled away, displaying such fast movement. The henchman in the farthest part of their assemble located way behind didn’t see he was coming and the man take out his katana and slayed the target, ripping an arm off and splattered lot of blood coming out from the abdomen. An enemy had fallen and so does another one when Red Cloak fueled his left hand with magic again and shot a beam into a person’s stomach when his right hand is busy holding a deadly item. Simultaneously, he took down two enemies at the same time, and the beam penetrated a stomach and killed someone directly, though it alarmed the person being next to the dead man.
“Over here!”
He yelled as he turned around and fired his automatic weapon and cleared two round into the target’s coat at the head section as he is busy evading. Red Cloak moved swiftly like a cat left to right to confused the aim of the assailant as he’d approached in the defenseless zone and struck a carve from the chest upward to the face, cutting deep wound that released streak of red liquid. Behind the shocked Lenharth, the two man also shoot to kill and unexpectedly, he jumped to the air and land directly in the center space between Lenharth and his men. Unable to followed the target’s speed and adjusted to the unpredictable action that he had seen, Red Cloak hastily tried to kick Lenharth out of the way but he had already set up defenses by placing his sword at the area where Red Cloak are about to strike and to serve as a shield to alleviate the attack’s strength. Yet however, the sheer force that was applied to the sword was very powerful and had pummeled away the large man to a few distances. Taking their lives to no consideration, he turned around and swung his katana to the barely responsive two male. Having left with little conscious to do anything, their armament was dropped, fall down together afterward and blood start oozing away from their deathbed. No longer feasting his eyes to the bizarre images of dead man’s corpses, this anonymous assassin head forward to the leader, whom rise again unscathed. He has recovered and soon, come to precisely become fully aware that his enemy is walking steadily toward him. Ignoring Red Cloak out of sight, he is seeking to locate his allies and witnessed their dead bodies. He clenched his teeth and tightly gripped his sword with both hand and run to the source of their terror. The cloaked entity swung his katana to rid it off from thick blood and wield with two hands at will, also ran off to face an angered man. Both weapons had slammed against each other in an instant. Exchanges of strikes continued and Lenharth managed to kept being on par, though he is instilled with a raging temptation to take down the enemy and strike as hard as he could each time. The smaller opposition faced difficulties to tolerate the damages inflicted any longer and as they chaotically continued an almost never ending exchange of blows, Red Cloak slowly channeled his magic energy to the katana that he is using and once the amount is sufficient, he’ll tried hitting the enemy’s sword as hard as he could comprehend during the nick of time and managed to altered the position of the object that he has hit farther away to the right and immediately, he activated a technique to release the power of the wind that he had concealed to his katana and managed to blew away Lenharth’s sword. Once he’ll manage to outsource the opponent, he pulled the katana back to him and opted to choose the option to mercilessly collect another soul. Being left aghast and unarmed, the leader of the village massacre were about to be nearly struck by a sharp tool directly to his chest. He focused entirely on trying to seize the object and seemed to narrowly able to pull of such dangerous act, that circulated tiny fraction of disbelief to Red Cloak as his shining blue eyes looked upward to gaze a tired look. Using both his palm, Lenharth was able to capture the katana before it could go much deeper into his skin by pressing onto the weapon’s both side. Afterward, using the advantage of his much developed muscles and taller height, the man lift the opposition’s primary tool and pulled it away from the owner’s arm, carried it up further and release it from his palm, allowing the weapon to slide away and fall to the ground behind Lenharth. Both fighters are now left with nothing but their own fist. Taking no chance for any side to redeem themselves in safety, each charged with their magic. Using only one finger, both fired a blue and yellow energy that is medium in size and the attack had clashed to form a small energy burst. As the two is absolutely determined to keep it going without uttering anything at all, they spammed countless of magic beam onto one another that mostly generated more burst when it’s arriving at an appointment for impact, charting up holes with certain sizes that was carved on the ground between them as to receive the consequences of being close to an energy explosion. Few beam had make their way to scratched Lenharth’s skin and Red Cloak’s dress.
To avoid dragging up the battle too long, the older man used his right palm and pointed it ahead, surging up a strong electrical charge that enveloped his entire hand that is used to activate the technique. The process seemed to take a certain amount of time to accomplish perfect equilibrium to make a launch but instead of taking an advantage, Red Cloak spent his energy to create another barrier.
“Damn kid!”, asserted Lenharth as he is sure that he is being underestimated.
 The huge spark of electricity travelled away from his body and reached the target in a blink of an eye. Strong gushing of wind and thick smokes covered the area on impact, thus temporarily blocking the vision for the surrounding zone. Despite the barrier having not been annihilated, it is damaged and had cracked in a few sections. The electric current didn’t disappeared yet and kept charging. Red Cloak was unaware of the ongoing event and was coughing from the smoke before he had a shadow reaching close for his position. Lenharth was ready for an attack as his yellowish energy is covering his hand and he has delivered an impressive assault on the barrier, punching it once and it was shattered instantly, rendering the latter to be exposed. Taking chance of the very close proximity, Lenharth presented Red Cloak with a straight punch to his cheek. It is a dreadful single blow, infused with high magical energy to elevate the final touch. The aftermath resulted in the force drawback of the presumably damaged assailant whom traced a few step backward. He doesn’t moved an inch, waiting to see whether his fist have given effect. Red Cloak turned his head to face the front and Lenharth has gasped. He saw a darkened face with a terrifying smirk. Instead of running in cowardice, he decided to attack again, before 3 sound of gunshot was heard. He felt a sharp pain behind his back, look behind him with an anxious face and saw a young girl aiming a gun at him. His vision is getting blurry, locking him in no possibilities to identify how the girl truly looked like. His footing could no longer be maintained and he deliberately crashed to the ground, albeit still breathing. The girl approached them and arrived, talking to a certain person as she still holding her pistol. Her attire is of those like a common people, wearing a long green skirt and blouse. Black hair is part of her trait.
