Saturday 29 June 2013


And from which i can't go because i have no money yet....-continuation from the previous post-

I am sort of kinda like...freak out tonight due to being reading this scary left me hanging in horrifying sequences but i am so sure to be positively free from those negative feeling soon....
My last post ever since the last longer one has become considerably short due to not for me having none a single of time within my grasp but due to the fact that i am too lazy to be bothered by it...this kind of attitude does fail myself as a blogger...
I don't even know what to start on why i am being rather...unforgivably too lazy at typing these days...maybe i am kind of disliking in configuring a better word for a much more make sense type of topic...this could might as well served to be one of the most boring blog in all of human's history...
Right now i am still tired from the blazing heat of the morning and also because of the heart striking task of maintaining a pure sheer of hope within this mere house of mine...
You must have been wandering...i am pretty much not making excuse of being tired...this can be as realistic it can be and i am just...still worn out although almost all the proper resting procedure have been taken...
Now the only task leaving behind to get some sleep...good night~

Tuesday 25 June 2013


I am bored....really bored...i got banned from my mangafox account and plus i am getting out of money in there somehow a way out there that can produced my salvation?...wait yes anime can save my life...japan too...yes they can save me...i'm going there now...

Thursday 20 June 2013

Oh Dang I Got Whacked!

-SPAM 101-

Saturday 15 June 2013


Oh dear eternal heaven of the sky,from where shall thou rained upon me tranquility?..
From which searching i was on this haunting earth,couldn't ever will i be bestowed with thy perpetual hope?
Flaunted thus my body and soul become,crushing these knee ever sadly,sought to think paradise..
If ever would i be to be gifted with otherworldly pleasure,surely positive outlook be remembered always,
as the negativity invited even deeper threat than doom!
Should embraced myself to dark lust,let this soul be burned with deepest fire of Hell,scorching through the body as it is erasing every ounces of our sins by representing forward an unimaginable pain worthy of our treachery..
However,thy mighty ray of light radiating hope would never suffered dark hollow,be it shall always burning with the magnanimous spirit lurking inside..
Served as it would always that peculiar strange light,for one day it would bring beneficial moment as to salvaged our dream,furthermore being our salvation!

A funny one this turned out to be,isn't it?...i was simply practicing my literacy level during the middle of the night,thinking it might give me a strong sense of certain exceptional skill wouldn't i know what to say..
It's really hard to describe of what i'm doing now,but one thing for sure those words above aren't some random quotes i pulled off from a Bible or something,as please bear the fact that i am a Muslim,although isn't a really religious one..simply easier to say,i like saying or typing puzzling stuff like that since it encapsulated several hidden meaning..trying to increase my english and japanese skill is all i ever up to now,because i like to do so very much despite there are unnoticeable upgrade in my current level at all...

Just another random post from me,Afezeria Miku..oyasuminasai!

The Title For Today Is...

Avant garde,or pop,classical,fantasy or folklore type of style or whatever...why in the world did i started off this post today with a bunch of music genre anyway?...perhaps as predictable enough i am going to talk about more and more music...huhuhu...
Akiko Shikata..a person that i have aforementioned ago back in previous post (maybe) is such a goddess..
Her voice is spectacular and her genre defying style (experimental) when it come into creating song is pure bliss,nonchalant pieces of treasures flying off from Heaven venting down to Earth is what i would want to explain her as..therefore being not time wasting any longer,i would like to bring you a few songs from which sang by Akiko Shikata and these happened to be some of my favorite yet from her...she prefer to sang songs that have those fantasy and medieval vibe,which utterly what makes me prefer her the most..however though despite her charms,people in the modern days relatively dislikes such a genre from which she frequently expressed and such are the main reason on why a great person like her never surfaced into the attention of the world..but personally i would prefer for her to be in shallow at the moment because that's what make her unique too,although i can't really clarified on why that reason would make her special..oh yes i forgot to mentioned too that she sang in several different languages other than Japanese,distinguishing her from the rest even wider..
エウリュディケ - Μοναδική αγάπη -or romanized as Euridice Monadike Agape
This is an otherworldly masterpiece,presenting fantasy based aura and astonishing directory..It was sang in Greek,therefore explaining the peculiar lyrics..give it a shot!
Byakumu No Mayu ~ Ricordando Il Passato
This song is one of the best one as well,with it's operatic tuning and considerably noticeable medieval feeling..Italian is what used as the main language for the lyric which is undoubtedly sad and romantic..
Houmatsu ~ Tenohira de Kieru Yuki ~ (Transient ~ The Snow that Disappears on the Palm of my Hands ~) 

Such beautiful song like this is almost invisible on youtube and yet i can still find it...itself is calm and one could say it offered tranquility to thy heart..however i couldn't explained the language as...well,you have to hear it to know why i couldn't..
Look's like i need to go somewhere in the moment..i shall continued this post whenever time seized me..Later...  

Friday 14 June 2013

Very Hot,Very Hot Indeed..

