Sunday 29 September 2013

In order to continue from yesterday..

I shall...errr...write something more about myself i's not interesting at all but whatever...i'm too lazy nowadays since i am depraved of a certain anime that i want to watch but simply i couldn't just finish downloading it because of overwhelming heart sickening internet...that's Malaysia for you...whilst the world's internet speed has reached an unprecedented progress,we are still yet left behind in the dust...what? are saying that i should be grateful that the internet at the very least are still there and a Japan lover like me couldn't possibly understand nor admired anything about the country he lived in?....well,i beg you pardon but i DO am grateful...everything in this world is God's gift and despite being a standard being when it comes to religious matter,i am still capable of loving everything that was bestowed by don't need to be a imam to acknowledge everyone that you are in fact truly grateful - just being a persona of kind hearted would do..people may never noticed but God would know when you are grateful and that's alone would be order to avoid straying from the main topic,i would retype back what i mentioned earlier - I am still grateful for being blessed with the internet and i were just stating that the internet in this nation is slower than the other country around the globe,therefore performing a minor detailed comparison of some kind...(not mocking anyone at anywhere nor any time)..

It is really a fact indeed that Malaysia's internet is quite slow,and yes i am also fully aware of the existence of Unifi,a certain internet branch that offered a 5mbps to 20mbps (i think) internet speed package - but it was only limited to lager cities and other than being quite expensive,such a speed like that is already common outside the country and i would bet the outsiders would laugh upon noticing how "fast" the speed that were sealed away in the packages..nonetheless i am not blinded by the fact that i am only in love with Japan inner heart has more care for this nation than anything,as this is the place where i was born and God put me here for the sake of my safety and also everyone else because this nation has glorious peaceful days and nothing as scary as war been tormenting this land unlike our Muslim's brothers nation like Egypt and Iraq,which is rapture apart by machineries and explosions..though i believe this peaceful day in Malaysia wouldn't last because of corrupted politician and policemen...throughout the world this has happened already even in Japan,and truth to be told someday my own self predicted that us humans will be vaporized by own self...

I also believe that i have strayed away from the topic too much this time...gomennasai!


I could have sworn that i mentioned of a repost approximately the next few hours later on but..

I'm hopelessly forgotten about it..>.>...oh well...

I'm errr...let's find something to say...errr.....maybe tomorrow?...:P

God i'm the worst...


The topic today shall be order to proficiently improved my english skill just like how i managed to exhibited like in the pass,i shall continuously typed everything that is going through my head...meanwhile,i should foremost also mentioned that this post will be a series of continuous post connecting toward one another..this meant that afterward this short post ended,another one shall follow in it's stead.

Well,first of all it's seemed like i have been addicted to a lot of Hatsune Miku's song of those astonishing track was named as kyrie eleison and was sang by Il cromenese..just check my last fm page for info..and no i didn't put this link because i would received money if anyone clicked it or anything...i'm not attracted by that kind of cheap business.

Other than aforementioned song,another one particularly titled as glow by keeno has also showed off it's own charm against me,further thus pulling me to dwell inside it's dreamy fact the entire album by keeno is very good that i listened to it for over 30+ times in last fm..the album was given the name of "in the rain" and supposedly available for free download at a site referring itself as "Vocaloidp3"...
I'm not going to put up any link for it though so you just have to look for it with your own capability.

Emmm...i shall continue this post afterward a few hours.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Finally an update!

After a long absence from meeting up with this blog due to cruelty of reality,finally today i have successfully..
established contact....*crying in happiness*...ceh yelatu hehe....padahal yeah i am ureshii desu because i have capable know what i am talking about anyway...

Now,i have a lot to say really...especially the topic concerning my friends and my own life.

But i don't think so i want to do that now because i am a little tired from today's turmoil.

First thing first though,i am not going to leave here leaving this blog empty.

It's a little bit late but i'm just want to say congratulation to Japan for being selected as the next nation responsible in taking obligation as the main house for Olympic 2020.



And that's it all....>.>...