“Can you please stop delaying everything? We need to go and offer help to the surviving villager. This has all happened because you’re preferred to be a slowpoke. It must have been great to be attacked like that. Stop messing around with someone or it will be your last breath”, warned this unknown girl.
Her voice is cold and calm even though her choice of word doesn’t reflect that. An interaction has occurred between them.
“His punch feel like a wind has glide through me. It is sweet. However, it’s sad that only a few have remained from this torched place. If only that obstruction wouldn’t be so hard to handle, these people would have veered themselves from harm”, mentioned him as he looked around the environment, razed by blazing season of fire.
“Don’t be selfish. Next time, clear the field immediately if the enemy is as weak as this one and avoid from indulging in unnecessary risk. I had reminded you the same thing a lot of time already, it be better that we used more time to guide the survivor rather than filling up your thirst for battle. If you do this again, I will be going solo and kill the next target myself”, affirm the girl as she aimed at the heart in the back and pushed the trigger for 4 times.
The body doesn’t show any sign of breathing. Red Cloak stayed quiet, stared at the body for a while and move away from the scene.
“Come, there are 3 more target on the loose. Or you would like to stalk them alone and let me do a different job? ”, spoke the young man, offering a different pathway.
“You go. I will round the rest to safety. Make sure to kill all of them”.
“Understood”, answered the cloaked man.
Somewhere a bit to the south is a thick forest. The trees are massive and towering over at least 700 feet, reaching atop the lower clouds. Resting in one of the tree’s humongous branch is the three men that are responsible for the previous incident. His two companions are resting, looking out through the darkness of the night. Lurvan Burnhatten was leaning against a tree bark, thinking of a few matters and remembering what Montreal had said to him.
“That person is betting on an unknown source. What is on his mind? At the very least, I will have some fun with her chasing me around before I could kill her when the time comes, even if her energy seemed otherworldly. It would prove how stupid has he become to make an unlikely attempt at dealing before ensuring”.
An act of self-speak was ended with a serious tone. He is caught in a thinking circle before noticing something white is brightly shining from his pocket and it was taken outside. It was revealed to be the same tablet that was used for communication, and he held it to his ear and listened to a voice. Soon afterward, he put it back where it was, stood up and talked to everyone.
“Update was received. The battle at Harette is near.”
“Who is involved?”. Ennas has asked.
“Did you forget about it again? Harette is located between the kingdom of Solaciordia and Gerrharter. They had been at each other’s throat for 20 years, and now, they are commencing their 16th attempt to eliminate their opponent. Is that clear? I’m growing tired of explanation”.
“Now, I’d remembered. Has the Ministry taken any action?”
“They would never intervene. The two kingdoms are situated in a rogue territory that is outside the Ministry’s jurisdiction and control. Next time, keep everything on a note. Let’s go”.
All three immediately jumped down from the branch. Travelling into the sector of instability, a huge guard house is seen, being close to the land of Solaciordia, whereas Gerrharter’s territory is far ahead to the north. A large plain filled with overgrown huge trees and thick bushes called Harette separated these two kingdoms, putting itself into a perfect position to become a battlefield. A lot of people wearing the attire of a soldier, either man or woman are seen discussing between themselves in the aforementioned building. Most of these people are sitting on a chair next to a long table, uttering various kinds of sentences. Near these bunches of people was a bald man with thick moustache, conquered tall height but small body, wearing a pair of glasses that revealed a blue eye,  and a tall green coat that covered his inner clothing. He has several wrinkles beneath his eyes, signaling an aging body. He is looking downward to a small table that has a piece of paper, scrawled with many letters and marking. There are two men beside him, providing insight regarding their strategies. As he is standing with his hand being held behind, the ground shook tremendously, albeit no one was harmed, fully balanced out in standing like nothing has happened and the incident was temporary. A man rushed in, stating an announcement.
“Gerrharter has attacked the barrier! Request immediate order!”
Everyone seated rise from their chair. The bald man stayed silent for a while, before commencing.
“Begin the counterattack”.
 His calm voice has reached the ear of his men. Following from a point closer to the front, a whole line of huge cannons with distinctive design is seen. Its muzzle is charged with reddish radiating beam that was activated by at least one operator whom is standing behind the weapon with their energy being distributed. The barrier that protected their sector and acted as a shield was not transparent and glowing in a mixture of rainbow, being really tall and covered the Solaciordia’s army in a straight line.  One single person that is observing the cannon and has a very similar appearance to as the one that has barged through the door earlier has felt a message is coming across his mind and yelled it out.
“Commander Riel has provided command! Close the barrier and unleash the artillery!”
 A few seconds has passed before the barrier disappeared for a while and the cannons started firing simultaneously, generating strong vibration upon the injection to the territory owned by the enemy and emanated the same kind of progress as it touched the opposite barrier and result in a barrage of explosions. Back to the guardhouse, the old man speaks again.
“Start sending out the infantry. Be aware of the border to avoid the enemy’s infiltration. That is all. I will also move to the front line”.
The listening man knocked his head and his body vanished instantly into thin air, leaving behind sparkling dust. The other parties started going out following their commander’s footstep.