Say,it's been kinda too hot recently..what's with this extreme global warming?'s tried grilling me to death perhaps...oh God please,i can't endured this infuriating challenge any longer...just please brought me to Japan..-.-
Okay,enough whining you lazy chicken..(myself)..need to really kept this blog going eventhough there are entirely almost no comment other from just one person whom is happened to be my best friend..
Let's see...i been kinda addicted to this English song recently titled Why,or why was sang by a Japanese though,as i said it before i would only like songs from that nation only..well if you look at my last fm music stat,there are might be other scrobble that is entirely very anonymous from my music selection but rest assured,these are classical pieces and i ain't frequently listening to them anyway..
Continuing much further,this song happened to become the ending for the first season of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni,a 2006 psychological thriller genre anime,which make the song to turned out to be very old..nonetheless it's still good and should be given  a chances to be struck by thy heart..
Other than this particular song,Naraku no Hana is yet another song from the Higurashi trilogy that managed to obtained their way into being my favorite..each of these 2 songs is quite dark in translation but positively contained no cursing letter whatsoever....still,like i said,the meaning can be disturbing..
Taishou a is a song sang by one of my favorite singer named Annabel..she's an Brazillian (thus explain the western name) or perhaps were originated from Argentina once,but successfully managed to land herself a spot as an anime singer in Japan..her voice turned out to be very melodic and attractive to be of her song title Taishou a that were mentioned above have served as the ending song for the second season of Higurashi trilogy...this song gave of yet such scary vibe,in term of lyric..Annina which is credited as the singer for the video below is the name of the collaboration group that she has entered back when she still an inexperience singer..

All these songs..are very old now as they are dated back in 2008 and below...however it's fantastic performance capable of striking me still now in the modern days...
Speaking of more old songs,there is one that i somehow accidentally downloaded but it turned out to be quite literally were created in 2003 and served as an ending song for an old mahou shoujo anime or something..Jungle Smile is the responsible group for creating this outstanding piece and although they have been separated since 2005,this song would always maintained it's position in my memories..
Well not too much typing's too hot...better i let myself dreaming in these good songs...huhuhu..

Saturday 8 June 2013

News About Myself~

Once again i'm back into being here in my's been yet another long time since my last update..
Surely the reason why i haven't been updating is not because i am dead or whatsoever but to put it simply i am just too lazy to do so..such a lazy blogger i am...never mind it though,because there would be almost no one here that would be reading this post right now...yes i'm talking about you mr!....hohohoho..

Anyway,i just wanted to say that i been putting up a lot of exertion lately in dedicating to clean after my trashy house,normally being lodged that way due to my little sister being a ridiculously active person and my parent kept on waltzing around the house leaving any kind of trail in their that just sounded straight awful if you thought about it clearly..but of course i ain't trying to put ashamed bewilderment into them any way,since it have been my prolonged job to served as the butler of the house,without receiving a single cent..

Participating in some other event,i been watching a lot of anime lately..speaking of that in hand,i am too very busy in downloading more and more anime as well..this enthusiasm of mine is pretty addictive,but i wouldn't mind it because by simply downloading all day,it hindered me from performing various unhealthy stunts that normal people ranging in my age would like to do these days..i am very glad for being acknowledged by God the nation known as Japan...truly is people could really trust that i am a nihongo freak..

Amount of anime i have obtained since the last year of 2011 have been quite large in number,approximately 300 series perhaps as i could remembered....not counting all of them now though because i am quite sleepy..
Of course i should at least finished this post first despite being drowsy..Hyouka,K Project,Mardock Scramble,Kotonoha no Niwa,Psycho Pass and many other is one of the numerous newer anime that i have kept in my captivation and so far none of these brilliant anime ever failed me,well none i have seen before managed to make me hate it anyway because you could say that i respected almost every anime from Japan,except Genocyber and Midori though,because they are just pure insanity..wanna know what these 2 anime are about? it...

Kotonoha no Niwa,or translated as The Garden Of Words is yet another awesome anime movie that recently were released in Japanese theater dated back in last month and somehow the blu ray version of it got leaked on the internet and i had already seen it,which driven me wild as the graphic of that movie is very beautiful unlike it's predecessor titled 5 Centimeters Per Second..i don't want to put everyone in wild goose chase so i shall explain it now...these 2 anime i mentioned are both movie and were produced by Shinkai Makoto,whom at the same time also acted as the director and animator of it...he is a very genius man,one whom you could called as the second Miyazaki,the founder of Ghibli Studio which is an another great anime studio in Japan...i really admired these people as they transcended the whole meaning of obsession with the world of otaku shall never be put to an end..

In some other interesting news,i have downloaded several anime song,vocaloid song,and also many album sang by my favorite singer Akiko Shikata....don't know about any of them? google google..
Song sang by vocaloid,particularly Miku never failed to amused me as their song is very interesting and hold so many joyful meaning,raising my proud feeling into it all...

Man..i can't talk too long for now because i am so english skill may dropped dramatically if i turned out to be sleep is such a tiring day...

Well,jan ne tomodachi...