Thursday 4 September 2014


Here is a simple dialogue from my imagination that would probably happen between a hater and a lover for anime or any sort of entertainment out there. But, this would certainly focus a lot more for Japanese animation nonetheless.
One day, this person come galloping around mounting on its mighty horses of hate and swirl around in a district that has one astonishingly good guy that is trying to enjoy entertainment as it is. Expectedly, this hater would barged in and ask something normal for his kind of personality.
Hater : I’ll see that you give too much pointer for every anime out there and that is pretty much idiotic. This anime for instance, have too much fault and holes that it would never be able to attained a 10. You sir, are just a weeaboo and a moron that love to have sex with animation, isn’t it?
(Bear in mind that the actual conversation might’ve not be as disgraceful as this but I have the feeling that every hater out there would probably wanted to say the same thing but somehow, they are bound by proper etiquette.)

Lover would look at that unknown person with a straight in the eyes, and ask them something simple.

Lover : Please tell me. What is your purpose on wanting to spend time watching anime all this time?

Hater : Of course, to judged it and to evaluated it. It is my privileges as a watcher to mock whatever kind of work that I looked at because I wanted to. It’s only fair that I be picky and destroyed an anime that contained fault with an iron fist, because I can and those studios are idiots that can’t make a good show.

Lover: Well then, as for me, I watched anime because I felt that it is a spectacular piece of entertainment. My original purpose and the only purpose that I have always maintained when I want to watched something is because that, I want to get rid of pain, stresses and anguish. Anime do just fine to incinerate those kind of element from my heart. When I’ll watch an anime, I couldn’t care less what’s wrong with it and just enjoyed it to my own accord.

Hater: Surely amongst all those countless anime that you have watched, magnificent amount of plot holes  and shitty characters and terrible timing of everything would popped up. What driven you to face all of those annoying shit without faltering even for a second? Just face it, anime is just like every entertainment out there, not perfect and quite terrible to be honest.

Lover: When you’re begin to overthink about something that served as to entertained, that’s when everything would completely go wrong. In life, there are several major factors that you could afford to paid attention to because they are much more worthy and yet, amongst all those thing, you’re decided to trudge on a bedding of simplicity, ignoring one’s point of greater impact and choose to delivered a mighty blow to a creation for healing cut and bruises in the heart. Are you stupid? The only valid reason out there regarding why someone would always wanted to watch a thing out there in the first place because that they wanted to be entertained. They are bored, and certainly has make an option to stare at a material that they seek to be appropriate in the mind and in this case, you selected anime to cure yourselves from boredom. Everything in this world started from a single point. You wouldn’t say that you watched anime because you wanted to rip it apart. That’s a lie. There must be a point in your life somewhere, stating to stare an anime because you like it and you want to watch it more afterward. However, somewhere along that journey, you have encountered a point that deal damages to you, either from seeing an obviously vivid hole in the plot which does actually existed or met up with a character that disgusted you or you just plain tired with never ending fusion of the same thing over and over again.

Hater: I’m sure that you are joking, right? You don’t know me and I’m still believed that I watched anime because I wanted to properly relinquish it by starting from the flaws.
(The truth is, I don’t make a good bad guy and I’m biased to the guys that loved anime so I will make the bad guy looked like a complete and utter failures just like how they really are.)

Lover: That’s just nonsense. Tearing apart something like an anime is unjustifiable. Tell me, does watching this so called bad anime wreck you in any sort of way? Does it actually influence you to become an idiot like you are being now? No, what you have become today is a decision of your making. You wanted to be a picky bastard that shredded on everything and there, you have become one now. No series in this world is perfect and I’ll admit that because humans are flawed to be begin with. NOTHING IN THIS WORLD is born from perfection, not even a single tree or a building. If you tried watching anime on a different light, you might’ve obtain something better but if you’re just watch to hate and shit on it, sure, you would be amazed by how terrible and cliché that story is. Sure, I don’t know you but you barged in to me and stated that I am an idiot for liking anime as much as I can. Isn’t that a movement of yours that’s trying to insult me and acted as if you acknowledge my true characteristic from the moment you’re entered my house? (or profile.) I will begin with my lecture here so shut the hell up and as the writer for this dialogue, I wouldn’t let you speak for a second any longer.

Now then, I will not hesitate to mock you and I’m sure that you barely have anything to do in life because all you could get is the act to make selfish intervention with other people’s life and interest and posted your disgusting hatred on a forum to let the whole world know that you are highlighting a possibility to be known and have your presence known by at least somebody out there. Complaining is fine especially when it have a dire consequences with your life but does an anime would actually negatively negated you in some way? Unlike the government that reign on your money and families, an anime served as a tool for amusement, and it is your choice if you wanted to like or not. It is a creation from someone that is trying to look for money but their stuff are still being stolen anyone as piracy is thickening. Even though you may not like it, does it do you any favor to go on a forum and let the world knew that you stomp on it? No, that would possibly meant that you’re an idiots that has nothing better to do in life other than to sit in the basement, fapping to hentai and still mocked the Japanese for making animated porn and tried out the best you can to make yourself being able to existed in the world through the use of internet because you have nothing else to do but to be miserable. That is a sign that you should take a knife and stab yourself in the heart for being a jobless, immature bastard that trashed on everything. Being picky and stand in line to pointed out all kind of holes out there in a plot is never a task that a matured and responsible human being would do. And I’ll supposed we can connect this conversation with this post that I have made for some time ago. That’s all I could say, Lein..

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Chapter 2 Bleeing This Town Part II

This is the first 2 pages of the 2nd chapter. The rest shall be posted upon completion

Pale, thin ray of light shine through a window with a half opened curtain. Enveloped in dim light nearby is a bed. A sleeping person lies with her armor, cranking out weird chanting as she moved around the bed side to side.
“I want, a crocodile soup for lunch”, whispered the girl nonchalantly in her sleep.
A large person is sitting on the bed, near to the girl’s feet and he looked at her silently.
Afterward, he’d approached the window and stared at the outside world. A parade of people is seen walking down the lane in a straight line and a few are carrying a torch. His attention to the party was short and was diverted to the former object upon the voice of another person has resounded. The bedridden girl was awaked, scratched her head and quickly spotted the man inside the room.
“Who are you? A rapist?” asserted the questioning one with a half opened eyelid.
The man is standing quietly and tried talking.
“Oh wait, that’s not a necessary joke”, she quickly intercepted.
“How are you feeling? “, stated the tall man.
She scratched her forehead and shook her head. Suddenly, a recollection of memory arrived, consisting of pages that foretold a tragic event that had been concluded. Her expression turned sour once her head had visualized of witnessing the death of an old man.
“How is that girl doing!?”.
An answer was demanded by the scream from a worried being. Providing false truth wouldn’t bloom a benefit, therefore lying is not crucial.
 “She’s fine, but it would be better that you leave her alone. Wisceria is in shamble”, tell the large man.
The girl uttered nothing and pulled in an intake of air to calm her-self. Time decided to depart from the man’s side and as he had noticed so, a conduction of conversation is constructed.
“My name is Mont. Pleased to meet you”.
Introduction was provided by the other.
“What do you want?”
Stemmed with a careful touch, she didn’t bother to be friendlier and displayed a sour look.
Taking such an act to be considered of no offence, Montreal take a lot outside the window again, still armed with seriousness.
“Come here”, said the man.
Sensing no danger to intervened, she climb out from the bed and saw the parade outside. A group of man is carrying a large coffin, and others with torch are surrounding them.
“It’s Wisceria’s father. Having the need to see their loved one died before their eye is a torture. I am ashamed of myself for being too late”.
Mont had spoken with a sour look. Trudge much in a pile of unanswered question, the girl began seeking for clues.
“Was the outside world always seemed like this?”
Compelled to look very casual most of the time, she remained laidback, though there’s a hint of sadness course through her feeling. Curiosity swerved the man in every possible direction and he is too decided to dig up information from this unknown person he is looking at.
“Which village did you come from?”
“Hemoalis. It is 10 kilometers located from here. I had only recently started this exploration for two days but already stumbled upon blunder that I didn’t seek to expect. I do not know, but my feeling kept griping to my own self saying that I shouldn’t even move out in the first place. Ah, somehow I know that it wouldn’t be paradise and yet, I’d choose to side with my wilder temptation anyway. I’ll honestly don’t know what I am doing”.
She murmured so to herself, spilling over precious info that allowed Montreal to issues a self-speak inside of him.
“That place...”
Without finishing what he had to say, Montreal enclosed another measure to killed mysteries.
“Is your house located in the village or somewhere nearby of it?”
“It is in the forest.”
The collection for the info necessary was partially completed, as Montreal had thought so.
“I shouldn’t probably tell anyone about that. This blank space inside of me is sickening.”
The girl felt tortured by the ordeal she had gone through. He was about to uttered words that could relieve her but suddenly, she performed an action. She pulled in a lot of air to her lung and released it. The same sort of activity was done for 3 times later.
“Now, I felt better. I just had this reminder inside of me telling that I should do so to calm myself. And talking a lot too can contribute to calmness.”
 Her face still looked standard, even though she had said too much word. Montreal simply monitored her movement. He just smiled a bit before looking serious again.
“Do you know the enemy?”
Upon hearing that, the girl’s expression changed a bit as she looked angered. It reverted easily to the former tone in few second.
“No, I don’t”, mentioned her, confessed of having little intelligence regarding the target.
“His name is Lurvan Burnhatten. His two other associate, the one with the mask is Ries Del Von and the single one left is Ennas Mar. They aren’t just normal contender. If you’re still wanted to hunt them down, it would do well to be more experienced first before facing them. I’d believed you will understand that.”
She calmly answered.
“I will not be hasty. Their lives aren’t anything poor that I can deliberately let go of.”
Her eyes are streaming with the lust for revenge and Montreal had noticed it but choose to accept this condition. Silence had spread, the parade outside had moved on and the street is dark. Realizing that she must gathered info as well, it’s her turn to ask questions.
“Who are you again? Mountain?”
“It is Montreal. When you were rendered unconscious, I’d dealt with them but they ran away before I could conjure an arrest. I am an authority figure that guarded this area.”
“I see. There’s something I am curious of. It has been bugging me for a while”.
“What is it?”. As they are speaking, each replied as calm as they are to be, while looking outside.
“Why is it that you quickly provided me with information even though I didn’t ask of it?”
The girl had asked, from which he firmly replied.
“I don’t want to waste time waiting for question that might’ve been asked. It would require the sacrificing of many things such as time itself, space and energy. If it is essential, I would provide it without hesitation.”
“Oh, okay then.”
“What will you do? Move ahead for your journey?”
“No, I will stay here until she is approachable. I felt like taking her out with me”.
She moved from the spot and headed to the bed. There, she saw her sword and take it. As the two didn’t spoke at all after then, the girl left the room as the man talk to his self once more.
“Her wound sure healed up really quick. Does this have any connection with her flourishing magic?”
It’s positively assured that his will to know the answer to everything about the girl couldn’t be dug out as of that point. As he is scratching his head, his mind pondered him to say something else that popped out for no reason.
“But, that conversation was”.
Before he could continue, the girl outside has thought of the same thing and together, they both said the word spontaneously.
“Awkward”, said the two with yet the same bored look.
 She’d continued walking out in the dark street, and a thought had surfaced again.
“Where I am going anyway?”